
The Sovereign of Envy

A young boy from the modern era lost his life by an accident, Suddenly waking up on a different world, His body greatly changed and turned into a young girl It seemed like there is something called 'system' on this world A world that emphasize sword and magic... He got thrown into this world by a whim of fate, with no purpose and no reason at all And with a strange new body that is able to reach greater powers... "Perhaps I should just live here normally" But amidst of all the peaceful facade lies a hidden side, "My waifu that exist on the virtual world called mirror" fufufu~~ Ahem Ahem... back to the topic... A strange power, a strange past, a dark mystery, unexplainable events, unfated encounter, and a future that is full of uncertainty Will the world change in the future? or the future will change the world ●●● This novel is one of my first creation, please be noted about the uncertain grammar quality ...and sometimes uncertain author quality but anyways enjoy... [The release date isnt fixated, I may release them at any given time and they can also be at batch than one per release, there is also a chance where theres one release for a long time] [Ps: The word count per release depend greatly on the contents]

Xylene_Ch1hata · Fantasy
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50 Chs

What am I now?

On my walk. Ive reached the waterfall, there I carefully approached it as to not fall into it or slip on the edge of the river, "hmm... it was fairly shallow..." with my height right now It can reach till my waist, i slowly peeked into the reflection

There stood a different figure, it was exactly like a doll like figure at the height of a grade schooler, I dont know my age right now yet from my assumption I was younger and on early grade school, I seem to have gotten into someone else's body as it doesnt even have a speck of my old self...

'And for the reason why I was here in the first place, It remained a mystery...'

I slowly pinched my cheek, "Aahuaw... it hurts!" and its more painful than what im supposed to feel , even when im on earth... my new body's sensitivity is kinda higher than my old dull male body from the past

It took me a few minutes just touching body parts in front of the reflection to familiarize myself on it, being remained calm at this situation just prove that I have gave up on my past dull life

"I wonder what happen on my old world, heh... It shouldn't be that bad as I knew less people even around the neighborhood"

The river where it flows remained shallow, up until the bottom to where the waterfall is, from there...it seemed that the water became deeper. The waterfall should be connected to the above cliff, and that supposed have a river that just flows above where I stayed. I assume it wasnt high enough, as the waterfall remained calm in one spot

"Fuaaah~" as I washed my hands and face with the slight cold water from the waterfall...

"As the old me has died already, and replaced by this new me, I wonder what kind of life would be waiting for me"

In my past life I was neither good at stuffs, I put efforts on what I like to do, yet for others I just left it as-is. I had no goal on my past, having kept all my problems myself, even my voice died out when I grew up

Kinda regretful however... having obtained a new life means that obtaining a second chance...

"The thing is that although I wanted to change, some habitual stuff still remained on me"

There having cleared my mind, I decided to head back to the cave

I was walking into it since it was close enough. Walking at slow pace I noticed a tall mountain on the other side of the Cave, along with a pure greenish landscape beneath it.

The cave I'm in is aparently in the middle of a large forestry, opon glancing from afar, a lot of strange rock formation can be seen. It was as if you are on Mimecraft. These strange formation in forms with plateau-like structure, some of them even being hollow on the inside. Here and there, you can see a lot of shades despite them being under the size of a hill

Upon reaching the cave entrance, I heard a rustle sound

I hurriedly turn around as I'm still anxious if I originally live here alone. Having a house at this place, at this age even if I don't know... seems really unexplainable

I stood there and lowered my head, having known only my past life, and none of the original, it wont give me enough credibility if ever I encountered a stranger

I gently and silently swept past to the bushes and hid myself. One that I've learnt on my highschool is being adept at hide and seek, although I dont play it at all, I always try to walk as silently as possible, adding my quiet self at that time, my presence gradually became thinner even on the classroom. Its funny however since I only used it to sneakily play games with my phone during class lessons

On my surprise, instead of seing an appearance of someone. What I saw there is a single small brown pig that have small tusk

"A wild boar appeared" I mutter under low voice, as I imaginine the typical BGM when encountering a bokenmon

Heh, I guess its pretty reasonable as I am currently at the forest. But for a wild boar to appear, also it seems to be an infant at that, maybe it got lost? wont the parent seek for this one?

I eagerly think of a measurement to hunt this boar as I search for something I can use as a weapon

What I got is long piece of stick thick enough with a pointed tip, as for why I chose this. The Old knowledge of me about hunting is based on the medieval era where they used spear as a weapon. I played survival games but they are useless at this issue

I've waited if the boar got someone with it while watching it settle itself munching on a set of leaves

It seems to have actually been lost...

Deeming that there are no further danger, I slowly rise up and sneak behind it

And from there, carefully observing my movements, I thrust the stick through its body

*Squiiiiiiiiiiickkk* accompanied by a small shriek, the boar slowly lost its life

Ah, I wonder why I feel refreshed... , at normal times I should have been shaking due to nervousness and shock...

And while I was thinking of such, a beep sound was heard...