
The song bird is a Pheonix

Vera Nightly was born one of the noblest ladies in the Evallian empire. She was born with wealth, beauty and immense musical talent making her a highly sought after marriage prospect. Highly doted on by her father she had the freedoms to turn all the invites down until one day a letter none could deny appeared. Red satin envelope with the golden crest of the imperial family. a proposal she couldn't refuse. no matter how much she wanted to. She married the crown prince by imperial decree. It was a lonely marriage full of hardships as she found herself locked in a golden cage, forced to entertain his highness and his guests. However ever commanded. Ten long years of this abused withered her to nothing. She died alone and miserable. Her final signs were her husband as he shamelessly draped himself in beautiful young women. "If I had the chance, I would never marry the crown prince. I would live for myself." a sultry voice called out through the cold abyss. "Make a contract with me and you shall live a life of freedom and more." "w-who are you?" She called out weakly. She flinched as a she found herself embraced in warm, strong arms. the voice breathed against her cheek. "your savior. " Reborn two years before the crown prince's proposal Vera has to find a way a secure her freedom. The answer comes from the sudden visit of reclusive Duke. Curiously she feels familiar with the man and finds herself unable to deny his proposal. "Marry me for three years, you'll never want for anything and live free as a bird. " The memories of the past flashed. The pain she suffered. the pain the prince put her family through. it was years of emotional turmoil she could not forgive. "I accept on the condition you help me with my revenge. " she didn't think he'd agree so enthusiastically. "Yes, my queen." who was he? What was his grudge with the crown prince? why did he feel so familiar?

Taylor_Lloyd · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter Three - The Stranger

Vera was so caught up in the love of her family she didn't notice Carlsworth standing patiently at the side. Carlsworth Hensel was the current family steward, the Hensel family had dutifully served the Everwyn family for many years, they were bonded by pure adoration and always showed unparalleled loyalty. Carlsworth was like a kindly grandfather, he had devoted most of his life to the Everwyn family. Even in the past he remained loyal to the end. Vera and everyone considered him part of the family, despite the love shared he always remained professional and performed his duties both with proper attitude and efficiency.

He smiled patiently before Vera's father took notice. "Yes Carl? What is it?"

Carlsworth bowed respectful. "My apologies Sir, a letter has come I believe you must read. Urgently." He opened at Vera who looked at them in intrigue.

Duke Everwyn nodded and kissed his wife lovingly and affectionately patted Vera's head before walking off to his office. Vera was very curious but Carlsworth blocked the path with a smile. Vera didn't know what was going on but she knew she wasn't getting past him.

"Carlsworth, can you do me a favor?" Vera asked trying to hide her curiosity.

The old man remained in place, his pleasant smile never fading. "Of course Lady Vera. How may this old man assist you?"

"Please send letter to Little Duchess Vivian, tell her to meet me at our cafe and to dress casually. Oh and could you prepare a, modest, carriage. I will only take two guards as well. Perhaps Nathanael and Hazel."

He nodded happily before setting off. Minnie looked at Vera with twinkling eyes. "An outing my Lady? what should I pack for you?"

Vera chuckled and patted her head "Something simple, don't forget to leave time for you to change as well. Consider it a thank you for all your hard work."

Minnie was thrilled and quickly set off to do her tasks. Vera watched with a smile before talking a detour towards her father's office. She may have missed the urgent letter but perhaps he would share it's contents of she asked. The look in Carlsworth eyes made her suspicious the letter was related to her. She tried to remain stealthy as she drew closer but Carlsworth was silent as a shadow.

"Everything is prepared young Lady, would you like snack brought to your chambers before you go?" He was clearly blocking her.

"Who is that letter from Carlsworth?" She felt a lump in her throat. it was too soon for the crown prince to seek her out but normal proposals were delivered with a candle for quick disposal. This letter felt like a wild card.

Carlsworth kept his pokerface. "Nothing to concern yourself with milady. Focus on having fun on your outing." His voice was gentle but firm.

Vera couldn't shake her suspicion but there was nothing she could do. "Yes, Carlsworth. Thank you."

As the daughter of a Grand Duke it would be difficult to experience a peaceful day in town so everyone in the family had special "casual" attire to hide their status when they went out for a breather. The Grand Duke and Duchess were far too popular but Vera had not debuted yet, this was the reason the Everwyn children were more or less hidden until their debuts.

The carriage looked plain and unassuming on the outside but the inside remained spacious and luxurious. It was quite nice to ride in a carriage with her friends. Nathanael sat beside the driver, he was a commoner knight so blending was easy for him as he dressed in a deep blue tunic with light brown trim, tan cotton pants tucked into worn brown leather boots. He wore his dagger on his hip. His shaggy shoulder length black hair was tied neatly back and jasper eyes calm but approachable. Hazel was a lower nobleman's daughter, she was regal and difficult to approach as she kept the attitude of a noble knight. She dressed in a simple white blouse and tight dark leather pants tucked carefully in her nicer leather boots. She did try to tie back her honey brown hair in a more common hair style but even in a messy braid her proud silver eyes reflected her noble blood. Minnie was just adorable, her eyes shining as she stuck her face to the window. Vera was very happy seeing everyone again. Her eyes of Truth made it hard to venture out but being locked up for so long made her realize how precious the outside world could be.

As they pulled into town Vera was taken back. How long has it been? everything seemed so much bigger and the streets were lively with people shopping and running errands. She liked watching people live their lives. Vera stopped the carriage outside a quaint gift shop. "I want to get Vivian a gift. Maybe a gift for mother to." Vera made her list seem small but as she perused the the store she found things for all her loved ones. She found a bracelet for Minnie, cufflinks for Stefan, a sword for Marcus, a fine pocket watch for her Carlsworth. The hardest to shop for were here parents and Vivian. They wanted for not and bought everything they desired. She wanted something special. She looked all around and found a gorgeous necklace for her mother and a rare stuffed dragon for Vivian, her only person left was her father. She looked carefully and found a mana stone neck lapel pin, it reminded her of her mother's eyes. As she reached for it she bumped her hand into a stranger's.

"oh! my apologies." She retracted her hand quickly and looked at the stranger. He was handsome but terrifying with cold crimson eyes and imposing aura. He was tall and from the cut off his clothes she could tell he was lean. He was noble but she could tell which family he was from.

Vera felt embarrassed when she realized she had been staring. He also looked away, "I should apologize." his voice was nice, strong but not too gruff.

"Oh no, I should have-" she looked at him again in shock. She couldn't see his inner thoughts! the number of people who were immune were limited to those with strong abilities, he wasn't royalty so he had to be one of the main families. She wasn't ready to tangle with anyone from the five families yet. "Uhm. I have to meet a friend. I-I will have to part ways now, good bye!" She sprinted away and climbed into the carriage hiding her face. She rode to the cafe in a distracted daze. She wasn't ready to face someone she could read yet but despite her fears something about him just felt, genuine. Not the fake genuine of Nikolai but a general sense of blatant honesty. Maybe she'd meet him again. The stranger with crimson eyes.