
The Soul Outlier System

The Mc is awakened in the cold brew of darkness known as death as he escapes the chains that has wrought fourth to make sure he were to never once again revive however he awakens with no memories and only his own self and power as he meets new people and monsters as he strikes down his enemies and as he struggles on the world he finds himself on with new friends and even more powerful enemies he fights for his life and those close to him as his power slowly consumes him and within him the darkness slowly keeps growing, will it consume him or will he consume it With the uncontrollable power of death and darkness at his side will he remember or will he die trying—————- (Author- hello for those who see this i hope you try a read and if you don’t like it till chapter 10 then consider giving me a few clues on how to fix it constructive criticism is always welcome and as some of you may tell I’m pretty new to writing so in the latest chapters compared to the newest, some of the writing may be different) Release rate 1 chapter at least a week due to school and other things and if I can’t get it in that week then I’ll try to make sure the next chapter is twice as long I will also be able to upload more on the weekends or days I have no work. I hope you enjoy this little hobby of mine and have fun reading Im thinking of picking this back up as it has been far too long since i made a chapter

Soul_Monarch000 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
44 Chs


"Huh what happened?" Eredeti asked

"What happened! what happened!? You fool do you really have no idea what was going on with you?!" Balderic said

"Calm down Balderic it's clear the boy is disoriented" Kanied said

As Eredeti went to touch something he felt dripping from his ears nose and even his eyes and when he looked at what it was he saw a dark sticky liquid and as quickly as possible he got up and ran to the bathroom and as he looked into the mirror he was shocked to see his face covered in blood as if all of the pores on his face were bleeding in agony as his face looked as swollen as a berry Eredeti then started to splash his face with cold water and once he was fully cleaned up he started to return

Balderic seeing how fast Eredeti ran to the bathroom he started to calmed down a little once he saw how Eredeti seemed to be in a more stable condition once Eredeti returned to sit down on his bed Balderic looked at Eredeti with a stern expression

"Do you truly not recall anything?" Balderic asked

'Well if I told them what happened in my dream they'll probably look at me crazy' Eredeti thought

"Calm down already man, I really have no idea what happened" Eredeti said

"*sigh* Let me explain" Kanied said

"To put it simply you were exhausting your mana reserves incredibly fast and as a result every single mana vein in your body is to the point of self destruction and if that were to happen I fear you would have quite literally imploded from the strain that was put on your body" Kanied said

"I see can you explain why such a thing happened to me?" Eredeti said

"You see! you see! why aren't you more worried you nearly died!" Balderic said

"Please tell me what would that accomplish? just losing my composure would do nothing except make the situation more difficult" Eredeti said

Although Eredeti didn't know it at first he was slowly changing not just physically but mentally as well as becoming more stern and cold slowly but surely losing his ability to truly treasure those around him and life itself all though this wouldn't truly affect him until it truly meant it

"I agree with the boy's words losing his composure would not give us an answer to the situation now would it?" Kanied said

"Hahhh fine you win but seriously we need to know why this happened in the first place, Eredeti can you tell us anything that happened before you were rendered unconscious" Balderic asked

"Well lets see I remember having a really bad headache as it only got worse I tried thinking of ways to calm it down but none of it worked until finally when I went to sit down I lost conscious" Eredeti said

"I see, it could simply be the strain put on your mind due to the mental load that's been placed on us currently but that still doesn't explain why your magic circuits were overloading themselves" Balderic said

"Indeed however I may have a theory however it is quite a private matter so may I ask you to take a short leave Balderic?" Kanied said

"Hmph fine however make it quick" Bladeric said before leaving

"My boy what truly happend" Kanied asked

"What do you mean Kanied?" Eredeti replied

"Don't play dumb! I'm not sure of it myself however something inside of you is changing although I have already sensed your mana having a dark nature it was rather calm but now it is a raging storm that refuses to quite down so don't lie to me and tell me the truth" Kanied said

As Eredeti and Kanied looked at each other their was a long dark silence as Eredeti was contemplating on what to say

"I don't know why you would refuse to tell me however all I can say is I noticed this change although very slight and almost unnoticeable to most it happened after we beat those trolls" Kanied said

