
The Son Of Madara Uchiha

The greatest shinobi to ever live. The God Of Shinobi. The World Guardian. The Tailed Beast Tamer. The Black Reaper. Demon Of Red Eyes. All titles given to one person, Izuryu Tsukisumi. Yet hidden behind all that power and knowledge was a man who had come from a place where he had seen all that would happen decades in the future. He had three wishes that he could fulfill, yet he choose to be the son of The Ghost Of The Uchiha. The Son Of Madara Uchiha.

Wushu_Drunken_Hobo · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 10

A/N: I'm very sorry for the short chapter. I've got a really bad cold and can barely do anything. In-fact I didn't even want to write this chapter but considering the fact that I already owe you people an extra chapter, I wrote a short one. This may have a few grammatical errors cause i can't focus very well. <3

"Hey, Izuryu!"

Katomo waved his hand as he patted Izuryu's shoulder.

"What…" Izuryu asked groggily.

He opened his eyes with slight sleepiness, yet slight of Katomo's face so near to his made him jump up in shock, bumping his head with Katomo's.



Izuryu fell from his bed to the floor with the force of the impact while Katomo fell down the balcony to the tree below, creating crashing sounds.

"That bastard…"

Izuryu rubbed his head as his sleepiness had already been wiped away.

He looked out the window to a Katomo who had his clothes stuck on the tree in their backyard.

Izuryu shook his head and walked down the stairs, Teuchi was cooking breakfast in the kitchen.

"What was the crash just now?"

Izuryu rubbed his forehead and said with annoyance in his voice.

"It's my friend who came through the window."

Teuchi showed an expression of utter surprise as he spoke.

"You have a friend?!"

Izuryu felt even more annoyed and shook his head.

Izuryu walked towards the entrance to the backyard and made a stick from earth.

He walked towards the tree Katomo was stuck on, smacking his a few times.

"Ouch that hurts! What the hell are you doing?"

Katomo shouted from the tree.

"Trying to get your butt down from the tree, you dumbass!"

Izuryu shouted back.

"I can do that by myself!"

Katomo's reply came from the tree as he jumped back from the tree as though he was never stuck there in the first place.

"How the hell did you that?"

Izuryu asked with slight curiosity.

"Hehehe, It's just a little trick of mine."

Katomo replied back with his chin lifted up in pride.

Izuryu felt annoyed at Katomo's expression.

'This bastard, he dared to act smug in front him?"

While Katomo was reveling in his pride, Izuryu sweeped his leg from within Katomo's making him fall to the ground.

Izuryu put his foot on Katomo's chest as he smirked.

"Heh, your 'little trick' didn't save you, did it now?"

Katomo's face flushed up in embarrassment.

He tried his best to stand up but to his avail, Izuryu's foot was like a immovable boulder that stopped him in his tracks.

"Say that I'm the greatest and I'll let you go."

Izuryu spoke with a devilish smile on his face.

Katomo on the other hand flushed in rage and embarrassment as he struggled out the words out of his mouth.

"Izuryu... is the... greatest..."

"WHAAT? I can't hear you, say it louder!"

"Izuryu is the greatest..."


"Izuryu is the greatest!"



"Good dog!"

Just as Katomo stood up, he heard Izuryu's words.

"You bastard!"

Katomo swung his fists towards Izuryu as he dodged it easily.

"Heh! You fell for it!"

Katomo also sweeped his leg and made Izuryu fall.

He put his leg on Izuryu's chest as he smirked.

"Say I'm the greatest and I'll let you go!"

Izuryu arched his eyebrows up as he smirked.

This kid, wasn't getting too cocky?

He enveloped his right hand in chakra and grabbed Katomo's leg as he lifted it off easily, making Katomo lose balance.

Izuryu lifted the ground to the point that Katomo was upside down, flaying his upper body around.

"You wanted to make me say what?"

Izuryu asked as he moved Katomo around by sometimes steering Katomo's leg towards the right and sometimes towards the left

Izuryu let go of Katomo's leg as he fell to the ground with a 'Thud!'

