
I See You....

"I see you…." Sophie growled in a low husky voice as she slowly approached Cleo with jerky, uneven footsteps.

"Did you think that you could hide from me?"

"Can you run from a hunter?"

Sophie's right eye shone with a crimson light as she stared at the humanoid creature hidden deeply inside her girlfriend's body.

It resembled a shadowy stick figure with four dark tendrils that menacingly spread throughout Cleo's body and tightly wrapped around each of her organs.

Sophie did not know what this alien thing was but could feel an attractive core of energy in the center of its biomass.

Her vision was still split between two different worlds but the pink hue in her left eye was gradually beginning to fade.




Sophie's fangs lengthened and the blade-like appendages on her back started to move around restlessly.

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