
Ch 15: Sharon vs Jose (Part 2)

"It's time for the sun to rise," Sharon muttered as he was right below a hole in the building, with the sun right above him.

As Sharon lay there, seemingly defeated, the other Fairy Tail members watched in horror and despair. Jose, still standing tall and confident, didn't immediately notice what Sharon had in mind. But then, he saw the hole in the building and the position of the sun. His eyes widened in realization, but it was too late.

With a blinding flash of light, Sharon's body absorbed the radiant energy of the sun, causing his magic to surge beyond its limits. The intense brightness spread throughout the battlefield, engulfing everything in a radiant explosion.

The Fairy Tail members shielded their eyes as the sheer brilliance of the event unfolded. A wave of power and light surged outward, striking the dark creatures that Jose had summoned, disintegrating them. Even Jose, the master of Phantom Lord, was forced to cover his eyes, his dark magic overwhelmed by the blinding brilliance.

When the light finally dissipated, a stunned silence fell over the battlefield. Sharon, now surrounded by an aura of brilliant golden light, stood tall with renewed strength and power. His appearance had transformed, his hair reverted to the usual dark brown, and the tattoo that ran down his arm reverted to its original pigmentation. 

Jose watched, sweat trickling down his face. 

"I-Impossible ... you can't possibly be that strong." Jose said as he made a slashing motion with his arm, "Dead Slash!" He yelled as a burst of dark and malicious energy rapidly converged on Sharon.

Sharon, his body now infused with radiant solar energy, moved with newfound speed and strength, dodging the slash of dark energy. He launched himself towards Jose, his fists charged with blazing light.

"Solar Dragon's Luminous Fist!" Sharon shouted as he struck out at Jose. The punch connected, sending a shockwave of searing light through the air, engulfing Jose in a blinding explosion.

Jose grunted in pain as the powerful attack pushed him back. He countered with his own dark magic, creating ethereal soldiers that moved to intercept Sharon. The two forces clashed, and the battlefield became a chaotic battleground of light and darkness.

"Solar Senbon!" Sharon cried out as hundreds of small needles formed out of solar energy appeared around Sharon, flurrying towards the shadow soldiers.

"You, how are you so powerful? You weren't this strong before!" Jose nearly screamed as he used his dark energy to parry the solar senbon away from him.

"I didn't know how to use the power I was stuck with earlier," Sharon said nonchalantly as he leaped forward and slammed his foot into Jose's chest with a Solar Solesurge.

Jose coughed multiple times as he stuttered on his feet.

"Tha-that's not possible. Yo-you're telling me ... you weren't even trying?" Jose asked as he spat some blood to the side.

"Eh ... kinda," Sharon replied as he could feel Jose's dark energy growing.

He glanced back at Erza, Mirajane, Elfman, and Gray, "You four need to leave now!"

"Jose, you are powerful. Had you chosen to use that power for good, it wouldn't have to end this way." Sharon said as he knew what he had to do.

"Damn brat! Are you preaching to me?" Jose yelled as he swung his arm, "Dead Wave!"

A torrent of malicious dark energy rushed toward Sharon but was instantly countered by Sharon's Solar Dragon Roar.

Sharon glanced at Jose and began to rapidly absorb the solar etherion around him.

"Like Gramps always does, I'll give you until the count of three. Kneel." Sharon said as a solar radiance enshrouded Sharon's body.


"Hahahahaha! What the hell do you think you're spouting you damn brat? "


"You want me to bow? To a brat that serves Makarov? You might be strong, but you're not my match, kid. Stop the bravado." 

With a sigh, Sharon looked at Jose. "Three."


"Game over, Jose," Sharon said as he took a deep breath.

"Solar Dragon Slayer's Secret Art: Sunfire Luminous Flame Blade!" Sharon yelled as a blazing sword appeared, sprouting from Sharon's arms. He leaped forward and stabbed Jose, completely piercing through his stomach.

"Incinerate," Sharon muttered, as the fire spread throughout the inside of Jose's body, completely destroying his magic.

"Oh my, it seems I was late ..." A soft voice said as Makarov stepped forward.

"Hehe, what's up Gramps? Feeling better?" Sharon asked with a grin as he threw Jose to the side.

"Yo-you didn't kill him, right?" Makarov asked, a bit shocked seeing Jose being thrown to the walls, completely devoid of magic.

"Nah, I just destroyed the part of his body that allows him to use the etherion as magic," Sharon said calmly as Makarov's eyes nearly popped out of his head.

"That's worse than killing him ..." 

