
The Song of Power

She was scaredof his kind. Ania was scared of the fae people, of their beasts and he was the king of all of them. Even worse, he is her MATE

marisa_mars · Fantasy
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Chapter 1-The Start

Going home is everything she could dream about right now. But, thinking about the place where she lives, she isn't sure anymore if "home" is actually the right word to describe it. Eventually, she stopped overthinking and got lost in all the work she needed to finish before five o'clock. She is Ania Dobre, a baker in the big city of London. Baking was her passion, the one from where she could survive and where, she didn't need the education she never had.

When she was a kid, Ania lived in Romania, in a small city. But, when the creatures humans didn't really talked about back then, the Fae, regained power over the Earth, she "moved" here. When she was little, around the mesmerizing age of five, Ania, like any others kids her age, was told stories about the old, magic kingdom of the Fae people. They described them as a normal looking human. Well, almost normal, they were gifted with a pure beauty from the moment they first breath, and were usually taller and more stronger than an average person. Let's not forgot about the fact that they are immortal and each of them posses a special power. The powers are different, depending on the person and her abilities: some can control the elements of the nature like fire or water, others can usually do pure magic, meaning spells and incantations, and, being the most rare, transformation. Some of them poses the power of transforming themselves in anybody and anything they want.

When Ania was still just a teenager, more exactly when she was seventeen, they have came out and regained the power lost a really long time ago. There was no war. The humans didn't even think about starting one, when the chance to win against them was so low. The presidents from each country were "more than happy" to made the word a gift for them. Exactly like that, in less than a week, the Earth became, from a democratic world, where everybody can choose what to do with their lives, The Kingdom of The Fae. The King of this people, now, her king, is known to be the single one to control all types of powers. Is known to be the most powerful creature on the planet . Nobody knows how he looks, but they can only imagine his beauty, the beauty of the ruler. The humans think that he is even more fascinating than an average Fae, even more alluring and angelic.

The ruler, installed his residence in London, now the capital of the kingdom, and that was the reason why Ania moved. When the King moved in London, he needed more persons working there so he brought some humans there by a random generator. Every person on the world was given a personal code they needed to remember anytime, so they could provide for themselves food and clothes in a specific ration. Well, by this codes, Ania was chosen to came here.

Our dear Ania finally finished her cake, which was suppose to go to the palace next day, being the King's birthday. She took of her uniform and chanced in her personal clothes. An old pair of jeans that she got from a friend and a big sweater, that could fit someone four times bigger than her.

Going on the small and full street, she remember once again how much her life have changed and how now, she was just a simple human, a little person among the giants.

Tomorrow at the palace was going to be a party and every Fae needed to go for the King. The humans weren't meant to go. They didn't belong in such fancy places where they could get simply killed, drugged, or made fun of. In fact, the party was host with the purpose of finding the King's mate. An another thing special among them, is the fact that they do have a real "soulmate''. They don't just call someone their soulmate because they match with them, like humans usually do, but they are in fact perfect and made for each other. They believe it's a special connection gifted by the God of love, which name,humans don't know. Humans don't know a lot of things about the dominant race, but they know exactly what they need to survive, exactly what they were taught at the beginning: to submit, to not put questions and to work a lot. This are the only things they needed.

Fae's mates were in fact from the same bread as them. They were either another Fae or a human, but a special one. In fact, how could a powerful creature be bond with a mere, simple human. If a Fae was mated with a human, always the human had a power himself. Not one as big as his mate's one, but he did had one: maybe the human mate could be really strong, or he could hypnotize someone and, very rare, he could be a healer.

Knowing that she is not " special", Ania didn't have to bother with being someone's mate. She was safe for now, or that was what she thinks…..