
The soldier died and reincarnated to be exiled noble on fantasy world

After he born from this world Frandam Kagef has received bully from his brother and his sister because of his skill after that his father begin banish him to remote area unknown to them the person is no Frandam Kagef but Silas Masaro the person died on battlefield he reincarnated to the weak body of Frandam Kagef.

cielfathan · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 2 Réveillez-vous dans un autre monde et en colère contre le roi

"Hahh.....Hahh...." "where am i" said me while look around and then realize that i am in the room filled with furniture while i look around i can see this is morning time.

i began to wake up from the bed and go to the mirror while i look it there a handsome man and when i pinch my face.

"ce que le" when i look this is me but who is this face and body when i look again i begin to notice that this is me.


when i look around to the door i can see the woman who apperance like maid from Paris.

when i look at her is make me blush by his beautiful.

"Master is time your dinner time please meet your father" said the maid.

i nod and go to the wardrobe and then began to look at the clothes there many color of the clothes and i can see the clothes that like trenches coat of England and then i interested in this clothes.

i began to put my trench coat.

"master this may be rude why you using trench coat while this is no winter, this is summer season" said the maid

" i wan to be stylish" answer me.

Maid nod and doesn't talk to me while i began to put my coat.

after i finish put my coat maid began and then i remember i don't know where the dining room.

"where the dining room, i forgot about it" said me for reason i don't know where the dining room since i was wake up on this body.

the maid understood and give signal to follow him.

as maid we walk i can see many painting and then see a painting about a family i assume this is my family as i know about the body and shape of head.

"Anu master your father have been waiting if he wait so long he will angry on me"

i nod while aware about the situation and began following the maid again,after maid stop on door the door itself large like i see on Versailles, the maid began to open the door and enter into.

"My league i have bring your son Frandam Kagef" said the maid.

the king who talk to two individual look at the maid while glance at me, i can fell his disgusting toward me.

"Sit while i talk to the my first son and the advisor!!" order him.

i began to sit while look around i can fell that my name sound disgusting around the people.

as i wait the king talking but i don't know since it was far from my sit, i have felling that it will complicated for me.

i see that many people look at me with disgusting hell even the 2 woman on the front of me.

after the situation i decide to leave with my food.

the whole room sees me look like shock.

"where are you going?" said the king.

"i will eat in my room" said me.

"No, i order you to eat in this room"

and then my patient have been click, my food plaque is there is a steak, i began to drop on the floor.

my action is making shock on the whole room, which is watch by all people in the castle.

"what are you doing do you know what is cost to this food" said the king (father).

and then my patient is have been out and then i go to the king, the distance now is almost close we face each other and then i began throw plaque on the wall.

the situation is tense because of what happen.

"I don't give a shit even if you are my father or king even god i doesn't afraid you call your self a king but you don't know to become father, and then what huh you put me in jail or whipping me or what huh...!!!" said me while yelling at him.

i can see the king want to punch me, i began to dodge and began using my technique in Legionaire, i began to kick him using style Chasse Frontal.

the king (father) fell from the my kick.

Many people shock about what happen after I kick him.

"Guard….Guard…" said the king

the guard arrive on the scene.

The total of the guard is 10 people who heard the king screaming and arrive on the scene.

"bought this bastard out of my sight, put him in the prison" said the king

"yes sir" said the guard.

two guard begin to grab my two arm with great force they hold my arm, I could just crack their head and then punch them but I don't want the scene itself is funny enough for me.

I begin to swear a lot at them even calling them whore to the woman as my acting, since I remember this new body they have been bullied this body person, which is his name now is Frandam Kagef, but unknown to them my name now not Frandem Kagd but Silas Masaro.