
The Spiral Masters

Of course I followed them. I owed them my life and I was curious about these supposed "Spiral Masters", and they seem to be familiar with their unique abilities so perhaps they could teach me…

The teleporting girl, Rose, passed out from exhaustion. They removed their masks and the hooded kid, Adrian, put them in his pocket dimension or whatever. Fireboy, who introduced himself as Enzo, carried Rose in his arms.

"I don't understand," Adrian murmmerd, "It was only a few jumps. Unless Chiron had a citrine or a peridot-"

Enzo cleared his throat, "we can worry about that later, let's just get her to Diane."

Diane. My sister. It must have only been a few days but I missed her. "So where are we headed?" I inquired. My answer was being blindfolded and led down a long set of stairs. Then multiple hallways and weird turns, once even making 3 right turns. I heard a large door open and I walked in.

They took off my blindfold and I took a moment to look around. It was a large circular room about 55 feet in diameter. The room was well lit even though I saw no signs of windows or candles anywhere. It was warm and the air felt amazing to breathe. It felt like I was in a green meadow in spring, it was relaxing. The stone walls were painted a light blue and the floor was red.  In the center about 9 people sat at a round table. I bowed my head and saw my bare legs. How could I walk around in just a loincloth and a blindfold! I probably got plenty of weird looks and drew unwanted attention. I felt my cheeks heat up.

"Um. I-I'm sorry for my clothing, you see I was-"

A boy at the table held up his hand. "We wanted to check if you were truly a Spiral. Turn around. Good. Adrian, take our friend..." 

"Darke", I answered.

"Darke. To his new room and get him some clothes and bring him back. Enzo, take Rose to Diane to get healed. She's in the mess"

We turned and walked out the room and down the corridor. It was still warm and light seemed to come from nowhere. It was wide enough for a group of 9 to comfortably walk side by side. The walls were decorated with an assortment of weapons, armor, and paintings.  After a minute of turns we arrived at my room. 

"Malcolm guessed at your size, clothes in the closet. You don't need to shower just yet, we must be quick. But don't think you don't smell. Shower after." He walked out and closed the door.

The room was big about 30 feet wide and 20 feet long. The floor was covered in a light red carpet, like the color of an apple, the walls were painted gold. There was a large bed with red blankets at the back of the room. There was a nightstand with a candle and drawers. There was another table off to the left with a padded chair. Along the wall was a long bookshelf and a black couch to lounge on. On the other side there was a dresser and a door which probably led to the bath. I opened the dresser and pulled on some black leggings and a red tunic with a spiral on the back. Nice. I decided my footwear would only be the black footwraps. While I dressed I wondered if these people could be trusted. I'd heard of the Spiral Masters before. People melted from the inside, holes in walls, and even rumors of some important political people secretly funding the Spirals. But Diane is here, I had to see her. Or maybe I was unlucky and they just happened to have the same name. I opened the door. Enzo was leaning against the far wall juggling fireballs.

"Ready? Good let's go." We walked back down the hallway and up a set of stairs. I gave him a questioning look and he just smiled and walked on. After a few minutes of walking, definitely longer than before, we walked back into the room, the table gone and the Spiral Masters were standing, waiting for me. 

"Good," the one who I pegged as the leader exclaimed. "Now let me explain. We are the Spiral Masters. We are all of silver blood and hair, a spiral on our back and hands. The horrible byproduct of the Silver Plague. But I don't see us as simple mistakes. We are directly connected to the gods and we are their blessed creations." The girl next to him rolled her eyes. "The king, my father is a fool. The country is practically run by my sister and her Inquisition. I need him dead so I can take his place, and make sure Elara doesn't get in the way. Once I come into power I will put our kind at the top, where they belong, but I need fear. So the people will follow without question, so I made the Spiral Masters, to help and of our brethren and cause a bit of chaos. Also with the powers of the gods we can drive back the Nortans. I have the princess and almost queen of Ixtal already on my side. With your help I'll put all this suffering behind us and make the world peaceful again."

