

When you here of gods of Greek what comes on your mind? I know you'll think of myths and legends or fork tales of Greeks but you'd be surprised if I told you they were real and you'd think I was going banana but it's true and is a story of someone I knew ones who how do I say it I don't know if his a god or demigod am still not sure . This tale begins in the state of New York on a sinister blood moon night it was raining heavenly and thunder was rumbling as if Zeus knew himself the danger that had just entered the world.Under the sinister blood moon a child was born and the moon stood a witness of the child who held the world's fate in the palm of his hand . He was born at home his grandmother as his midwife ,"I shall name him Kona for he is my strength and my weakness ,"his mother said as she held her in her arm . The child grew up normal but something was different with him not only was he intellectually smart for his age but he never had any illness or futal injuries even when he fell or had fatal accident as he grew something that was peculiar to many except his grandmother who seemed to know what was going on with him. It was in May during the summer holidays when everything begun changing in Kona's life he was going to turn sixteen soon that day when he came home he found a strange man talking to his grandmother and his mother was in her room crying ."What's wrong mum ?Why are you crying mum?"Kona asked his mother ."Your grandmother wants you to go with him ,and leave me ."his mother spoke at her peak of melancholy."Kona come here with your mother here we want to talk with the two of you !"his grand mum called to them ."It's okay mum there must be a reason for this let's go and see what she has to say grandma is wise and she knows whats good for us all ,"Kona said, this made his mother realise how grown a man his son had become ,he had begun speaking like the man of the house ever since he had realised the absence of a father figure in his life not only did he speak but also acted like the the man of the house . In the living room his grand mother begun to speak ," I believe in you Kona and as a man it won't be had to digest what am about to tell you so listen .You've had about gods of Greek well am here to tell you that they aren't myths and you are but one of they're demihuman children and it is time to tell you the truth ,we don't know who your father is since your mother was drunk the day they met but as per now you're not safe with as so we are sending you to stay with the other demigods in the DMD phantom island there your father will reveal himself to you and you'll be safe ." All this was too much for him to take the world begun spinning and then all went blank ,the next thing he knew was that he was in some kind of flying chariot and then he blanked out again and finally when he gained his conciousness he found himself in a room covered with linen on its walls the bed he was on was made of a very soft material,he still felt alittle fuzzy,he looked around and saw a lady who was not so human as he was green and has leaves instead of hair,"How are you Kona you sure got gut I'll tell you that most new comers freak out when they see me ,ow!excuse my manners am Aphilia an nymph and your nurse ."the lady spoke all this while Kona was quite and still like a statue trying to recall what he was missing then with a sharp pain as if he had head-on collision with the memory the words of his mom before he fell fully unconscious,"Don't ever forget that I love you son....."as he remembered this a surge of emotions filled him and he bursted out like a lost two year old ,"Where's my mother ?I want my mother !"he demanded as he went out of the nursing room he shouted and the nymph went to call the man who had brought him . As he called out with rage a huge earthquake shook the island.At that point he felt so much rage that he would have eaten the whole island if he could. "Hey Kona do you remember me ?Could we talk ."the man had c

Ian_Ongode · Fantasy
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Three days later Kona had already adopted to the island something to that his new found friend Alex who had been friends with him because no one wanted to be his friend just like Kona .Kona had been tag weirdo due to the tantrums he had thrown on his fast day and Alex was not considered since he was the only son of Dionysus the god of wine so everyone saw him as the son of the drunkered.

The lessons were not so boring since Kona was a fun of history back in his old school and all that was taught was Greek history and combat ."When does a god acknowledge his son's existence?"on the fourth day Kona asked Alex during the four pm break ."During the elemental ceremony,that happens every year ,"Alex replied.

Every child stays on his god's side of the island,the island has been divided according to the twelve major gods but the top seven get the largest chunk of the island with the finest resources like small counties or villages but the unnamed children like Kona stay in Dionysus' area since he rarely has children because his usually drunk most of the time and that's why Alex is alone at the center is the HQ where the instructors and the administration is .

Just like any institution the proud skunks never miss and in the island they were the Zeuse and Hera children who saw themselves the kings and queens of the island something that made Kona fill disgusted,the Zeus son's where the ones who gave the strongest warriors.

Kona realised why it was known as the phantom island that's because it moved ,it didn't stay in one place for long and couldn't be seen by mortal eyes .The island was guarded by a golden dragon and a dome that did not allow anyone who was not a demigod or with authorization from the gods enter the island.

On the sixth day there a new child of the gods was brought in she was a young lady who caught Kona's eye when she arrived ,she was one of the most beautiful girls Kona had ever seen and was also the calmest since she didn't seem scared infact she looked at the island as if it was a familiar place somewhere she had been before .

That evening Kona was the first to introduce himself to her when they went to the village of Dionysus,"Hey am Kona and his Alex a friend of mine welcome to the village of Dionysus,"he said feeling butterflies overflowing his digestive trunk."Thank you ,am Claire nice to meet you ."she said with a really calm and self acknowledged voice that made Kona's feet wabble with fear a feeling that was new to him .

Claire's calm and humble nature made her attractive she did not speak to any one rudely and defended Kona when the others called him wierdo something that made Kona feel a spark when she was near him .Her piercing scarlet gaze and her unwavered staunted frame made even the most courageous of men dumbfounded. Her curve that was too prominent for her age made every boy look like he had run a mock and every lady jealous even for the daughters of Aphrodite.

It's was on a cloudy Wednesday Kona and Alex were seated onthe secondary landing post as Claire who had been fond of them was explaining the previous lesson which .ost of them had not comprehended as he was explaining Kona felt a tingle in his heart and without his consent his head turned as if being controlled and there and then he saw her ,a lady who was alighting from a chariot in the primary land post and as if they were twins they found each other eye to eye and time seemed to freez as the two strangers looked into each others eyes and Kona felt a familiarity to her aura .

The stare contest was interfered by Claire who snapped at him for not listening and then continued .

That evening she came into the Dionysus village every one kept staring at her as her presence filled the area with pressure,her beauty was a wonder of the age although Kona had never seen Aphrodite but he knew she was jealous as she was nothing compared to this young lady although she was the goddess of beauty .

This time his legs couldn't let him even move close to her and for a day or two he was a distant stalker ."Hey I've noticed you've been watching me from afar what's your name am Cleoptile ,"she found him unprepared on her fifth day there .Kona was so dumbfounded like a kid for a minute he couldn't speak the with great strain and mastering of great strength he managed to speak,"sorry for that am Kona and about that I thought I knew you from my previous school but I see I was wrong deepest apologies madam."With that he left never to stalk her again but that small conversation created a spark in Cleoptile's heart she had never felt before and made her curious to want to know who he was and why him .

Days passed and Kona tried to avoid come close to her due to the shame and guilt that nagged him ,but as if the gates we're conspiring against him he found himself in the same group with her they were to be in groups of five so there's consisted of him ,Alex ,Claire and Cleoptile till the day the end training then they would be placed into their eternal squadrons where they would be till they die .

"Hi am Claire ,"Claire was the first to introduce herself in the group,"his Alex and he Kona .""Am Cleoptile but you can all call me Cleo ,"Cleoptile introduce herself ,"And am John ,"the other boy also introduced himself since it was a group of five .

"Okay guys those groups your in will be your groups till you graduate and points will be given according to those groups not individual so learn to cooperate with your team ,any questions...,okay since there are none you may go to the next class ,"the overall patron Ms Ann said then everyone dispersed .Ann was a nymph of flames .