
Oh, hello neighbor

Once again woke up scared trying to hold my tears because I don't anyone to see it. If they know, they wouldn't understand. I calmed myself as much possible. I looked at the clock it is still 4:00 am. Whatever I do I can't sleep again. So I just stood up wore my hoodie put on my headphones play some music and went outside to jog. I jogged aroun the neighborhood and looked at my watch. It's still 4:30, how about another round. I jogged for another round then someone grabbed my arms. I then grabbed that's person's hand it's a man's hands, he has hard muscles and twist his arms back and kicked him behind the knees for him to kneel.

"Ow ow ow ow wait it's me Robin."

"Oh shoot! Sorry." I then released his arm.

"Wow you got good reaction time." he groaned in pain.

"Here let me help you." I stretched my arm towards him and he took it.

"Why did you do that?" he whispered and screamed at the same time as I pulled him up to his feet.

"Because you grabbed me and I was in shock. Obviously." I threw my arms hysterically as I said it.

"Well it's not like I'm going to do anything bad to you."

"How are you so sure of it" man". " I put an ident on the man word as I did air quotes.

" Wowwww! Why are you even here anyways? "

" I live here, obviously. "

" What! Really? "

" Yeah, speaking of which I am already here and goodbye. " I was about to walk away but then.

" Wait you live here too?"

"Wait, what do you mean too?"

We just stared at each other or more than glare than stare. Then we reached the security. He did not stop him. Then when we reached the elevator I pressed two and he pressed two too. Holy! Does that means were neighbors.


I went to my door and he went at the other way. So we just literally live beside each other. In the building there are two apartments each floor so...

"I guess hello neighbor." he said and smiled at me.

"I guess hello too." we looked at each other for a while then we went inside at the same time. Well that was awkward.