
The Soul Outlier System

The Mc is awakened in the cold brew of darkness known as death as he escapes the chains that has wrought fourth to make sure he were to never once again revive however he awakens with no memories and only his own self and power as he meets new people and monsters as he strikes down his enemies and as he struggles on the world he finds himself on with new friends and even more powerful enemies he fights for his life and those close to him as his power slowly consumes him and within him the darkness slowly keeps growing, will it consume him or will he consume it With the uncontrollable power of death and darkness at his side will he remember or will he die trying—————- (Author- hello for those who see this i hope you try a read and if you don’t like it till chapter 10 then consider giving me a few clues on how to fix it constructive criticism is always welcome and as some of you may tell I’m pretty new to writing so in the latest chapters compared to the newest, some of the writing may be different) Release rate 1 chapter at least a week due to school and other things and if I can’t get it in that week then I’ll try to make sure the next chapter is twice as long I will also be able to upload more on the weekends or days I have no work. I hope you enjoy this little hobby of mine and have fun reading Im thinking of picking this back up as it has been far too long since i made a chapter

Soul_Monarch000 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
44 Chs


Eredeti just glanced into the air from where the bolt came from for just a second until he refocused on the battle before him once more. Karter seeing an opening for a split second decided to push Eredeti while he was distracted by the lady named Shadow Walker as she never told her true name and just a alias. The time it took Karter to reach Eredeti was just a 1 second as well as he swung down his sword making Eredeti forced to dodge. Eredeti could barely dodge in time as he felt the force of the strike blow a slight wind towards his face, as a reaction Eredeti sent out another strike of death towards his opponent who reacted by once more activating his barrier however this time it was still full of crack almost to the point of shattering like Karter's. Once the crescent shape of pure darkness hit the barrier it shock violently with many more cracks appearing making Herald fear for his life which forced him to input his already low mana reserves into the shield to repair it for the sake of keeping his life. Once the barrier showed signs of repairing it was quickly put to a stop by Eredeti who charged in striking at Herald with all the strength he had forcing him to be on the defensive and forcing more mana to ensure the barrier would stay intact while his allies found a way to help him. Eredeti growing tired of this old and boring trick decided to go full out to attempt to get rid of him and finally make some progress in this fight but like last time a bolt came flying towards him which forced Eredeti to once more dodge as it was headed towards his body instead of his head which made it harder to dodge completely.

Eredeti growing even more irritated acted rashly as he swung another strike of death towards the direction of the bolt hitting nothing except the wall. This move however took a toll on Eredeti's already fatiguing body as he felt slightly dizzy after shooting out that last skill as he heard a familiar ring noise in his head.


-Fatigue has reached 50%

-Mana reserves have reached 25%

-Advised to eat and rest to recover from fatigue and mana exhaustion


Once Eredeti saw this he knew he had to end this battle quick which forced him to in turn become even more aggressive with his attacks and as if lining up Karter was once more in front of Eredeti with his wounded leg not seeming to bother him too much. Once Karter swung his mace Eredeti wasted no time and dodge it and immediately went on the offensive and swung his sword towards the mans neck however Karter knew that if Eredeti's attack connected he would be dead so he had to sacrifice a part of himself as he went to jump to the right to avoid Eredeti's attack. The instant Karter put stress into his legs he felt the burning pain coming from his shin that made his jump falter for just 1 second. Eredeti took his chance and poured mana into his sword and swung down to the right where Karter was trying to jump to. When his sword made contact it didn't slice Karters neck sadly but it still caused major damage as his arm was cleanly cut from the shoulder and with a *thump sound it fell to the ground. Karter still shocked at what just happened took a second to recognize what just happened and finally the pain hit him "AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Karter screamed in pain. Herald who was still fatigued greatly had just witnessed his friends arm be cleanly cut making him sweat even more than he was already and unfortunately for Karter the short fight that he and Eredeti had was already enough for it to travel across the room so if Herald wanted to help he had to battle his own body as well as Eredeti who in his eyes was a monster, a mountain not worth climbing.

Karter who had his arm sliced off laid on the ground grabbing his stub of an arm left and still gasping for air in pain as tears fell from his eyes. Eredeti not missing this chance walked towards Karter on the ground raising his sword preparing to end his life until one more! A bolt from the shadows strung into action as it flied towards Eredeti forcing him to dodge once more. that wasn't all as once he dodged the bolt he was welcomed to a knife in his back as Eredeti felt it hit his spine and the nerves scream in pain and send shocks through out his whole body as he felt his lower body grow incredibly weak to the point of his legs giving out and him falling to the ground. "You've finally let your guard down insolent bastard" The woman mocked in a tone that said she was the victor. Once Eredeti fell to the ground and felt the blood flowing to the grind he saw the woman's mask and all he could think of was pure hatred for her, for this rat that only knew how to hide and then... his vision went black. When Eredeti could open his eyes once more he heard noises of fighting as his vison was blurry and unsteady but when he opened them he was shocked to see himself charge towards an army of troops. This armor of troops looked abnormal not just because the intense sense of killing intent he could feel all over but because they all were wavy as if they were a mist or dust that could blow away in an instant. They were all dressed in black armor that looked intimating when Eredeti looked around as he realized he himself was also in front of his own army that clad silver armor with cyan blue with white as their color as all of them wore helmets that had a skull's mouth at the bottom.