'What?! since then wasn't that when I acquired that corruption skill?' Eredeti thought to himself

"Fine I was just thinking about that well I guess I should start there" Eredeti said

"Around that time we were fighting the trolls I felt a burning sensation in my chest as it slowly spread through my entire body I felt like it made me stronger yet it also made me lose sight of myself and all I could do was drown in my rage although I remember the events quite well in fact it felt like I every time remembered it, it felt like I was reliving it once again but ever since I felt the same heat slowly eating me inside almost like it wants to break out yet I still fight it" Eredeti said

"Hmmm I see now although I have heard little to no cases of such a thing their has been some cases however they were rather... uncooperative when it came to research and these few have only been people who have gained higher power either by contract to a higher being or breaking ones limit yet it does not seem that way compared to what I saw rather than gaining an immense amount of magic and strength it was instead being used up and faded to the point of immense bodily harm" Kanied said

"Do you have any clue on how or what would take that amount of mana even an ability or an inherit ability" Kanied asked

"Well one ability comes to mind however instead of using a immense amount of mana it rather passively takes an bearable amount" Eredeti said

"And? go on out with it" Kanied said

"Its self regeneration" Eredeti said

"Please as if self regeneration would cause such an anomaly the only time it would ever go into overdrive was if the user were to be fatally wounded and not recovering unless" Kanied said

"Unless what?" Eredeti said

"Unless it was activated self consciously" Kanied said

"What that makes no sense I wasn't in any danger and neither did I feel like I was in danger" Eredeti said

"It doesn't necessarily matter if you feel like your in danger the fact is that your body felt it was in danger or harmed" Kanied said

"Hmmm now that you mention it I did feel like my body was... how should I say this, getting rid of impurities" Eredeti said

"Of course! that would explain the sudden exposure of the unknown substance from your face however I have seen similar skills and bodily massages and likes of things similar however the fact your body was getting rid of all its impurities on its own means that it has somehow been affected by some outside influence" Kanied said

"Outside influence why not inside influence?" Eredeti asked

"Please if it happened naturally without anything kickstarting this abnormal-" Before Kanied finished his sentence he realized something that the boy before him was already quite abnormal and if his body naturally did this it would make more sense

"Of course! if you can resurrect why wouldn't your body be able to excrete any harmful entities and impurities" Kanied said

"My boy we must take you somewhere to further understand your powers and help you better control them however we have a mission we have to currently complete but after we had finished we shall depart immediately towards the elven kingdom where I believe I might just now the person to help us in this endeavor" Kanied said

"Hmm alright I guess that makes sense however will they really be able to help me understand and control my power" Eredeti said

"I can almost guarantee it" Kanied said with a firm tone

Being done with their conversation they called in Balderic to enter once more, once Balderic saw the two of them he noticed that they both seemed at east and not so tense as before he walked over the the both of them

"So I guess you 2 figured it out?" Balderic asked

"Indeed I believe we have" Kanied said

"*sigh* Dammit boy you scared me for a minute" Balderic said as he whacked Eredeti in the back

"Hey! come on how is it my fault" Eredeti said

"Because your to careless!" Balderic said

"How so?" Eredeti asked

"Because you just are you bastard! now stop asking so much questions and lets go get some dinner before we go to sleep tonight I'm hungry after all your screaming and crap we had to deal with" Balderic said

"Screaming? what does he mean?" Eredeti asked Kanied

"Oh yes I almost forgot you were screaming quite a lot almost as if you were in pain so when me and Balderic came to get you the instant we heard your screams and cries we went in immediately" Kanied said

"Oh sorry I guess I had a nightmare during all of that" Eredeti said as he looked away embarrassed

Sorry for not being more frequent for i have ran into the most despicable thing most authos run into writers block so please bare with me while I try to shake my head for my ides and not have short chapters like this one. Although I do have a general outlook on the story its just specific things like this chapter and some fillers in between that i struggle with so I will instead look for more inspiration to continue my story and hopefully I don't lose all hope and can continue writing and for those of you who have read this far thank you and I hope you liked it as much as I have.

Soul_Monarch000creators' thoughts