I stand there and listen. He wants to seize the throne and give all silvers equality and maybe even in a higher social class then everyone else. It's no lie the king is senile and all he does is throw large parties in the palace. Also an end to the war? I can agree. I've only heard rumors that the prince had gotten sick but that makes this guy Prince Darius. My sister was also here somewhere, I had to find her.

"Ok. I can see where you're coming from. What are your conditions."

Darius smiled. "You must pass a test then speak with The Spiral Masters. Pass and you'll be allowed in our little family. Then we will give you our rules and we'll all introduce ourselves." 

"Alright." I stood straight, "give me your test." Darius nodded to one of the Spirals present. A small girl about 7 years old. Only about 5 feet tall. She had skin a healthy shade of pink and waist long silver hair. She smiled at me. Her emerald eyes glowing.

"Good luck!" She called and raised her fist. A large white lion materialized 10 feet away. It's mane was a light blue with two white bolts of lightning on either side. It was about 6 feet tall on all fours. It crouched and prepared to charge me. One of the Spirals tossed me a wood sword. 

"What do I do with this!" I cried.

"I don't know" he replied, "maybe certain powers could be useful." The lion roared, getting my full attention once again. At least it had the decency to warn me. It pounced, covering the 10 feet between us. I rolled til the side and smacked it's knee with the wood. Nothing. The stone where it had landed had cracked and it rushed me again. It roared. The force blasted me 20 feet and against the wall. 

CRUNCH. It set a paw on my chest. I could feel multiple ribs break. What the actual fuck! This is bullshit. My weak ass sword did no damage and this thing is crushing me. I could feel it's sense of triumph and it was even a little sorry for me it got off and let me stand. I was heaving. I needed strength. I searched my memories. All the times Father hurt me and Diane. All the times I wanted to punch him in the face. My body began to smoke as I fed off that anger. That power. I could feel the surprise from the beast. Good. More to absorb. 

I began to charge at it. It roared again but I only slid back a foot and continued my advance. It lunged at me and sunk its teeth into my shoulder. I ignored it and gave it a hug until I began to hear the satisfying sound of bones breaking. It released its grip and I tossed it away. It flew a few feet and slid across the ground. I summoned my own sword. It was a double sided blade with a section serrated near the hilt. The blade was red and almost 3 long. There was a simple black guard and the hilt was wrapped in navy blue leather. I smiled and began to charge at the beast. I leaped up and aimed my sword at the center of it's head. Just before it connected, a yellow barrier stopped my sword. Sploosh. My entire sword arm basically exploded. It was definitely broken and it was bleeding profusely. I fell to my knees, all my strength gone. The girl ran past me and hugged her lion. She whispered in its ear and dispelled it. All their eyes were trained on me. One boy whistled.

"Not bad. We can learn the specifics of your powers later. We will now meet the Spiral Master." I stood again. No one offered help so I just dragged myself along with them down a series of hallways that were probably a waste of time to try to remember. Darius pushed open a metal door and gestured me into the dark room. I walked on and they closed the door. Lights came on, but from torches on the walls this time. Someone sat at the end of the room. Waiting.

*Cough* *wheeze* "Hello Spiral Master. I name Darke, and I would like to join your family.

The figure leaned forward. Either his face was permanently covered in shadow or he just had no face, I still couldn't see him. He chuckled "Yes I see." His voice was like a calm river. So relaxing. "It is simple, pledge yourself to the cause and you're accepted. Repeat after me."

He proceeded to go on a long rant about bringing the Spirals to their rightful place in society as those touched by the gods, keeping the Sanctuary and other secrets secret, never leave anyone behind, etc.

"Good you may go." He leaned back in his chair. I've given you access to all rooms in the Sanctuary. Diane will give you treatment. Oh dear."

I collapsed.