
The Sole Supplicants Reader

Reality and fiction had began to merge, the secrets of this new world are horrific to those that don't know it and dangerous to those that do. The wheels of history are churning, the secrets are slowly laid bare, but for Zhou wei, this secrets were something he had already read. a world of Demi-gods, Supplicants, mystical creatures and powers, scenerio's and divine gods. follow along Zhou as he explores that world made anew.

Celestialdoor · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Fate assurer

Zhou stared intently at the man who seemed to care not of his presence. Not that Zhou wanted it anyway.

He was the protagonist of Supplicants overview, and also a transmigrator who originally came from earth.

_yikes this is not going to go well. His a transmigrator from earth, but the problem is that earth in the novel is equally not real, meaning his a transmigrator of a nonexistent earth... This is giving me a headache, couldn't the writer just made him a plain person_ Zhou silently lampooned.

_i had thought about the possibility of characters in overview existing in reality, but having to meet this guy is absolutely not good. His at bare minimum a third tier Supplicant and equally from a tricky branch. It is absolutely impossible for me to do anything against him, might as well bend over and get it over it_

The man glanced at Zhou, his gaze cold as ice, his lips parted and an ancient sounding voice resonated.

"You, who are you?"

Zhou trembled slightly, but not from fear of the protagonist, but as a consequence of the Supplicant power infused voice of the male.

He belonged to a branch that enabled the manipulation of a myriad of things, their voice was one of it.

"You, who are you? And how did you not get pulled into the scenerio?"

The protagonist of Supplicants overview, a character that fought with divinity and enslaved demi-gods, was now standing before zhou- his gaze like that of a predator ready to pounce and attack..

"What is your name?"

"What?" Zhou asked while consequently snapping out from his thoughts.

"I asked what is your name?"

Zhou stared for a moment, before slowly answering,

"Zhou wei."

Lucien paused for a moment before asking once again, his voice still booming like lightning, "Is this place earth?"

_pal, it is earth, but not yours. Well not like yours exists in the first place, perhaps it does,but not in this reality. can't your detective brain figure that out?_ Zhou lampooned silently, while carefully maintaining his expressions. After all, before him was a detective based character, who coupled with the power of his speciality was basically a mind reader.

"Uhm, yes. It is earth" Zhou answered truthfully.

Lucien seemed taken aback as he softly muttered in a barely uldible tone,

"So I made it back? I really made it back to earth. But at the cost of this world experiencing an influx of specialities... " He paused, before softly saying, "This is all my fault,"

Zhou even though was a few meters away from Lucien, could still clearly hear him, and as a result was feeling pity for the protagonist.

_aww, his sad. But his pride is unmatched, look at him going about saying the world got like this because of him_

"Maybe I can save it? It hadn't gotten as bad as the previous world" Lucien softly muttered, his voice portraying a rekindled hope.

_i wonder what conclusion he would come up with, probably something that leans towards the path of madness_

"Yes" Lucien exclaimed, his sharp edged eyes having a strange glint in them, "I can protect the world by killing off all Supplicants, as such no body will acquire power and mysticism won't advance"

_yeap, as I said... It will most likely lean towards madness_ Zhou lampooned.

_but at least it isn't his fault, his just suffering the loss of his humanity_

According to the novel, Lucien was unable to fully accommodate his speciality and as such had slowly grown cold, and would subconsciously make decisions which in all mindset would be considered mad.

Lucien glanced at Zhou when suddenly his eyes flickered gray, but that only lasted a moment as they returned to their usual color,

"Your not a Supplicant, but that doesn't explain why you didn't get pulled into the scenerio"

_and that was one of the reasons I refrained from taking the speciality. I can't have you killing me over something like that, since it isn't really my fault you have a slight hatred for Supplicants_

Zhou tilted his head and adopted a confused expression, obviously he made sure to make it as genuine as possible - as to not be quickly caught by Lucien.

In a slow anxious voice he answered, "I don't really know what you mean, But if your talking about what happened to everyone, then I don't really know. I just saw the sky darken and held my cross tightly"

Lucien knit his brows as his eyes narrowed, In a pious tone he said, "Praise the shepherd!"