"Eh, he deserves it. Shouldn't have messed with us." Sharon muttered as he felt an arm whiz by behind him.

A smack resounded through the empty ruined guild hall, as a large man was launched beside Jose.

"Don't you dare touch my child," Makarov said, looking at Aria, as he patted Sharon's head with an enlarged hand.

"Gramps, he's the one that did that to you," Sharon said as Makarov nodded.

"I heard he did quite the number on you as well. I also heard you used ice, I wanna hear all about it." Makarov said with a grin as he and Sharon left the ruined Phantom Lord guild hall and headed back to Fairy Tail.

"I'll explain when we get back, I'm sure the others are quite curious too," Sharon said with a chuckle.

*Scene Change*

"Oh wow ... this got trashed pretty badly," Makarov muttered as he looked at the destroyed guild hall.

"SHARON!!" Mira yelled as she leaped into his arms, burying her face into his chest.

"Oh, crap!" Sharon muttered as he fell on his butt, Mira in his arms.

Lucy was to the side, a bit depressed, as Makarov sighed.

"Lucy, happiness and sadness, we can't share all of it. But we can to a certain extent." Makarov said as he looked at all of them. "One person's happiness is everyone's happiness. One person's anger is everyone's anger. One person's tears are everyone's tears. That's what a guild is. Raise your head, you're a member of Fairy Tail."

Cheers and laughter resounded throughout the destroyed Fairy Tail guild, as Sharon felt a chill go down his back.

"Hey ... gramps?" Sharon called out to Makarov.

"You don't think ... I'll be arrested right? You know ... for ... all this?" Sharon asked with a nervous smile as Makarov had a shocked expression. 

"Uh ... that's ... not entirely out of the question." He said as he looked away.

*Time Skip*

"IT'S HEAVY!!" Natsu groaned as he carried around 25 wooden planks. 

"That's because you're holding so many at once," Gray said as he picked up one.

"Haha! That's probably your limit since you're so weak!" Natsu laughed as Gray picked up around 30. "See, take that!"

Sharon walked by, with 50 above him.

"Lightweights." He muttered with a smirk as he kept going, but stopped when he heard clapping.

He walked over to where he needed to drop the planks off and looked around.

'Who the heck clapped?' Sharon wondered as he saw Erza walking over in a builder's outfit.

"Damn, Erza, you've got the outfit for everything, don't ya?" Sharon commented as he got a glass of water from Mira.

"Ah, uh, of course. It's best to be prepared." Erza said with a slight blush as she looked at Natsu and Gray. "If you've got time to play around, hurry up and help. We've got to fix the guild ASAP!"

"You know ... I'm kinda hungry." Sharon muttered as he sat down on the ground. The next moment, there was a packed box on his arms.

'Ok ... what was that?' Sharon wondered as Happy flew over.

"Was that a girl?" Happy asked as Sharon opened it.

Inside was a nicely packed bento with a heart in the middle of the rice. 

"Uh ... am I supposed to eat this?" Sharon questioned. "Duh, of course, you're supposed to eat food, silly." Happy rebuttled as Sharon just deadpanned at him.

"No, but ... eh, whatever." He said as he took a bite.

"OH SHIT! This tastes really good!" Sharon said as he took more bites of the food.

Natsu heard and rushed over, demanding some as well. Gray also walked over.

Sharon handed out a bit but kept the rest.

"I don't know who gave it to me, but it's mine," Sharon said as he scarfed down the rest.

"Heh? I wonder what Mira would say ..." Gray said with a smirk as Sharon nearly choked on the food.

"GRAY! Don't you dare!" Sharon said as Gray smirked and reached a hand toward the box.

"Then, don't mind if I do." He said as he took another bite.

Sharon groaned as he saw the delicious food disappearing before his very eyes.

"Hey, guys? Could you ... uh ... give this to Lucy?" Loke said as he walked over with Lucy's Celestial keys in his hand.

'Loke ... what exactly are you, bro?' Sharon wondered as he felt a weird presence from Loke. He took the keys from Loke's hands and put them in his pocket.

"Alright, let's go!" Natsu started as his scarf was caught by Erza.

"And where exactly do you think you're going?" She asked as she tossed Natsu back to the building site.

"Erza, I'll be back in a bit," Sharon said as he left and headed to Lucy's apartment.


Alright, the Phantom Lord Arc is done. 

I'm going to be skipping the Loke Arc, my apologies for that. However, I'm thinking of adding a lemon with Mirajane instead.

Should I?

Also, let me know how you like the fanfic so far. I love to read your comments!

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Do leave comments, as I'll read each one and take it to heart on how I can improve my writing.

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