
The soul sucker

Dan was just throwing some knives to improve his knife-throwing skills but he accidentally throws them into his window a woman passed his home and got hit by the knife Dan threw and he came to grab his knife and he found the knife in a woman's dead body and something from his eyes popped up it says would you like to suck this woman soul and he pressed yes and the woman dead body vanishes into ashes.

Andika_Anindyaguna_8835 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Harvesting soul

After Dan finds out that he had a soul skill, so he planned to kill people Dan then prepares to go kill people he brings a lot of knives and a katana and he wears black he then gets out of his house and he jumps to his roof and he jumps to the next house and does that until he found a not too crowded place since he doesn't want to get caught he then holds his knife and throws it into somebody and killing +1 soul him dan then throws 5 knives at once and 2 missed + 3 total 4 and he threw 10 knives at once and 4 missed +6 total 10 souls he already ran out of knives so he was forced to use his sword/katana so he jumps down from the roof to the ground and he slashed his katana and kills another person +1 total 11 and he found a crowd that isn't too big of a crowd he then goes to the crowd and started slashing his sword +7 total 18

He then remembers that he has a summoning ability to summon the souls that they collect then says summon and there is an option for how many you would summons so he summons 5 souls and human-form souls started coming and he ordered his souls to fight all the people and then the souls started to spread around all the area and the souls killed 134 people +134 total 152 souls and then he says disappear and the souls one by one started to disappear.

And a day later a rumor started to spread of a man killing 100+ people, and Dan knows that is him then he wanted to do one more thing that is to eat a soul he then says eat souls and an option to pick how many souls you want to eat the then so he slide a little bit and he chooses 3 souls to be eaten then two souls appeared in his hands and he eats it and something popped up

You just eat three souls that means 30 more years to live