Eredeti was confused he didn't know what was happening he didn't know why he was here or how but one thing was for certain, he would die if he were to keep going. Eredeti started to scream in his mind to stop but as if his body wasn't his own he kept running forward with amazing speed that for out matched his current speed and once the the 2 armies were close enough to clash some the enemy army turned into a pure dark mist and disappeared from sight such as their archers and some warriors who looked thin and agile. Once he witnessed this Eredeti was shocked he thought to himself 'Its just like that woman's skill' once the 2 armies clashed it was a massacre on both sides as Eredeti was mowing down enemies with magic he himself didn't know of like ice magic or a glowing blue ball that would vaporize anything it came in contact with or a bolt of lightning that shot out from his sword and danced around his enemies. Whenever a enemy would get pass the rain of magic the body Eredeti was in would execute them quickly and cleanly even when he was taking a fury of arrows he would dodge nearly perfectly or block those that he couldn't. it was almost as if he was swimming past them as Eredeti looked at his body moving like he was simply watching from afar he felt amazed but also fearful as the enemies that he face were definitely far too strong for the current him. What was even stranger though was how a weird blueish white aura would come off of those who fell from battle but he still continued to massacre the masses while dodging like nothing and when needed he would instantly overpower the person in front of him to dodge or block the volley of arrows or when necessary he would use the person in front of him as a human shield. The mass of black soldiers who wielded weird magic a few that could do a array of things like tying soldiers up with a strange black mass or fading into thin air slowly started to gain the upper hand by killing those who couldn't counter their arts and out numbering those that could. The tide of the battle seemed to be turning for the worse, that was until Eredeti started to outmaneuver the soldiers and instead started to attack thin air which would start to instantly distort and reveal a body. Once the body fell Eredeti's vision returned to darkness once more as he opened his eyes once more still staring at the woman with blurry vision and hatred still burning deep. Eredeti's eyes started to flicker orange as every ounce of his fury was pouring out releasing a strong putrid killing intent that could almost be seen making the woman jump back out of reflex. As he heard a voice say 'Finally! Now end this!'


-Skill ????? is taking affect

-Perk 1 activated all stats increased by 35%

-Perk 2 temporarily disables all fatigue and increases sense's


Eredeti's eyes turned pure black as he pushed even more mana into the wound in his spine finally being able to stand up Eredeti raised his upper body off the ground and turned to look at the woman with a cold face and eyes that screamed death. The woman seeing this shrunk back slightly as a cold sweat appeared on her back as she instinctively faded into a shadow and started to turn around to run but before she could Eredeti appeared right behind her and stabbed his sword straight through her chest. Making the woman cough blood up from her now pierced lung as Eredeti pulled out his short sword himself and raised it above his head and swung it down going straight through her back once more. She slowly fell to her knees as Eredeti slowly turned the 2 sword's out from her back making her squinch in pain however she could barely scream as she couldn't gather the air in her lungs as they both collapsed as she struggled to breath making it all the more painful and slow. Once the swords were removed from the woman's back Eredeti took a slight lick and remarked "You taste amazing! I guess it was worth it in the end" The woman looked back at Eredeti like a monster hiding in human flesh that would devour her any second now... and she wasn't wrong. As Eredeti kicked her side and made her fly away breaking a few ribs in the process as she slid on the ground Eredeti appeared in front of her once more as he grabbed her by the hair and removed her mask to see a woman looking to be in her early twenties. Eredeti looked at her now dead eyes as she already accepted her death as he retorted "Hmph! your no fun, where's your spirt to live? the will to see tomorrow?!".