Zhou stared blankly at Lucien, who looked strange with his sudden outburst.

A smile curled up on Lucien's face as he heaved a deep sigh, "That is very fortunate. I would have had to kill you if you belonged to the Numerous Rose disciples"

Zhou rubbed his head as he softly said, "ahm, I don't know what that is"

Lucien chuckled softly before using his hands to place over his lips, causing his words to sound a bit muffled,

"You don't need to know, just stay and don't involve yourself with anything untill I can restore the world. If not, I will have to kill you then. But you must understand, this is not a threat but a suggestion"

_you could have fooled me, who says do this or die as a suggestion. And what was with that sudden outburst,

_praise the shepherd, you just said that to see if I would have responded. If I did, will that suggestion of yours still be just a suggestion _ Zhou critically lampooned, while his face remained blank and almost anxious looking.

Lucien looked around the store before a soft sigh escaped his lips,

"It's good to be home" he said softly.

Suddenly his body grew transparent, before completely vanishing from sight.

Zhou on the other hand stood rooted on the ground, before after a while a deep sigh of relief escaped his lips.

_the door power... yet another ability he has access to....I really don't understand how he isn't an overpowered character._ zhou lampooned while gently rubbing his temples, _Well at least it all went well and he left me be, which is good._

With that Zhou arranged his bag and quickly approached the stores door, his hurriedness connected to the fact that time was 4:34 pm. And He knew the consequence that would happen if he was to stay out till 5 or 6.

Opening the glass door, Zhou left the store.

_now I think of it, his branch was called the Secrets Pandora.. they are indepth in reading expressions, freeing controlling a myriad of things, and also capable of using the door ability, and among many other things_

_sigh. That isn't even the top ten most awesome branches in the novel, yet he makes it seem so overpowered. Damn fucking plot armor!_ Zhou lampooned.


Returning back to the wall of gray fog which housed shadows moving within itself. Zhou began to have second thoughts on stepping into the gray concealment,

_It won't just pull me into concealment world right? I will every much likely die of that happens..

Zhou paused before taking a deep breath,

_well here goes nothing _

Zhou steeled himself, as his silhouette passed through the gray fog.

He felt as if he had walked pass a cold body of water,his nerves tensed from the coldness within it.

After a while, Zhou's figure emerged from the other side, his visage still faintly obscured by the gray fog.

Dusting off his body, Zhou turned back and glanced at the gray wall of fog.

In a low whispery voice, he muttered,

"I thought the gray fog would not appear on this side, but it did. Which means it most likely formed after I left the apartment. If so, it's almost certainly caused by a sentient being. Either a holy weaponry, or an actual Supplicant with the corresponding concealment powers. But a holy weaponry will almost certainly not be here, as there isn't yet the corresponding organization that will get it as a divine response.

"Which means there is almost certainly a Supplicant around here!"

Zhou paused, his eyes glancing around his surroundings - his fear inherent on that fact that concealment Supplicants usually had tracking abilities coupled within.

_i can't have myself in the mercies of some Supplicant who might for some reason have Chūnibyō syndrome...I know I would_

Entering into the dark brown three story building, Zhou made his way into his apartment.

Opening his door which creaked in protest, his room was screened by the now usual crimson shade and on the middle of the rather small room was a round black object with holes that seemed to drill to it's center.

Zhou breathed in, and walked into his room, but not before locking his raven black door.

Returning to his bed, he opened up his bag and emptied it's content on the bed.

He suddenly muttered softly as he shook his head, "I can't trust anyone in a world like this, so it's better I give myself some extra layer of protection against certain things."

Zhou was concerned about the possibility that a Supplicant was currently spying on him. Even as a knowledgeable person due to the novel, he would still be unable to detect if someone or something was spying.

After taking a relaxing breath, Zhou took of his shoes , he then walked and sat on the side of the bed, before softly saying,

"I have to prepare the ingredients for a Fate assurer spell!"