
The Beginning

"Dad look, look!" young me would scream. "Yes sweetie , what is it?"

"I made this drawing for you." I raised a piece of paper with both of my hands.

"Wow, you did such a great job, come on let's go mommy is waiting for us." My dad smiled and put me on his shoulders. I showed a toothy grin at him as my reply. When we reached the car my dad fastened my seat belt.

"Dad! Go vroom vroom." I told him excited to go home. When my dad drove away from the parking lot to the road he looked at me then replied with a

" Okay okay sweetie just wait we'll be th-"

Suddenly a van hit our car and our car flipped until we hit a wall. I feel saw sick I want to vomit my body's aching good i have seat belt on. Oh no! What about dad!? Shoot!

"Dad! Dad! Dad! DDDAAAADDD!!" he can't hear me of course, this is just one of those dreams that I have. "Of course" I told myself. I couldn't do anything back, then if only... If only I wasn't such an annoying kid. I can't help but just cry over this scene over and over again. I wanna wake up but I can't. I try to move my arms but I can't. I don't wanna see it anymore! I tried to open my eyes but I just can't I tried to shout but nothing really worked minutes passed still nothing.

"Lay! LAY! LAY! Wake up" I heard someone call my name.

"LAY!" The person shook me hard until... I finally woke up.

"Haaaaaaaahhhhhh! " I grabbed my chest and tried to steadied my breathing. I looked around if I was still there... At that place.

" That was so freaking close Lay good thing there's no traffic!" Yvette shouted.

" Thanks again for waking me up. Huh huh huh huh." I continued to steady my breath.

" Here take your medicine." Yvette reached for my drawer and took my medicine bag and handed me the clomipramine. She ran to go to the kitchen and went back with a glass filled with water.

" I don't need this. " I said plainly.

" Please stop being like that, take it at least once." She said with a serious tone on her voice.

"Okay" I took and swallowed it.

"There happy." I raised my shoulder as I said it.

" Good! Now... Do you remember anything?" she asked.

"I..." the dream slowly fade away from my memory but there's one thing that I can remember.

"There's dad and... And" it came to me, iy was the crash again. My dreams shifts from the different memories that I experienced back then.I couldn't tell her. I am scared that Yve would call her again.

"I don't know what happened." I told her.

"You sure?" she asked suspicioused by my answer.

"Yeah, I'm sure of it." I reassured her.

"Okay here's your monthly allowance and I already paid the bills." she gave me an envelope with money which is my routine for years. She goes here every month nd give me allowance.

"You know I can pay it myself." I told her.

"This is the only thing I can do for you and uncle. Got it"

"Got it."

"I'll be going now and please take care of yourself. "

"Already? I thought you will stay the night. " I asked disappointed.


" I am so sorry, I have a business meetings to go to." "I 'm sorry if I can't be here with you." she frowned. Shoot! I'm being a burden again.

"Don't worry, now go on you will be late." I gave her a reassuring smile.

"Ok, see you next month?" she asked still frowning.

"K see ya' cous." I waved goodbye to her.

"Bye" then she closed the door of my room and a few seconds later I heard a bang from the main door.

"I guess I'm alone again. Oh well I'll get used to this...I hope. "