
The Sphere of synchronization

Alex asks Kara for help to study a strange Artifact that was found in the Mariana Trench. According to preliminary data, it allows you to see the life of your double from a parallel world. Kara reluctantly agrees to the experiment and finds herself in a special relationship with Lena Luthor…

Orig4mi · TV
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Once upon a time...

"Why did you call me here?" Kara asked Alex.

It was a spacious room of an underground laboratory, where various artifacts found in the vastness of the Earth were stored. Some of them could bring humanity closer to entering the "Platinum Age" of miracles, but for the most part, these "things" carried a threat. Scientists set up various experiments and tried to get closer to the truth of "things" from day today.

"We found this sphere in the Mariana Trench at a depth of about ten thousand meters from the surface of the Pacific Ocean," Alex began to explain, pointing to the object.

It was a completely black sphere, about twenty centimeters in diameter, and it was hanging in the air a meter from the metal platform under it. The object was reliably protected from the external environment by a thick layer of tempered glass. It seemed to Kara that the sphere occasionally changed its shape as if it vibrated for a fraction of a second, or waves diverged on its surface in different directions. Maybe it was just her imagination, but there was something wrong with this thing. And then why did Alex invite her?

"Do you need my help in destroying this sphere?" Kara asked.

"No," Alex shook her head. "This object poses no threat to us."

"Then why did you put him in this protective capsule? A sly smile appeared on Kara's face.

"You see, this artifact has quite interesting, but to some extent useless properties. He reacts to certain people and tries to get in touch with them."

"And?" Kara moved closer to the safety glass to get a better look at the object.

"When the connection is established, the consciousness of the person who has come into contact with the sphere is transferred to a parallel world. There he will be able to see the life of his double," Alex hastened to explain.

"Wow, this is the first time I've seen an artifact created for entertainment," Kara was surprised.

"The problem is that we have not been able to figure out how to start and stop the projection, and the sphere always changes the parallel world."

"Have you tried looking for a remote control," Kara suggested. "Every modern TV has one."

"It's a brilliant idea, but there was nothing else on the ocean floor next to the sphere," Alex agreed with her. "So, I thought..."

"That I can help you," Kara finished the thought for her.

"That's right, maybe the sphere will react to you a little differently. You're from Krypton."

"Okay, and what do I need to do for that?"

"Just put your palm against the glass."

"Just like that?"

"The sphere will either react or remain in a passive state."

"And then what will happen?" Kara was skeptical about this idea. "Have you tried this thing yourself?"

"I tried, but I didn't get the desired effect," she said, disappointed. "It worked out for several other researchers."

"You don't trust them?"

"Kara, please help me deal with this thing. If the sphere is doing what those scientists said, then I let it stay here..."

"Okay, I'll help you figure it out," Kara finally agreed with her sister.

Kara resolutely put her palm to the glass and began to observe the behavior of the sphere. At first, nothing happened, but then the object began to pulsate and slowly approach the other side of the glass barrier. At some point, the sphere came into contact with the glass and began to burn Kara's hand with cold. Kara tried to pull her hand away, but it was in vain. The sphere pulled the palm to the surface of the glass like a magnet and did not let go of Kara. Even superhuman strength did not allow Kara to draw back her hand.

Suddenly there was a bright flash. Kara went blind for a moment and when she opened her eyes again, she was in a completely different place…


The deathly silence in the lobby of the main building of «CatCo Worldwide Media» was broken by the sounds of heels clicking on granite tiles. At such a late hour, someone was heading towards the elevator, which connects the numerous floors-offices of the company, like the main arteries in the body of a huge organism. The guards involuntarily tore their heads off the monitors to look at the violator of silence and concurrently the owner of slender legs, wrapped in black nylon and covered with a short skirt on the hips.

Kara, who had just been in the lab with her sister, somehow got transported to the buildings of «CatCo Worldwide Media». And she didn't understand anything at all, why did she need to be here and now? She also could not believe in the reality of what was happening, because everything pointed to a waking dream. Her body did not obey at all, but with a light, confident gait, in need of unknown forces, moved independently to the elevator door. When she reached her destination, Kara turned around. The guards' gazes instantly returned to the monitors, and their facial expressions assumed their usual unperturbed state. Kara chuckled to herself, but proudly shrugged her shoulders and turned to the door, resolutely pressing the button to call the elevator. She felt thoughts, feelings, and experiences arising out of nowhere in her head. Now she knew exactly what her colleagues called her: "The director's bitch", and they believed that she got the job precisely for her ability to bend at the right moment. But it was not true!

An unspoken contract was signed between Kara and the head of the company Lena Luthor. Kara had a sick sister, Alex, who needed treatment. Kara had no other relatives left, and she didn't want to lose her only sister like this when there was at least some chance of her salvation. Lena, on the other hand, wanted a special payment for Alex's treatment, since she was not interested in money at all. Kara had to make concessions and agree to everything that Luthor wanted from her.

