
Tanaka’ beginning

Master, master please get up. Bro said young master Tanaka to the maid who was pestering him, get out of my room NOW!. Tanaka's yelling was something that had happened so often to the point where everyone just ignored it, Bu..but master it's time for breakfast. Can I ask you something Tanaka said as he stared directly into the maids eyes. Yes of course master, ok then when you came in this room I was sleep perfectly enjoying my sleep, ain't that right he said. Y..es master she said beginning to feel nervous because he kept moving his face closer and closer to hers. So if I was sleep wouldn't that make more since to just leave me sleep and go about your day, cause if I was so worried about breakfast trust and believe I would have got up to eat but I didn't so use some mufakan common since before I fire you cause ain't nobody told you to come up in this room and wake me up you just doing to much now like I said get the fuck out so I can continue my sleep. She forced a smile, yes of course master she said as she clinched her teeth in frustration. I don't know why you getting an attitude because you chose to come in here and wake me up. Without checking to see if she left are not he went right back to sleep dreading the day before he even got up to start it. Tanaka woke up a couple ours later and proceeded to go get himself something to eat, can somebody please get me something to eat he said out loud. There was no one in sight but he knew that if he called one of the maids would answer. U...hh yes master said a young girl about his age, who is she ? He asked himself. She was beautiful, she had silky brown skin, light brown eyes and a nicely shaped body.