
The Soccer/football System

Follow Adam Strong on his journey to become the (Greatest Of All Time) in the soccer world. He travels back to a time in his past where opportunity abounds. Access to a system capable of propelling him to greater heights is just the icing on the cake. From a nobody he relentlessly pursues his goal of becoming the greatest sportsman the world has ever seen... -------------- FOOTBALL/SOCCER SYSTEM INSTALLATION -------------------------- ACTIVATED

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Training session

The next day.

Adam received his temporary residence permit from the police station and managed to open a bank account. Surprisingly, Mr. Christophe Benard banked the £14,500 pounds that was his monthly allowance soon after. He seemed not to mind the fact that the American youths had not yet signed a contract with either the Newcastle or the NF Academy. When Adam queried him about the issue, he just flashed a smile before telling him to perform well during the match on Tuesday.

At noon, Adam returned to his apartment and ate light lunch also phoned his family to check if there ok before starting his preparations for his first training session later that day.

Since the Newcastle senior team was using the st.James Stadium that afternoon, the coaches had organized for the under-19 training session to take place. It was a soccer pitch owned by NTNUI—the largest sports club in England.

Adam reached the pitch at around 2:30 PM. He'd no trouble locating the st.james Stadium since Mr. Christophe Benard had already brought him there earlier that day. On arrival, he noticed Marcus was there already and greeted him and more than twenty players were already dressed and going through light warm-ups on the sidelines. They were an intimidating bunch. The majority were quite mixed some black and some white, standing at almost six feet tall, with physiques—seemingly more muscular or comparable to his

Running beside him was a player Adam recognized among all the boys on the pitch. He was a tall fellow with neck-length black hair named Joelinton. Adam recalled Joelinton he was a Brazilian professional footballer who plays as a midfielder his past life. The midfielder was not hard to forget he was an awesome midfielder his passes where life sniper shots going to any target he picked. also another noteworthy player is Allan Saint-Maximin The Left Winger his pace his shooting were incredible Adam really wanted to catch up to him.

Adam didn't bother the group of players and quickly donned his new soccer attire. He'd bought several sets of jerseys and a new pair of Nike boots after receiving his allowance earlier that day.

Soon enough, Adam, fully dressed in a black attire, started warming with Marcus,they started off by marching on the spot before running from one corner flag to another—along the goal line. they made sure to include some forward and backward sprints in there routine when he pumped his arms up and down in rhythm with his steps.

Adam activated the snooping tool



->Focus the virtual scope on the subject to assess their talent.


Allowed usage for a single month: 6/6.



Zachary focused the virtual-cross-hairs on Jack Harrison—the only midfielder he recognized on the pitch.


SUBJECT: Allan Saint-Maximin

AGE: 17 years




->Physical Fitness: A +

->Soccer Technique: A +

->Game Intelligence: C+

->Mental Ability and Mindset: A-


Adam was at a loss for words after glancing at the translucent virtual screen. He wondered whether all the players on the team were A-grade talents. The boy Allen saint-Maximin was just slightly older than him but with much better stats. The only stat Adam bested him was the Game-Intelligence that he had luckily elevated due to his acquisition of the Luis Suárez Direct shot .

Adam was about to continue his spying but noticed that the coaches had arrived. They had just blown the whistle calling everyone to the center circle.

Adam closed the virtual screen and dashed off towards the coaches. He was eager to begin his first training with the Leeds United under 19s.

"Is Adam strong here?" One of the two coaches hollered out after making a short address to the players seated in the center circle.

"Here." Adam, seated at the back of the group, raised his arm as he replied. He'd noticed that the middle-aged bald coach who'd called his name was somewhat too tall for his build—as if he stopped growing only to be stretched on one of those medieval racks a half-foot more. His face was mostly obscured by a scraggly red beard that clung to his skin like ravaged ivy tendrils.

"Alright ," the coach intoned, starting to observe him with a predator's unwavering attention. There was a hardness in his eyes, a kind of coldness married to a seriousness. It was the look of a no-nonsense coach. At that moment, Adam knew that he was in for some tough time if he didn't manage to impress.

