1 Another Day at School

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep* The obnoxious sound of John's alarm could be heard from all the way down the hall upstairs. Since he hadn't yet turned it off his parents hollered at him to get up and turn it off so it would stop it's annoying beeping.

This wasn't John's usual way of waking up, in fact he usually was quite the light sleeper. Unfortunately today was the second day of Finals and he had spent all last night cramming for math. Although John only started studying the day before the test, it wouldn't be fair to call him a bad student. In fact his grades were all A's. It just so happens that he would fall under the category of really smart students who have a bad habit of procrastinating. Of course he didn't tell his parents what he had been up to last night in order to not get scolded so his parents thought he was just being lazy.

After turning off the alarm, getting dressed, and getting washed up, John headed downstairs to get his breakfast. John's family was kind of weird, or more accurately very time efficient. This meant that instead of eating breakfast at home, they would just bring whatever they would eat on the go for work or for school. After picking up a granola bar and getting wished good luck from his family, John headed off to the bus stop.

Along the way he met his good friends Nate and Owen and they talked and waited for the bus to come pick them up. After arriving at school he went straight to his 5th period Band class. During finals week from Monday through Thursday at John's school each day would have 2 classes that day and they would take the finals for those classes during the day. Today happened to be John's Band and Math classes, his easiest and hardest classes respectively. It wasn't that math was hard for him, it was more that, that was the class which required, no demanded the most effort to maintain his grade.

Band went smoothly, as the written final only took him around 30 minutes since it was just basic music theory questions. Joy spent the rest of the time reviewing material for his math final. The bell rang and off John went to Mrs. Becker's class. He sat down in his seat and after Mrs. Becker explained the tests she started to pass them out. As she reached the fourth row of desks, a blue looking glob appeared in the middle of the classroom with a large whooshing sound.

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