Having climbed to the top floor and found herself near the door of the boss's office, Kara knocked lightly on the door with the doomed look of a victim.

"Come in!" a woman's voice was heard from behind the door.

Turning the handle, Kara quietly entered the lair of the Luther family. And every time she was shy in this large office, with full-length windows, from which a beautiful bird's-eye view of the city in neon lights was opened.

"Ms. Luthor, I have arrived as you wished," Kara hurried to say, stopping at the threshold of the office.

"Thank you for coming," Lena was sitting in her leather chair at her desk.

Her eyes looked up from the papers and slid an appraising glance at Kara as she entered.

"I need your services."

Kara swallowed nervously and snapped the lock on the door behind her. She already guessed why she was called, but she still looked at Lena questioningly, since she had no idea «How» she was wanted at the moment. Lena's stern gaze pointed to the corner of the room, where there was a full-length mirror in a black frame on wheels and a rack-rack for outerwear. After pausing for a while Kara went to the mirror, not forgetting to seductively move her hips and soundly hit her heels on the parquet of the office. Soon, in the reflection of the mirror, the image of a girl with blonde hair down to her shoulders appeared. A slight blush flared up on her face, which betrayed embarrassment. And it was all because of Lena. A moment later, Lena was already close to Kara, pressing her body against her and holding her shoulders with her hands. This strange look appeared in the reflection of the mirror! Lena's eyes devoured the image of Kara, or rather her breasts, covered with a white blouse and bra, whose contours were somewhat visible through the fabric of her clothes.

"I had a bad day today," Lena whispered in Kara's ear, and it didn't bode well.

Lena's hands slid towards Kara's neck and, without interrupting contact with her body, began to slide down. Palms studied every inch, every bump, every curve of Kara. The hands reached the slope of the mountains, where they had to climb to the top and then rapidly fall to the bottom. Once at the top, Lena gave free rein to her hands: her fingers spread wide and imperiously grabbed Kara's chest, but the fabric of her clothes did not allow them to fully feel the girl's flesh.

Kara could only obediently, biting her lip, wait and watch Lena's hands slide over her body in the reflection of the mirror. These touches caused responses in her body. They were weak and rather conditioned by inner thirst. Yes, for a whole week Kara patiently waited for the call, and in her heart she was afraid that Lena would forget about their agreement at some point and stop the treatment, thereby condemning Alex to certain death.

Now Lena's confident touches in the navel area have thrown firewood into the bonfire of feelings that is burning inside Kara. Then Luthor made several circular movements with her palms in the pubic area, exactly where the black short skirt was already behind the blouse. And suddenly the foreplay ended…

"Is something wrong, Lena?" Kara spoke hesitantly.

"Still, I want to do it on the table," Lena smiled and grabbed Kara by the waist with imperious hands and dragged her towards the table.

Kara headed to her destination on slightly shaky legs. Soon the papers were pushed aside and a place was prepared for the performance of the sacrament. Kara was picked up and seated on the smooth surface of the table. Lena's palms slid onto her thighs, stroking them and slightly lifting the hem of her skirt. Following her hands, Luthor's thigh, covered with the fabric of black trousers, invaded between Kara's knees, pushing them apart. A moment and the lovers' lips merged. The domineering tongue of Mrs. Luthor resolutely penetrated Kara and hastened to assert its right to possession. Moreover, Kara did not particularly resist, allowing Lena to do with her whatever she wanted, while affectionately greeting her with timid touches with the tip of her tongue.

A rush of passion clouded Kara's mind, she wanted fuller sensations, so she raised her hands and put them on Lena's shoulders, pulling them for a deeper kiss. Then she snuggled up to Lena's body, wrapping her legs around her waist and closing the ring on her back. Kara's shoes fell to the floor, making a thud on the parquet. And now the tongues have intertwined into a single whole, caressing each other hotly and furiously, like a tangle of two snakes in love. Their noisy breathing filled the office.

The blouse slipped off Kara's shoulders and fell to the floor. Lena's hands gently stroked Kara's bareback, groping for the clasp of her bra. With the help of experienced finger movements, the barrier was overcome, and now a small but beautifully shaped chest sank into the imperious palms of Luthor. Kara gasped softly from the surging sensations, starting to burn in anticipation of the continuation of caresses. And they were not long in coming. Lena's fingers gently, then roughly touched the elastic skin, stroking, squeezing, clasping her breasts. Lena, as she did not want to, but still preferred to break the contact of her lips to continue her kisses along Kara's elegant neck, go down to the collarbones, showering them with her hot breath. Kara's heart stopped for a second and began to beat again with renewed vigor. It was becoming difficult for her to breathe, and at the same time, she wanted it to last forever.

