
You never said

"Lots of people say lies and tell the truth, some people use lies to cover their truths"

I head to the principal's office, as i was shacking. I put my hands in my jacket pocket then i feel a paper rustling in my jacket as i walk i grab the paper thats crumpled into a ball and open it. At first i was thinking this might be some formula for mathematics but at the same time there was just something in me that made me feel like i needed to open it. After my dying curiosity i finally opened it and before i could read it. I open the door to the office of the principal. I head to the counter and ask the polite girl where i should go since i was called here and she said that the room was occupied so i should either go back to my class and wait for the next call, or sit down in the lobby and wait. And of course i'd take any opportunity i had to skip english class so i sit and wait. i grab my backpack from my back and unzip it and grab my phone put on some earphones and just scroll through social media. Until i remember that crumpled paper in my pocket. I see a green trash bin and i head there to throw it. But before i threw it i opened it and checked on what it was first. And it said in a thick black marker "Don't go to the office" then it had a thin black line on the middle of the letters which looked like they were trying to erase it. But the words were still easily read. And thats when i thought, office? As in.. PRINCIPALS OFFICE?? I thought that it was just a weird coincidence but i still have that thought of how it got in my pocket so i sit back down, unzip the smallest pocket of my backpack and i find a green pouch and thats where i put the paper i found in my backpack. Just in case it might have meant something. Afterwards, still trying to process what was happening the principals door opens and i

see— wait what? My mom! What happened?!!!!.. well she looks alright. And I immediately stand up and hug my mom tightly as if to say if shes okay. So we sit inside and i wonder why I'm here so

Mrs. Herman fills me in and tells that my dad's past office was able to clear my dad's belongings and now we can claim them and right when the conversations about to finish we hear the bell ring that signs its lunch time and in other words, its 12pm already and my mom grabs me and thanks Mrs. herman for her time and we get in the car and mom tells me to wear my seatbelt since its a quite stormy day and my mom steps on the gas and were heading to the highway, a few minutes have passed so i've been wondering where was my little brother so i look at my mom and ask her where she brought Luther and my mom just looks at me and said she left him with our grandparents since little kids aren't really allowed at dads office.

*15 minutes later*

I didn't know it took this long to get to my dad's office but he never really told us where it was.. so yet again i ask my mom another question, why didn't dad ever tell us where his office was? What if he was in trouble? We would've never have known where he was. Even with my repeated questions my mom keeps her eyes on the road ignoring all the questions that pertained to dad. The inside of the car felt so quiet that you could hear the wipers of the window going up and down that i actually wished Luther was here to pass the time. So i ask my mom one more time if she knew anything about our father, my father, her husband if anything! My mom drives to a curb and slams on the brakes. She takes a deep breath and she asks "what do you want to know about Chris?"— Chris? Mom has never said dad's name like that she always said we had to respect dad and to— whatever it was too long. But you get it. So i respond "Chris?" My mom stutters and repeats "ah f-fa—t-he—r-r.. uh your dad?" I take a deep breath and i sit up straight and i ask mom whats going on..

Cristal (mom): look, im sorry i dont know who your father is right now okay? I always heard he worked at this foundation in Atlanta at this.. science test lab thing, but when i got a text it was somewhere near florida. Ugh i have no idea anymore, which is why were going there.

I stutter and everything that comes out my mouth sounds gibberish and i cant grasp the concept of dad lying like this. So i apologize to my mom and we take a deep breath and buckle our seatbelts. With the stress and confusion that theres been i dont even know how to take this in and i just stare out the window and watch as it rains, and everyone raindrop that falls to the window it just feels like its getting louder and louder..

We get down the car and we run hurriedly to the gas station due to the hard rain and the cool wind. I look up the sky and it looks as if the sun has set or its dusk. I look down my phone and amazed. Its was only 4 in the afternoon. Once we get to the office i feel like my shoes are soaking wet and once we get to head office my mom immediately turns to the boss Mr. Krio and asks what happened to her husband, Chris Foyer. And Mr. Krio says that he is busy and instead, says that my mother should know more about the guys shes marrying or aka my father. With anger i go up to him and tell him that no one can speak to my dad like that and he hesitates and laughs at the thought that i feel so powerful. After a few moments he called security and asked us to leave the building so thats what we did. We left and went straight home.