
The Snoring Head Basher

As the winds goes by.. The sound of snoring followed suit.. As the snore keeps on screaming echoes through the night... As head was bashed.. By the Snoring Head Basher. I will updates a lot 1 day = 1-3 chapters

goodperson42069 · Celebrities
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The Snoring Head Basher Part 3

.. Keith woke up from his slumber after the night has passed and a new day has emerge. Rubbing his eyes and looking as if he was not sleeping well enough all of this because of things that has happened yesterday night.

.. Yesterday night when that guy with injured head came suddenly to their camping site and telling them about there's something or someone chasing him to end his life.. And may also end their life. That alone spooked him to overthink stuff and made his head ache. 

[.. I'm just way too overthinking about anything.. I'm still fine after sleeping the whole night thought..]

"*Sigh*.. I should get out it's starting to get hot inside this tent.." 

Saying so, Keith then reach out for the zipper on the tent's entrance to open the tent and slowly emerge from the tent while looking around him to see if there's anything lurking. Looking around the forest that's full of trees he noticed that it's was still a bit dark around here because of the trees that's blocking the sun from reaching them. After looking around and confirming there's nothing he then proceed to inhale a lot of air and then exhale it sooner.

[.. Hahh.. that felt so good..] 

Stretching his body for a bit he then walked to his other friends tent to wake them up first in the morning. Arriving in front of David's tent he then proceed to call out David first.

"David are you awake already?"


".... David are you still sleeping?"

.. A voice then come from inside the tent answering his question but that voice wasn't belonged to his friend David.. So it was probably..

".. He was still sleeping.."

"Oh, I see.. Hey are you feeling fine now?"

".. Well yeah, I'm fine. The injuries on my head was not that critical.. Uh.. Also my name is Drake.."

".. Oh, I see." 

.. Motion and sound can be heard inside the tent and then the tent's entrance was unzipped revealing the inside of the tent and the guy who introduced himself as Drake then emerged from the tent and then slowly stood up on the ground. Keith then noticed that the bandage that's wrapped around the injuries on his head had a bit of blood stain on them but it was barely noticeable for it already been dried. 

".. Phew.. that's kind of tiring.." 

". You sure you're fine?" 

"Yes I'm fine. ..! Wait do you have your phone with you now?!"

".. Uhh yeah I do have my phone with me why do you want it?" 

Keith was startled by sudden loud voice coming from Drake for a moments, but he still answered the question that Drake asked him regardless.

Then, David that's been sleeping in the tent in front of him woke up maybe because of the sudden loud voice that suddenly rang out and asked out what's happening.

".. Uhh what's going guys.. I heard something.."

"Oh, David you finally woke up."

David then went out from the tent he's staying and stood in front of Keith and Drake and asked them. 

"So, what's going on?" 

"Well, Drake here want to borrow my phone." 

"Yes, that's right I need it to make a call." 

"Wait hold on, let me get my phone first." 

Saying so Keith then turned around and went toward his tent to go and get his phone. Leaving David and Drake alone there.

"Well it's fine if you want to make borrow the phone but I don't think calling anyone is possible." 

"Huh? Why?" 

"Well, it's because we're deep in the forest that I doubt you can make any call for someone."

"What?! Seriously.. Did I seriously ran away too far?"

"Oh, by the way, are you feeling fine?" 

".. Yeah I-" 

Suddenly Keith who came back after going to get his phone asked David and Drake. 

".. Uhh.. Did you guys see Dale? .. He's not in his tent.."(Keith) 

"Huh? What do you mean? Is he not in his tent?" (David) 

"Yeahh..! His tent is opened.. And I don't see him being inside of it.."(Keith) 

".. Huh that's strange where did he go.. Hmm?.. Drake where are you going?"(David) 

While David was pondering about Dale whereabouts. Drake was suddenly moving restlessly looking around their surrounding. He barely reacted to what David said. 

"I-I-I think.. something bad happened to him.. Maybe.. That lunatic got him.." 

"By that 'lunatic' is that the things you're talking about yesterday night? Dude.. That's not real.. you gotta-" 

"Dude! do you think I'm joking?! I'm not playing dude! Seriously there's something out there wants to kill me and even you guys!" 

"Dude chill, *Sigh* we really need to go to the hospital.. There's something wrong with you did you tripped too hard?-" 

"I didn't tripped! My head got hit by a bat instead-" 

"GUYS..? ...? ..!!!!" 

".....?" (Drake and David) 

Suddenly, Keith who was been wandering around the camp site suddenly shout out to them loud enough for both of them to hear him was looking at with questioning looks plastered on their faces.

Keith.. slowly bring his fingers to point out at something that's on the ground..

With his trembling finger.. And quivering lips..

He then spoke out the words he was meant to say with his quivering lips..

while David and Drake was looking at him strangely.

"... T-t-there blood trail here!!" 

... His trembling finger was pointing at the blood trail That's trailing even deeper in to the dense forest..