
The Special Forces Wife

◆Gao Han: Over thirty, a prime example of an older bachelor. A moment ago he was fighting criminals, and the next he was back home, discovering his new wife in bed with another man. As a thirty-something bachelor, Gao Han, after smoking a whole pack of cigarettes, left home resolutely with just two words, "Divorce," and went out to drown his sorrows in drink. Waking up from a night of heavy drinking, Gao Han received news of his young wife's suicide. When he arrived at the hospital and saw the person who had just woken up in the hospital bed, he met a pair of eyes as cold as ice and sharp as a sword! ◆Ning Ruixi: Twenty-three, a seemingly delicate yet cleverly scheming young wife. Ning Ruixi didn't understand how one moment she was elated about securing a fifty-million project, and the next, she turned into a little wife who had attempted suicide by slitting her wrists! The man who claimed to be her husband was tall and straight, handsome with a stable demeanor, the very image of an ideal man. Yet, why did he look at her with such desperate sadness in his eyes? Within the anger, there was a faint sense of grievance, but, somehow, it seemed quite adorable! ◆A cold and aloof bachelor facing off with a billionaire corporation's CEO, Both strong-willed and reticent, Lifestyle pattern: Do our own things, eat together, bathe separately, sleep in separate beds. When facing a love rival, they join forces like Ultraman fighting little monsters, Love gradually heats up as they continue to fight off little monsters and level up in life! 【Scene One】: "Husband, she said you don't like me, that she is the woman you love the most." Ning Ruixi blinked, her little finger pointing at the gaudily dressed woman not far away. Gao Han frowned, glanced at his wife whose lips were pouting, and strode towards the so-called "woman he loved the most": "Miss, please stop talking nonsense in front of my wife. I wouldn't trade my delicate little wife for an old woman way past her prime." 【Scene Two】: "Xixi." Having just finished a speech at an international conference, Ning Ruixi was stopped by a refined and handsome-looking man. The man never imagined that the woman who once was timid and weak would one day shine so brightly. Recalling the past, the man was filled with regret: "Xixi, long time no see, I've missed you so much. Are you doing well?" Ning Ruixi looked at the man in front of her as if he were insane, blinked her bright eyes, and when she saw a tall figure striding towards them, she immediately smiled: "Husband, come quickly, someone is bothering your wife!" Gao Han approached, and as soon as he clearly saw the man's face, his own grew dark. Without saying a word, he threw a fierce punch: "Stay away from my wife!"

The quiet night is slightly cool · Urban
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106 Chs

Chapter 3 Wrist Cutting Suicide

Translator: 549690339


It must be said that Ning's mother is truly a master at quarreling. She starts by criticizing Gao Han personally, extending it to the entire military community, and then from Gao Han to the whole Gao Family. It's not hard to imagine that given enough time, she could probably curse the entirety of humanity and it wouldn't be impossible.

Gao Hong's face turned black in an instant, and he glared at Ning's mother, who was ranting incessantly. He walked over and slapped his son on the back, "Lost your tongue? Aren't you going to apologize to your mother?"

Gao Han stubbornly held his head high, his dark eyes wide open, refusing to apologize for his words.

In his view, apologizing now would be to admit the huge accusation Ning's mother had pinned on the military. That was something he absolutely could not accept.

"What are you quarreling about? This is a hospital. If you want to quarrel, go outside. Really, I've never seen anyone so troublesome; at your age, you still can't calm down."

The door to the operating room opened, and a doctor walked out. Hearing the commotion, he took off his mask and scolded angrily.

Being scolded in such a manner, Ning's mother subconsciously prepared to retort. But remembering that her daughter was still in the operating room, and that no one but the doctors should be offended, she swallowed her grievances and even put on a smile as she approached to inquire, "Doctor, how's my daughter? Is she alright?"

The doctor, already impatient from a two-hour surgery, detested dealing with such rude and brash women, regardless of their age: "She won't die. Who's the family member? Come with me."

