
Chapter Four

Four years later,

I am now in my villa, a beautiful and spacious home overlooking the ocean. It took a lot of hard work and determination, but I made it on my own. My life is no longer falling apart, but instead, it's finally coming together. I have a successful career, wonderful friends, and this beautiful sanctuary that I call home. Looking back on everything that has happened, I realize that sometimes the hardest journeys lead to the most beautiful destinations.

However, there is still one thing missing in my life – the baby that I lost. It still hurts to think about it, and I wonder what could have been. But I know that I have to let go and move forward, just like I did with everything else.

I learned that I had a father, and it filled a void that I didn't even know existed. It was like a missing piece of the puzzle had finally been found. I was relieved to have an explanation for why my mother had always been so distant and guarded about her past. Meeting my father wasn't easy, but it was worth it to finally have closure and understanding. It made me realize how much our family history can impact who we are and how we view the world. Despite everything, I am grateful for this newfound knowledge and the opportunity to connect with a part of my identity that was previously unknown to me.

Over the years, my personality has undergone a significant transformation. I have grown and evolved in ways that I never thought possible. Looking back, I realize that this change was necessary for me to become the person that I am today. While it was challenging at times, I am grateful for the journey and all the lessons it taught me. As I continue to move forward, I know that there will be more challenges and opportunities for growth. But with each step, I become more confident in who I am and what I stand for.

One of the ways that I have grown is through my practice of martial arts. Learning this discipline has taught me not only physical strength and self-defense but also mental focus and discipline. It has helped me to stay centered in difficult situations and to approach challenges with a clear mind and a steady hand.

My welcome celebration is tonight. Because I am the new CEO of my father's company, all businesspeople and their families are invited.

I ate my lips till they bled; I cut my nails to make both hands look twisted; my feet became weary of shaking so much; and a strand of hair coiled up on my finger, which I cut into small pieces. Despite this, my anxiety has not diminished.

This is self-evident, since tonight I shall face the Gregor family, who murdered my brother after I fled from their clutches.

Despite my anxiety, I dressed up for the party with confidence. I chose a long black dress and a red statement necklace to symbolize my strength and determination, making sure that every detail was perfect. Looking in the mirror, I felt a sense of pride and accomplishment. The years of hard work had paid off, and tonight was a celebration of that success. With every step towards the door, my nerves began to fade, replaced with excitement for what lay ahead. As I walked into the crowded room, heads turned, and people whispered in admiration of my appearance.

As I stood on the stage, I could see the faces of all the guests staring back at me, waiting for me to begin my speech. Taking a deep breath, I began to speak about my father and his legacy. I talked about how he had built this company from scratch and how proud he would be to see where it stands today. My voice was steady, and my words were confident as I spoke about the future of the company and my plans for its growth. The audience listened intently, nodding their heads in agreement and offering applause at all the right moments. As I finished my speech, the room erupted in a standing ovation, and tears filled my eyes. This was not just a celebration of my success but also an homage.

As I scanned the crowd at my welcome celebration, my heart stopped when I spotted them - the Gregor family. My hands shook as memories of my brother's death flooded my mind.

I noticed something strange. Patrick and his mother, who had frozen when they saw me, were now approaching with smiles on their faces. As they reached me, Patrick extended his hand and congratulated me on my speech. His mother added that she was proud to see the son of her old friend doing so well.

My heart sank as I heard Patrick's mother mention it.

Yes, sadly, my dad was an old friend of hers. Memories of my father flooded my mind, and I felt a lump form in my throat. I mustered up a smile and thanked her for her kind words, but inside I felt devastated. It was hard to believe that someone who had been so close to my father could simply attend my celebration without feeling any sense of guilt or remorse. Nonetheless, I knew that this was not the time or place to dwell on the past, so I forced myself to focus on the present and enjoy this moment of triumph.

I took a glass of wine from the waiter and sipped it slowly, hoping to calm my nerves. As I looked around the room, I noticed that Patrick and his mother were also holding glasses of wine. Perhaps they were trying to ease their own discomfort at seeing me here. Despite my mixed emotions, I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at how far I had come.

"It looks like you've given your life another spin," Patrick's mother said as she approached me. "Are you jealous, Lady Carmela?" I said this as I turned to face her. I couldn't help but smile at the prospect of her envying my success. Her demeanor remained solemn as she answered, "No, my love. I am delighted for you." I couldn't escape the notion that there was more to her than met the eye.

"But never forget what I have," she whispered slyly in my ear. "Post it." I laughed. She was shocked when she said "what?" in response to my request. I repeated myself, "Post it," still chuckling at Lady Carmela's sly comment. She hesitated before finally nodding and reaching for her phone.

"Update a video of me being raped, and I'll publish a video of your son shooting one of his gang's hackers," I said as she began typing on her phone. "I'm curious what the President of the Department of National Defense will do when he finds out who murdered his child." That's what I stated while messing with my drink. I turned around to face her. "Didn't the President of the US Defense Department want Patrick imprisoned at whatever cost?" He'll certainly slaughter him after seeing the footage I have." When I saw how afraid she was, I burst out laughing.

Dad and Patrick came to the table, interrupting our conversation. We quickly changed the subject, discussing the latest news and gossip instead. As we talked, I couldn't help but chuckle at the memory of Lady Carmela's sly comment from earlier. Dad and Patrick joined in on the laughter, not knowing what had been said before they arrived. It was a lighthearted moment that eased any tension in the air.

He smiled as he glanced at me. "Nice to meet you, little woman." "Repeat what you said; I'm sorry I didn't hear you," I murmured as I stepped closer to his face. "Nice to meet you, Miss Selena," he said once more. "Of course, it would be nice to meet me. I mean, who could resist my charm and wit? It's like trying to resist a bag of chips after smoking weed - impossible." I answered slyly.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

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