Katomo had fallen flat on the ground, making him more embarrassed than ever.

"Say it again or else I'll hang you up again."

"W, Wha-t… I, Izuryu's the greatest…"

"Say it with pride. I can hear you mumbling."

"Izuryu's the greatest! The greatest shinobi of all times! The greatest amongst the greatest! That's Izuryu!"

"Haha! I'm the greatest amongst the greatest! A true God amongst men!"

Teuchi smiled as he saw how competitive his son was, izuryu also smiled as he slapped Katomo's shoulders after hearing such words of praise.

"Let's go inside."

Izuryu and Katomo entered Izuryu's home as they saw Teuchi placing three plates on the table.

Izuryu naturally sat on his chair then looked at Katomo who was awkwardly standing.

"Why the hell are you standing like a log? Sit down and eat!"

"This is for me?!"

Katomo asked in surprise.

"No, it's for the next-door ghost auntie who visits our home. Of course, it's for you."

Katomo sat down and started eating, talking with Teuchi while bickering with Izuryu at the same time.


After eating, the two walked to the park, where the two sat on the swings.

"So, why did you visit me?"

"I want you to be partner in order to complete a B-rank mission."

Katomo looked at Izuryu who simply raised his eyebrows and asked:

"Aren't you still in the Academy?"

Katomo was surprised as he replied to Izuryu with a question of his own.

"Aren't you surprised that I'm going to be taking a B-rank mission?"

Izuryu secretly mumbled to himself, 'I've done missions way higher in difficulty so no…'

"Well, I just don't care, but what I do care is why someone like you wants to do a B-rank mission."

Katomo had a firm expression on his face as he spoke with an answer that surprised Izuryu greatly.

"Tsunade nee-chan has been guarding the border of Konoha and Amegakure for many months now. Even though Jiraiya and Orochimaru-sama take turns alongside her, I'm still worried."

"You want to visit Tsunade?!"

Izuryu stood up in shock. He was surprised that the reason Katomo wanted to accept a B-rank mission was to check if Tsunade was safe or not.

A hardcore sis-con!

"Hm- but isn't Tsunade-sama one of the strongest of Konoha shinobi? After all, she was the disciple of Hokage-sama alongside Jiraiya-san and Orochimaru-sama? And of which, why does a genin like you have to be worried about her?"


Katomo showed a hesitant expression but eventually answered the question.

"Well… she's, my older sister."

The sound of the swing moving forward and backward echoed in the park. Katomo looked at Izuryu's face. But to his surprise, Izuryu neither had a shocked expression or a shocked one.

"Why aren't you shocked?"

Izuryu nonchalantly spoke.

"You see, a certain someone brazenly called the Senju Princess, 'Nee-chan'. And I'm pretty god-damn sure, no Senju other than her own brother would dare call Tsunade as 'Nee-chan'."

Katomo realized he had had a slip of his tongue. He felt embarrassed as he awkwardly tried laughing it off.

"Well since I know the reason, what will the mission's objective be?"

"What do you mean?"

Katomo asked, confused.

Izuryu rolled his eyes and replied.

"There needs to be an objective of this mission in order for it classified as a B-rank mission. After all, 'A sis-con wanting to visit his sister' can't be classified as a B-rank mission now, can it?"

"I see… I don't know!"

Katomo said with a Eureka! Expression, yet all he got was a smack on the head by Izuryu.

"What do you think would be the mission objective then?"

Izuryu had a thoughtful expression as he answered.

"Seeing the fact that she's at the border, it'll probably be something like bringing information from there back to the village or to bring living supplies for the border troops."


"It would have been a little hard for any normal shinobi to convince the Hokage to give them this mission, but considering that fact that you're practically a Senju Prince, you'll probably get it pretty easily."

"I see! I'll go and visit Grandpa Hiruzen real-quick! I'm sure he'd-"

"BUT! There's a problem."

Katomo froze in his place as he urged Izuryu to continue.