
The Son Of The One Above All

Kira Silver was just an average twenty-four year old when he died due to an overdose. He was tired of living, having gone through mountains of abuse and hardships. But perhaps his self-thought end wasn't actually the end. "I am the one above all! And I shall grant you three wishes!" With new power and reason what will he now do with his next life? WARNING: THIS IS SOLELY FOR MY ENTERTAINMENT DISCLAIMER: I OWN NONE OF THE CHARACTERS OR COMPANIES OF WHAT IS WRITTEN.

RealHybrid · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs


Not dropping this fanfic at all. Busy with school and i mean lots of school. I have two test everyday from monday to friday with exams next month so dont really have time for writing at all especially when you have to read three books for just one subject. This is my way of saying I HATE SCHOOL.