
The Sorcerer of The North (GOT/ASOIAF)

Mc is obsessed with magic in his previous life and that transfers to the new one. And he get the chance to study it, what will he do with knowledge and power will he go after the throne or will he sit in the back and watch I own nothing of the source materials other than my ocs and my plot I also don't own any of the photos the updates will be irregular but I will shoot for 1 to 2 a week

dovahkiin1_7446 · TV
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11 Chs

Magic and a visit

MAGIC!" Woden screamed excitedly.

"Yes, magic but first I must explain to you the basic types of magic and the different schools" Minerva placated

At this Woden plopped unceremoniously on the ground waiting for an explanation.

"Now to start you need to know that magic is endless and has infinite possibilities from lighting a candle to setting a whole castle on fire. But what limits humans and magical creatures is blood line. Without the right magical blood line you can't do the magic properly. Say you want to be a pyromancer or someone who uses fire magic and you are from the far north, it is unlikely that you will achieve the same proficiency as say someone from Dorne. If you have not noticed with the examples then let me explain generally the location and environment will effect the bloodline as the magic in the air is absorbed into the blood." Minerva starts

"There are several classifications of magic and the magic user. The classifications or Schools of magic are pyromancy or fire magic, cryomancy or ice magic, (many more for the elemental magics ) blood magic , using blood in sacrifice for magic, druidism or nature magic,  warging , greenseeing,  necromancy or death magic and any other types of Magick that you can think of. But what I think is the best school of magic is Hedge Magick, it all other magics combined. "

Woden started thinking and decided that if he could h should try and study as many schools as he could, even the ones that would be limited by his bloodline.

"Now to actually start we must understand where your bloodline comes from and which magics are limited for you." Minerva tries to get up, possibly to get a device or some other thing to test Woden's bloodline but is stopped by Woden himself.

"There is no need, master. I want to learn all the magic there is, no matter if I am limited or not. So, there is no need to know of my bloodline."

Minerva smiles approvingly. "Then my apprentice we shall get started with the basics."

And that is how Woden spent the next 6 months. He would wake up early in the morning maybe read a tome from the library or one from his master until breakfast was ready. Then endure the snide comments that Lady Stark would make during breakfast. Then he would sneak out of the castle to go to his master for his daily magic training and lectures.

He did find it weird how nobody didn't notice him or how they didn't notice him throughout the day. When Woden brought this up with Minerva she explained to him that she had cast 2 spells on him that make him go unnoticed and no one would question where he was when he was gone. He of course wanted to know how this worked and ask a thousand questions and asked instead of her doing it he could. And of course she did and let him because it would make good practice.

How the spells worked was that at first it would cast an illusion over Woden that would not make him invisible but make him unnoticeable. Then when someone would try to think of where he could be it would send a thought to their brain distracting them.

Of course these spells would be cost heavy if they didn't use some sort of talisman and that is what he made. He made a small necklace with a raven bone that he sacrificed for the spell to work and then tied it to the bone.

Anyway, in these 6 months he learned anything that he could get his hands on whether it was magic from Minerva or his lessons from the Maester.

That is until the day before his father and Lord Uncle were to return he had a vision in his sleep.

In the vision he saw himself standing before a great big weirwood tree. All of a sudden a little person almost looking like a child came to him and started speaking in the old tounge. Luckily he had taken it upon himself to study the language and old Valyeron as well.

-" Child of man, my name is Seed and I have brought you here to tell you the Old Gods have a mission for you."-

-"Child of the Forest, my name is Woden Stark and I accept your words of wisdom"- Woden answered in the proper manners. And it seemed to please Seed.

-"Good the Old Gods want you to restore the magic to the realm. So that they and the other Gods may help you and your fellow humans"- Seed said in a commanding voice.

-"I don't understand. What does magic have to do with the gods' influence."- Woden questioned with a pensive face and look.

-"Magic is their gateway way to this realm in that they can spread their influence. But with you humans in the south not believing in the gods or believing in gods that do not exist along with the killing anything Magic related has made it impossible for them to spread their influence that far south."- Seed explained to the dumbfounded Woden.

-" I think I understand and am willing to take this challenge and this just goes along with my initial objective of mastering all magics"- After Woden said this he woke up and got his bearings for that day.

Woden was shaken from his thoughts by the sound of horses and riders as the first of the Stark camp made it into the castle.

When he looked up he saw his Lord uncle but not his father.

Woden smiled and bowed slightly, "Welcome back Lord Stark. Winterfell is yours once more" After that some one hands him the salt and bread for the formalities sake .

Everything went as it did in the books with the small exception that Lord Stark took Woden to the side and explained his father's absence. Apparently his father had decided to take the Black for what he did not know.

Later that night Woden knocked on the lord's solar and waited for him to say enter. As he entered he spotted Lady Stark and she looked royally mad.

"My lord I have a question for you." Woden quickly said.

"What might that be, Woden" Lord Stark asked

"Are you going to have me killed"