
chap 13 the truth

I walk over and pick my shield up and stores it in my ring as trey and silena run up. " You ok?" he asks i shrug " We'll find out when we rest." I say as the airport staff runs towards us " Silena do you know what they saw?" I ask to which she shakes her head " Time to lie." I creak my neck and leans on silena's shoulder " Play along." I whisper as the staff runs up " Young man do you know what you just did!" the man yells I nod " Sir what ever you saw wasn't the truth that was a demon we are exorcists we were sent to hunt these things however this one wasn't our target." I say as the staff looks confused along with trey " But young man demons aren't..." he starts but I cut him off " Real yes they are silena help me show them." I turn around and struggle to lift my shirt as silena lifts it causing the staff to gasp.

" As you see they are real but our fight is only starting." I say lowering my shirt and leaning on silena again. " Sir how can we thank you for saving the airport." I chuckle but quickly stop " ow ow it hurts to laugh, Just get us to Charlotte Douglas asap." I look at them and they nod and lead just to a small jet and help us climb on board while I feel my pen return in my pocket as I lean back in the chair and groan. " Here i bet you have some broken rips." Trey says as he hands me a canteen of nectar which tastes like coffee after taking a sip I can feel my rips mending as the pilot climbs on " Ok since you saved the airport and we are headed to the same place I'll be flying you the name is Scott just sit tight." He says before sitting down and moving the plane for take off.

" Hey Scott what is all in the news in north carolina?" I ask as we are waiting for confirmation, " Well kid miss Bradley still is trying to find her son she is even offering a $350,000 reward for anyone that brings him back, and if your like me who believe in theory Lil Zachary ran away because for her. Word through the grape vine is that she used his unbelievable archery skill to launch herself into higher standing." He say without looking over his shoulder as trey and silena look at me " What about strange things towards blue ridge ?" I ask ignoring them. He just shakes his head as we start moving " Nothing kid now looks like the three of you need some privacy." he closes the cockpit off as trey looks at me, "Do you have anything you want to say?" sighing I look out the window " I'm sure you are peiceing it together now but yes my real name is Zachary Bradley son of Tamy Bradley the country singer [ a/n: there is no country singer of this name i believe] She some how managed to gain my father's attention but Hera's to." I glance over at them to see them shocked " You mean the tamy Bradley is your mom!" Silena sqealls I lean back and nod " She is the one who left these scars."They both go quietand sit back for a few minutes before trey says " No wonder you didn't want to came back." I just nod and yawn " Take this time to rest its a 2 hour flight." I say as I take a nap.

2 hours later

" Ok lady and gentlemen we are making our desent now welcome to Charlotte Douglas international." Scott says as we start to land " Hey thanks Scott for giving us the ride." I say as we feel the wheels connect with the tarmac " No problem kid." he replies as he steers the plane to unload the moment it stops the door opens and we walk off " Be seeing you scott." I say shouldering my back and walks to the terminal. " Ok guys if I remember right this is a Hotspot for thieves." they nod as we walk through we hear people yelling "OH GOD IT'S HER!" shivering I slip behind trey and put a black jacket on and pull the hood over my face " Just walk by pretend we don't know her please!" I hiss as I walk pass the crowd counting each breath.

" Hey you in the jacket!" I freeze and don't turn around and slip my hind into silena while shaking uncontrollably. " Y-yes?" I glance back keeping my face covered " Out of everyone here you are purposely ignoring that fact that tamy Bradley is here." She says as she walks towards us while I'm praying to anyone that can get me home of this mess, " Why is that or the fact you don't know me?" she says stopping in front of us " I know who you are in fact I am one of the theory believers that you drove your own son away." I say taking a step back now if you excuse us we have something important to do."

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