
Root beers and Pizza

Lunch came by and I am trying to find a good spot to eat. I walked around the whole school until I went up on the fifth floor. I saw a another stairs at the end of it I found a door. I opened the door and went inside. When entered it, it was actually a rooftop. It's so windy, relaxing and calming.

"Okay this is the spot." for the time in years I smiled in relief.

"So you actually know how to smile." a voice said. I looked beside me and saw Robin leaning against the balcony.

"Why... A-are you here?" I asked trying not to stumble on my words but I stumbled shoot. Why haven't I noticed him?

"I eat lunch here. The door is usually lock but I decided to let you in."

"What do you mean? Do you own this area?" I asked cause come on its fishy.

"Well technically my family own the school... So I decided I want to have my own lunch area." his lips changed into a frown but it was quickly gone.

"Well I guess I should leave."

"No, wait."I turned to look at him again to hear what he has to say.

" Since I let you in, that means you should eat your lunch here and I know you don't want attention from others. "he points out. Yeah he totally read my mind.

" But I haven't gone to the cafeteria to get food. "he mumbled something to himself and looked up to me.

" I have an idea. "he then pulled his phone out and dialed somebody. They talked for a while and he ended the call.

" There, now we wait. "he said to me.

" What was that about? "

" Just you wait. "

15 minutes later


Where did that come from I'm at the door but then Robin went to the other side of the balcny and opened a trap door. A pizza delivery guy came out of the door and was holding two boxes of pizza and a pack of soda.

" As always thanks dude." Robin fist bumped with the guy.

"Oohh you got somebody with you now eh." the guy said is referring to me. Of course who else.

"Hey don't you have another delivery?" Robin asked.

"Oh yeah right, thanks for reminding me man. See you." and just like that he went down the trap door.

"Come on let's eat we still have one hour to spare." he gave me a can of soda...wait this is not soda it's

"Root beer! Shrapnel this is my jam." it's been a long time since I had one. . A lot of people I know don't like it but I love it.

"Whew. I thought you don't like it. It's been my usual order."

"You sure have good taste." he then opened the boxes of pizza. One is plain cheese and the other is Hawaiian.

"You also have good taste in pizza!" shocked again.

"I don't understand why others don't like the pineapple!" he said as he threw his arms in the air.

"Hahahahahahahaha!" it's been a while since I had this much of fun. We just ate and drank. He made jokes and I laugh in return. I guess he's not that bad.

"I have a question." Robin said out of the blue. I chewed on my seventh pizza first before I nodded at him.

"Why did you transferred here?"

"My cousin and dad has shares in this school so I just went along with it." well not really.

"Oh okay now its your turn to ask me something?"

"Uuhhh how many years have you been here?"

"Uhm... since sixth-grade."

"That's a long time but you don't seem to have friends."

"Hey! not fair it's my turn to ask you."

"Okay, just chill."

"Do you-" then the warning bell rang.

"Ha! Save by the bell."

"You're lucky this time. Come one we'll be late for class."


"I'm shocked on how many you ate." I then slapped him at the back.

"How about you? You ate nine!"

"What? I'm a growing boy."

"Whatever." I mumbled while picking up the trash and I threw everything in the bin.

"Hey, your treat tomorrow ." he then nudged me on my side.

"Come on your the son of the school director but... yeah sure tomorrow . "

"Nice! That's what I'm talking about but your dad and cousin are like shareholders so I'm sure you can afford . "

"You got a point ." then we went to our classroom.