The woman could only look at Eredeti with her dead eyes as she couldn't say a thing as her vison started to go black but she remembered a faint memory off in her mind far from the current her. "Please Arayal you must live! If not for yourself how about me? Please you can't be out doing things like that! Do you understand?" A woman with short red hair said to the now 12 year old girl. "Ahh why do you care?! Besides wasn't you who said that we would need to do a lot of bad things in order to survive here?!" Arayal replied. The woman could only look at Arayal with tears in her eyes and replied back "Yes but I would never know how to face myself in the mirror if you were to go before me so please.. please never be that reckless again" The woman hugged Arayal as tears fell from her face as Arayal also hugged her back and slowly started to shed a tear in her sisters arms. Jumping back to reality Arayal currently being held up by her hair looked at the man with a new sense of determination not just for herself now but for her sister that she would probably never see again after that day but she didn't care about the past at the moment as she had a problem to face now... Surviving. With tears dripping down Arayal's face and no strength left all she could do was give Eredeti a slight punch on his chest as Eredeti looked at her amused. "Well I've been proved wrong now haven't I?" Eredeti said as he let go the girl's hair as she started to cough violently and instead looked towards the man Herald who could barely stand up at this point as Eredeti thought 'Welp I would rather save the best for last' as a grin appeared on his face at the mere thought of breaking the very will she had found in herself. Once Eredeti reached Herald he looked at Eredeti in the eye as he was struggling to get up however Eredeti didn't hold anything back as he slashed at such a speed that it could barely register to the eye as Eredeti shouted "You damn bug!? Always in the way! Always the one being a decoy! That's all your good for dammit!"

Once Eredeti was done all that was left was a mess of flesh and blood while relishing this feeling he decided to grab a small bit of flesh and stuff it into his mouth "Hmm not too bad really a bit too salty and has too much fat but otherwise just fine". Once Eredeti was finished taste testing he felt a sudden hand grab his foot as he looked down it was the man who wielded a mace Karter "Oh yeah I forgot about you" Eredeti said with a genuinely surprised face "And here I thought you already left the party and died" Eredeti said. Karter looked at Eredeti with blood dripping down his mouth and a look of fury plastered all over it as he whispered something Eredeti couldn't quite catch. "Huh? what was that again? sorry I can't hear a dead man talk" Karter coughed before replying this time with a louder and more angry voice "I said go to hell you bastard!" Karter said as he spit on Eredeti's shoe "Well if anything you should blame yourself for what's about to happen really, Well if you were smart you would've taken this chance to crawl out of this shit hole or maybe a hole to crawl in and wait for someone hell you probably would've made it out to since you shouldn't be too injured well except you know the no arm thing and maybe a few broken bones" Eredeti looked at the man who was glaring bullets at him and just sighed and revealed a viscous grin "Well since you want to die so bad ill help you" Eredeti said as he started to stab downwards towards the mans back and kept stabbing until the man finally loosened his grip on Eredeti's ankle however Eredeti continued to stab to get his anger out "You damn bug! Grabbing me for such a pathetic excuse of final words! Damn you?!" Once Eredeti stopped his blood spree he heaved a sigh of relife. "woohh that took some air out of me, Hmmm? what am I forgetting? Oh yes that woman" As Eredeti looked at the woman was in a slightly different spot than before. Eredeti started to slowly walk towards her which warranted a nasty gaze from her like a lion protecting its cubs however Eredeti thought it looked more like a kitten hissing at him simply 'cute'

Once Eredeti reached her position he knelt down once more however when he went to grab her hair she jolted her head up and bit his hand as hard as possible causing it to bleed profusely which made Eredeti reflectively kick her back into the wall. "You stupid bitch!" Eredeti yelled "How dare you bite me you dog!" Eredeti said as he rushed mana into his hands as the wound slowly started to heal over as he glared at Arayal "It seems you want a dogs death as well?" Eredeti said as he bore a enraged smile "You after all caused me the most trouble! this job was supposed to be an easy in and out slaughter bandits then leave you see how easy that seems! But nooooo the stupid piece of paper just had to not mention that their was someone like you!" Eredeti said as he glared at Arayal as she glared back. Eredeti spat on the ground then walked up to Arayal and swiftly grabbed her neck and held her in the air cutting her already low oxygen even lower as he grabbed his short sword and prepared to stab her in her stomach to make it a painful death until he felt something hit his stomach instead as he looked down he saw Arayal holding her short sword that was now imbedded in his stomach. This made Eredeti pissed as he wasted no time and stabbed his own short sword in Arayal as he held her up "You fucking bitch!" Eredeti yelled as he turned his short sword slowly which made Arayal grunt in pain she decided to do the same to Eredeti which made him grit his teeth in pain as he pulled his short sword out and threw Arayal to the ground "Hah its seems I truly underestimated your will to live to think I didn't notice your short sword no longer on the ground" Arayal could only let out a small grin before her vision started to turn black truly this time as Eredeti leaned into her ear as she was slipping away "Well it was fun but now its truly over but don't worry I'll treat you well since you were the only person to have put me in such a state" Eredeti said as he let out a small grin

For anyone wondering why the hell his mentality is taking a complete 180 lets just say something in him is changing however he still has his personality and you'll find that out when i make that chapter soon

I also have a question should i go back to rewrite the old chapters? Or should i just keep making new ones?

Soul_Monarch000creators' thoughts