Welcome to the team," he said after observing him for a few seconds. "But keep in mind that you're still in a probationary period like the others . I hope that man Christophe filled you boys in on this!" He looked at Adam and the other boys inquisitively.

If your performance is subpar during these two training sessions, I won't bother including you boys in the line-up for the match on Tuesday. Are we together?"

"Yes, coach," Adam,Marcus,Brenden and Tyler replied, unfazed by the coach's words.

During his past life, he'd come to understand that coaches loved one thing the most—winning. This occupational hazard made coaches prone to loving players who performed well and lusted for victory. Adam needed to show the coach that he was such a player starting from his first training with the Newcastle under-19s.

And he did just that over the next two sessions of pre-match training.

On that Friday, the training session focused on scrutinizing the physical condition of the players that would partake in the match. All the players went through fitness drills that tested their flexibility, agility, and stamina.

Adam vigorously completed all the required drills, as instructed by Coach Red fearn

When it was time for running the speed and agility cone exercises, he did double the required number. Adam understood the importance of physical training and decided to outdo himself with his young body.

He'd heard that Cristiano Ronaldo managed to rise to the top by doing such inhumane fitness conditioning from a young age. Adam had no way to verify such rumors. However, he wished to emulate such hard work to keep himself fit throughout his career—and above all, improve his agility.

He silently completed the day's training without wasting any time on needless chatter with the others. He had no luxury for such since he was yet to join the team. In the meantime, all he could think about was how to impress the coaches. Adam would have all the time to bond with the other players after performing well during the match on Tuesday.

The Monday training session focused on drilling the match formations into the players' style of play. The coaches organized several 6-versus-4 team training drills that focused on passing and team play.

Adam done some fancy dribbling getting passed players with eyes looking like the next messi, and continuously performed some crazy off-ball movement when he participated. It was as if he had endless stamina.

Marcus Was showing of his great shooting ability also he accurately passing his teammates with maximum accuracy

By the time drills were over, most of his new teammates were treating the new comers with respect as a hardworking player who was never fatigued. The training had revealed to them that Adam and Marcus was the kind of player anyone hated having as an opponent. He was good at all the dribbling and pace needed for the team

However, there were a couple of the under-19 players not convinced or, more likely, too inflamed with jealousy to respect a fifteen year olds.

Adam did not bother with the few simple-minded teenagers

A few minutes later, Coach Red fearn blew the whistle and beckoned everyone into the center circle.

"Thank you for attending today's training," he began after all the players were seated on the smooth turf.

"I have already said all that there is earlier during the training and won't waste your time with any long speeches." He grinned, letting his gaze roam all over the players that were eagerly waiting for the line-ups. He seemed to relish in the tension hanging in the evening air.

The players, including Adam, didn't make any disgruntled noises to pressure the coach into rushing his address. They silently waited for him to advance at his own pace. Not a single player would blunder in such a way on the eve of a big game.

"Sir. It's almost seven." Coach Reds assistant, Peters, reminded him.

"Oh," he said, flipping his notebook open.

"The provisional squad for tomorrow's game against the under-19s of West ham will be as follows..."

"Goal Keepers; Even Barleycorn, Grant Anderson."

"Defence; Simon Walter, Robin Koch, Christoffer Aasbak, Espen Smith, and Erick Dolsen."

"Midfield; Slander Andrew, Kevin Durant , Holy Mathilde,Joelinton."

"Forwards; Allan Saint-Maximin, Adam Strong, Marcus stones and Markus Henriksen "

"For those selected, make sure you are at Lerkendal by 3:00 PM tomorrow. We will have a team meeting before the match."

"Those not on the line-up can try harder for the next match. Dismissed." The coach concluded

"For those selected, make sure you are at Lerkendal by 3:00 PM tomorrow. We will have a team meeting before the match."

"Those not on the line-up can try harder for the next match. Dismissed." The coach concluded