
battle of four?

'...' Peter Parker had always known he was different. Ever since he was a child, he was smarter, he was better at stuff that others found boring, every thought has always been clear, if he focused in something it would be done, but... he wasn't good at sports or anything physically close to athletic,

but now?...

he had possessed abilities that set him apart from everyone else.

But he had tried to keep them hidden too when they started.

to live a normal life and not draw attention to himself, like always.

However, when his friend is in danger, he couldn't stand by and do nothing.

As he stood on the deserted street road, facing off against the, so called sin of Pride.

a masked man with a katana in hand, Peter knew he had to use his powers to protect his friend.

*Dash!!* *shiing!*

As Pride lunged forward with his katana, Peter's instincts kicked in. He dodged the attack with ease, his reflexes heightened by his powers. He retaliated with a swift punch, but Pride was quick to counter, his speed matching Peter's own, getting a good distance.

"your quick I give you that, but my power focuses on speed" said the man

The two circled each other, each looking for an opening to strike.

*dash* *dash* *Shing!* *punch!*

Peter launched blows to the guy, Despite his reluctance on his powers, Peter couldn't deny the thrill of the fight.

*thump-thump-thump* The rush of adrenaline as he dodged and countered Pride's attacks.

*swing! Slash! Shing!*

The guy would use his sword to block my punches but.

*punch!* *Clang!*

he gets pushed back, But amidst the chaos of battle, is the satisfaction of landing a blow against his enemy, his sword was stronger then the other guy.

As the fight raged on, Pride was getting restless he wanted this to end, Peter's powers began to manifest in new ways almost as if his abilities went up when he passed out and there were just catching up.

He found himself moving faster, hitting harder, his webs becoming second nature to use more offensively and defensively.


As Pride launched a series of rapid strikes, Peter focused on defense, He knew he couldn't let Pride get the upper hand, but from what he's looking at, he's being more aggressive then practical, he's getting... slower.

He swings again to only cut air and my foot kicking his chest launching him a few meters away.

He senses caught two more people making him look to see a masked guy with a bow? And another with a chained blades.

the man drawing his bow shooting three arrows.

*thunk! thunk! thunk!*

Using his agility to evade the attacks he shoots web shots at the man hitting his face.

The girl throws her chained blades to make it spin attack, but with a simple maneuver and With a burst of speed, Peter closed the distance between them and delivered a punch to their gut, with that making them out the battle faster then they came in.

Pride comes back with rage looking at his so called backup.

he swung once more with speed But with a push by my hand after dodging i send Pride to a vehicle landing on his back.

*thud!* "AGH! You dare!, I'm the Demon Of Pride! God Damn it!"

But Pride was not so easily defeated. With a roar of anger, he launched himself at Peter, his katana flashing in the sunlight. Peter's heart raced with excitement as he dodged and weaved,

"Just! Die!!"

anticipating Pride's every move. And then, in a moment of clarity, he saw his opening.

With a surge of power, Peter launched himself forward, his fist connecting with Pride's jaw sending his mask away. The unmasked man now in the air, his grip on the katana gone. In a swift motion, Peter kicked him, sending him crashing to the ground. Pride looked up at him with a hint of fear, blood coming out his lip.

Peter said, his voice firm. "I may have not wanted these abilities, but I will use them to make people like you, fear"

With that, Peter stomped the guys right arm breaking it leaving Pride screaming while he punched knocking him out. As he made his way he looked on the ground seeing the bottem white mask of Pride.

'it would cause them more embarrassment and fear if I wear this'

Picking it up he hears sirens, guess they stopped holding them back.

Looking at were gwen is, he goes to only find the van empty.

"Uh gwen?"


<Meanwhile with the fight between demon pride and black hooded man>

when they were saved they used this chance to escape from the van.

"Come on! Hurry while their distracted!" Said Liz.

"yes yes I know, just hold still!" Says Felicia.

"You think there's more of them?" Says gwen

"I hope not... who's the man... he saved us from..." says Cindy while shivering from the fear of being kidnapped.

"he's one of the good guys!, like you know, like iron man and captain America!" Says mj while looking behind her seeing the brutal battle while inside the van 'I hope...'

When Felicia was done they ran to the alleys going getting away from the battle area but when they were at the second alley 5 men were looking at them.

"Told ya they would fail, but waiting here was worth while, bag em up the Maggia will love these sweet packages"

"Hahaha on it bos-" *thud!*

but before the man could respond he was crushed under someone looking at the girls and he gets up to turn around and looks at the men.

"The Maggia? I'm starting to get sick of gang names"

"but then again, I'll just need to aim for them as well"

"That's a lot of bs coming from someone that-"

not letting him finish I punch the guy straight in the stomach, grabbing him by the neck I throw him towards his bud hitting him while I shoot webbing on them, 2 out.

and shooting another guy with a web line pulling him towards me and I flipped over him also grabbing him by his leather jacket, kicking another guy in the face knocking him out, while pulling the same guy over me using him to batter the other guy towards a wall, 2 more.

the last one pulling a gun on me I grab his hand breaking but not after shooting he drops his gun.

knocking them all out.

I turn around and look at the girls. (Pic of cover)

no one is hurt, hearing more sirens i tell them.

"...um... your safer here, the cops heard the shot.... be safe, I guess..." (pic of cover)

having told them that I leave to the roofs getting out of there, I'm sure gwen knows my voice, but it doesn't matter, their safe. I'm safe. bad guys down.


<random 10 tall building minutes later>

'what a day this has been huh...'

contemplating the path he was now on.

staring at the mask of Pride in his hands, a sense of unease crept over him. Was this the right path to take?

He was no longer just Peter Parker, the quiet and unassuming high school student he's becoming more involved with being a vigilante.

He was not ready to take on the Maggia whoever that is and the inner demons whatever that is, but for now he'll just lay low but he'll be back maybe.

Peter made a silent vow to himself... whatever happens... happens.

'I got to get back at the spot I left my backpack and the spot I collapsed at'


<Meanwhile >

The five girls he had saved were in a state of shock and disbelief. Three couldn't believe what they had witnessed, the masked man single-handedly taking down their captors with ease.

The girls exchanged nervous glances after coming outside the police station and they waited for their parents to drive them home.

As they made their way back home, gwen was told Peter made it home safely finding him.


To be continued?...

if you are reading this, then I have road blocked myself, now I wait for my brain to restart, thanks for reading my version of the web shooter. until next time

Heavens_Jokercreators' thoughts