Kara shifted impatiently on the table, asking for close contact where it was wet now and so necessary. Lena's hot palms did not take long to wait, they lay on Kara's hips and, lifting the skirt almost to the waist, took hold of the edge of the tights. Stocking by stocking, they were pulled down, while Lena did not forget to cover Kara's graceful legs with her unhurried kisses. Kara almost toppled over on her back, losing her foothold. But Lena did not let her fall, grabbing her by the waist with one hand. Her other hand slowly stroked the girl's stomach, gradually sliding lower. Thin fingers pushed aside the damp fabric of the panties and touched the concentration of desire. Kara couldn't hold back the resonant moan that echoed through Luthor's office.

Lena smiled contentedly and, slightly lifting Kara with her free hand, pulled off her unnecessary underwear. Kara's hot, clammy sweat-soaked skin made contact with the cool surface of the table, sending impulses throughout her body.

Now it's time for Kara to look after her boss. Her fingers fussed over the mistress's chest, unbuttoning the buttons of her shirt, in a desire for bodily contact. Freed from her clothes, Lena snuggled up to Kara, covering her shoulders with hot kisses. Kara's breathing was out of control, and her chest was heaving and demanding attention. Lena bent down slightly and wrapped her lips around the hardened nipple while holding Kara under her back. A moan escaped from Kara's parted lips, and her hips parted wider, giving more space for touching.

Lena's fingers began to slowly caress Kara in the lower abdomen, and her mouth then sucked in, then released, then bit the nipple, touching it at the same time with the tip of her tongue. Kara breathed noisily, while her mistress's fingers repeatedly ran over her body, then covering all areas widely, then stroking only one point she liked. In a rush to get more pleasure, Kara clung to her mistress and, embracing her with her arms, pulled her closer to herself. Now an involuntary noisy exhalation escaped from Lena's lips, which showed how pleasant it was for her to be in bodily contact.

At some point, tenderness exhausted itself, giving way to animal instincts on both sides. Moaning softly from the rush of acute excitement, Lena released her nipple and joined Kara's lips. A hot, impatient tongue immediately invaded Kara's mouth, starting to caress him furiously and greedily. Kara groaned muffled.

Lena's imperious fingers slid down and finally decided to penetrate the hot vagina. They slowly began to push the wet flesh apart in different directions, studying the interior spaces, as well as trying, to catch the reaction and adjust to the right beat. Kara's ragged moan was a response to a successful penetration attempt. Lena entered the Kara, then sped up the pace, then slowed down. Kara leaned towards the movements, trying not to lose contact when Lena's fingers almost slipped out of her. Slow movements were replaced by sweeping rhythmic thrusts, which made Kara's whole body shake. Her hips moved in a set rhythm, trembling ecstatically. Lena, feeling that Kara was already starting to lack breath, freed her from her captivity, slightly pulling away and giving her more space for the air she needed now. Kara greedily began to gasp for air, closing her eyes and frantically moving her hips in unison with the hand of the mistress, bringing her to the peak of pleasure.

Their rapid breathing mixed, they were already moving as one, and soon Kara squeezed her legs together, blocking Lena's hand movements, and let out a long moan…


And again, a bright flash blinded Kara for a moment and when she opened her eyes, she returned to the underground laboratory, to the very place near the black sphere where she was. The attraction of the artifact weakened, allowing Kara to tear off her palm from the icy surface. Taking a few steps back, Kara staggered and almost fell.

"What happened?!" — Alex jumped up to her.

"Alex… Is it you?" Kara cast a fearful glance at her sister.

Fragments of the double's memories from another parallel world surfaced in Kara's head, where her beloved sister was bedridden and was on an artificial life support device. Her body was permeated with all kinds of tubes for nutrient mixtures, blood, air ducts, and other devices that allow the poor creature to stay in the world of the living. Lena promised that she would find a way to return Alex to her usual life. She gave her word!

"Yes, it's me!" the sister excitedly said, taking Kara's hand. "What happened to you? You're all white!"

"Nothing," Kara began to calm down. "It's all left in another world..."

Only the joy was short-lived. Kara remembered everything she had to go through in Lena's office. All those feelings, experiences, passion, and incredible craving for strong-willed Luthor. And it was simply impossible in her reality…

"I don't recommend that you study this artifact anymore," Kara said, gathering her thoughts.

"Is he dangerous?"

"Yes, the sphere allows you to experience the feelings of another version of yourself, but at the same time, it can push you to wrong actions. The consequences of such steps can be destructive to the very fabric of the universe and lead to the collapse of space and time," Kara said calmly.

"What?" Alex was surprised by her sister's manner of speech. "You never said anything like that!"

"Huh?" as if something clicked in Kara's head. "Did I say something? It seemed to me that I blacked out for a moment, and then… And then what happened?"

"It looks like this artifact is dangerous," Alex concluded.

"Hey, tell me, where is toilet here? I need it!" whispered Kara, feeling strange pulling pains in the lower abdomen.