"Ah? Doctor, what kind of way is that to speak?" Ning's mother was about to retort hearing the doctor's annoyed tone when...

Gao Han had witnessed his mother-in-law's tactics before and quickly changed the topic, "I'm her husband. Doctor, is there something wrong?"

The doctor looked at the tall and handsome man in front of him, exuding a strong and solemn aura, and was taken aback, clearly not expecting such an outstanding man in such a family, "Come with me."

A few minutes later, Gao Han emerged from the doctor's office, furrowing his brows, still pondering what the doctor had told him.

Even now, his mind was a mess. He could not have imagined that the woman who usually was too timid to even make eye contact with him had the courage to slash her own wrists with a blade. The various chaotic events mingled together made this special forces commander, known as the King of Hell in the military, frown.

Standing outside the ward, he looked through the glass at the scene inside.

Even though he was outdoors, he could still discern from his mother-in-law's lip movements that she continued to chatter incessantly.

After hesitating, he gritted his teeth and pushed the door open to enter.

Upon entering, the first thing he looked at was the white hospital bed.

As a soldier accustomed to constant injuries, he was most familiar with training grounds and hospitals. But now, as he looked at the small figure covered by the quilt on the bed, he truly realized the vast gap between ordinary people and soldiers. His little wife lay on the hospital bed, as frail as a kitten.

Looking at that fragile little face, to say he felt nothing would be a lie. But thinking of what she had done, Gao Han sighed with a mixture of laughter and tears.

He finally understood what it meant to provoke a shrew over a villain.

It was clear she had done something wrong, yet now, all the blame seemed to fall on him.

Was his marriage really the right choice?

Indeed, entering the ward did not change the situation of Gao Han being scolded by everyone; the only change was that the battlefield had shifted.

The people who were busy berating Gao Han did not notice that, at some point, the person who had been quietly lying in bed had slowly opened her eyes.

But those eyes were no longer timid and lifeless as before, but now they sparkled with a cold and sharp gleam, daunting like swords, making it hard for others to look directly at them.

"Shut up, it's so noisy!"

A weak yet angry rebuke came from behind the noisy crowd.

Everyone stopped talking as if struck by lightning, slowly turning their heads with disbelief in their eyes, looking toward the source of the sound.

There, on the bed, the person who had been lying quietly was now staring with a confused yet icy, sharp gaze, her delicate little face clearly expressing "impatience."

"Ah, Xiaoxi, you're awake! Finally, you've woken up; your mother was nearly scared to death. My poor Xiaoxi..."

Ning's mother was the first to react, rushing to the bedside with the speed of lightning, beginning to weep bitterly.

Ning Ruixi blinked, her gaze somewhat puzzled as she looked at the middle-aged woman weeping in agony at her bedside. However, if she was not mistaken, the woman had not shed a single tear so far, clearly faking it. Furthermore, who was she? Where was this? Xiaoxi, indeed, she used to be called that, but no one had called her that since she was twenty.

Her gaze shifted from Ning's mother to the other people standing nearby, scanning each one. There were three or four middle-aged and elderly individuals, and one... Her gaze paused on the man who stood upright with a determined face, but soon moved on... Who were these people? Why didn't she recognize any of them?

Ning Ruixi did not pay attention to the woman who was fake crying on her but was earnestly trying to recall what had happened before she fell unconscious.

After more than a month of hard work, she had finally secured a project worth fifty million. She hadn't even had time to celebrate when she saw the boyfriend she was dating lying on top of another man like a dead dog. As if that wasn't bad enough, what happened next was even worse. The next second, her car was smashed by a heavy object from a construction site nearby.

That's right, she was in a hospital, no doubt, but who were these people?

"Shut up."

Ning Ruixi, always above others, frowned instantly upon hearing the aggravating sound of fake crying, rebuking the person on her sternly.
