
The Snoring Head Basher

As the winds goes by.. The sound of snoring followed suit.. As the snore keeps on screaming echoes through the night... As head was bashed.. By the Snoring Head Basher. I will updates a lot 1 day = 1-3 chapters

goodperson42069 · Celebrities
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The Snoring Head Basher Part 2

... A bleeding man was running away... from someone.. that's most likely was going to KILL him. if he ever catch him.


he stopped for a while and noticed that.. his phone is gone.

"..No NO no! where is it?? did I drop it while running?? I need to-?!"


a snoring CAN be heard.. not far away.

"DAMN..! Im not going back there just to get my phone and get killed!"

he started running again.. to get away from there and that person that's been chasing him..


he swiftly running through the woods..

"Aghhhhh.... I.. need.. to catch my.. breath.."

He don't even know just how long has he been running..

"I'm sure.. I'm far enough already.."

he tumble on the ground.. weakly.. and looked around him.. and he saw a light??.. no.. its a fire!..

"W-what.. is that?! is it what I'm thinking?! does that mean?!"

he got up.. and walked toward the fire.. while staggering as he walk..

"..'Yawnnnn'.. Humm.. I'm tired bro..."

"shut up Ketih, just go sleep already. just why are you even here?"

".... ayo.. your marshmallow I think it's burnt.."

"AHH..! Again?!.. DAMMIT why does this thing keep on burning..!"

"Just try not to burn them it's easy.. Hey Keith just go sleep in your tent man.."

"Aight.. 'Yawnnn'.. mhmm.. nothing exciting even happened.. a bear didn't even attack us.."

"Humph..! are you seriously want a bear to-"

"Dale.. Your marshmallow ugh.. I think it's burnt again.."

"AHHHH.. DAVID what the hell?!.."




"..'Yawnnn'.. damn why I'm so sleepy i-"


"w-what..? who is that?!"

a man emerges from the bush and fall weakly on the ground..

"h-help.. me I need water.."

"..You're bleeding w-what the hell happened to you?!"

"I.. i was.. attacked.. by some.. ..."

"hey..Hey!.. what the hell wh-.. did he lose consciousness??"





"Finally!!.. this marshmallow its not burnt!!"

"Oh congrats man.. 'CLAP' the marshmallow is not even burnt.."

"are you mocking me?"

"N-no of course not what make you think so?"

"..hmmm.. You think I can't tel-"

"Guys!.. someone came to me and he was bleeding!"

"..Keith who is this person.. and what the hell happened to him?!"

"I-i don't know.. he said he was attacked!"

"DALE!.. where is the emergency kit!!"

"Wait.. I will get it..!"

"..Keith! rest him here.. let me see his injuries.."


"..He was hit on the head.. it's not bad though but he's losing blood.."

"Is it really not bad??"

"He's gonna live, okay?"

" David..! Here's the emergency kit.."

"..I will just bandage his head.. Can you guys hold him for me.."

After a few moments..

"Phew.. it's done right.."

"Yeah.. let's just wait for him to wake up.. and then we can ask him.."






"....ugh...ahh.. wha..what is this.. where am I..

a tent?.."

"You finally woke up. 2 hours already passed..when you was unconscious.."

"w-what are... you talking abou- Agh..! my head.. what the hell??!.."

"Hey..Hey.. calm down.. just lie there.. y'know your head it's injured.."

"damn.. is it bad?? cause I feel like my head gonna explode any second with this headache..."

"Oh... its .. not that bad.. but you need to just lie down.. I also want to ask you something.."

"Alright.. so what do you want to.. ask??"

"Wait.. you must be thirsty??.. here drink some water first-"

"Oh damn.. I'm really thirsty.. 'GLUUUUPSSS' Agh... that's better.."

"so.. what happened to you?.."

"I was.."

..he then just told him everything from start to finish.. and told him about the snoring man..

"what the hell?!!.. so you're saying that you're attacked by.. a SNORING man that's holding a bat.. are you joki-"


"Alright.. fine.. I believe you.. try not to push yourself too hard.. Uhm.. so.. the man.. where is he now..?"

"I don't know.. I'm just ran all the way here and didn't even look back.."

"... I see.. Okay you just need to lie down.. I will tell the other about this.."

"...We need to go now.. if we stay here I'm afraid.. that he will find us.."



"Maybe I should go inside.. they're been there for too long.."

"Just let David handle this.. just like he said man.."

"But I'm worried man... That person said he was attacked! just looking at his head injuries there is no way an animal did it!"

"Keith... you need calm down.. whatever is out there.. uhhh.. probably not out there.."

"Aren't you scared Dale?.. I'm kinda scared you know.."

"me? scared? Hah!.. I'm not even getting goosebumps..! man there's nothing to fear.. as long I'm here!"

"... man why I'm even here if I know something like this gonna happen no way in hell I would come along..!"

".. Well it's your own fault for coming alo-"

..David finally came out from the tent after a long time..

"David! So what did he say..?"


As he explain everything to both of them.. they're just listening to him from the start.. and after he's done explaining.. they just got silence..

".. it's kinda unbelievable right?.. i don't kind of believe him too.."


".. A Snoring Man??.. That's GOES around and hitting people with a bat.."


"... B-but.. i don't think he's making up story.. don't you guys see his head.. A bat.. it's kinda makes sense.."


"... I think we need to go.. it's dangerous.. he's probably out there.. searching for the guy.."


"y-yeah David is right..! we need to go.. it's really dangerous out here.."


"What seriously ??.. It's already so late in the night and you said we need to go when it's already this late??.. Man c'mon! give me a rest.. I'm tired y'know why don't we just wait for morning to come!.."


"... I- .. Alright.. I'm also kinda tired.. maybe we should just go tomorrow.."


"..But guys.. it's dangerous here!!"


"Keith! don't be such a coward.. let's just get outta from here when morning came.. if you really wanna go now why don't you go by yourself?"



"C'mon Keith, why don't you just go inside your tent.."




"U~waaaah!... I will go sleep already!.. Good night guys!"


[..'Sigh'.. i just hope nothing bad will happen to any of us...]

David thus went inside his own tent.. and noticed that the guy was already sleeping.. he decided to not wake him up.. and let him sleep in peace.

[... Should I just stay awake this whole night??..]

.. so David then decided to just stay awake the whole night.. Yeah.. that's what supposed to happened.. but after 10 minutes... he's already sleeping peacefully in the tent...






(... Damn.. why I can't sleep.. I just need to hold a bit longer..! damn am I scared?! to the point that I don't even dare to go out from my tent to take a piss?!!!.. hell nah I can't anymore I need to take a damn piss!..) 

..Dale was inside his own tent.. but he seem to be having problem to sleep... he's been holding his damn piss for 40 minutes already.. and he finally decided to go out from his tent to take a piss..

"Damn I can't believe it.. am I seriously scared??.. Damn.. agh.... this spot seem okay to piss.. Alright.. Gotta unzip this damn pants.."

he then take off his own pants hurriedly.. and finally.. he did it..

( WOAHHHH... ahhh finally..- ! ! !)

..a sound can be heard.. coming from somewhere.. in the woods...

(..??.. what the hell is that sound..?..DAMMIT..I'm getting goosebumps what the hell is that??.. Damn my piss just won't stop flowing already..!)

sound can be heard coming from the woods again.. it could be an animal that's making the sound but who knows?..

(ah...finally.. I need to get to my tent fast I don't like it out here.!)

he just started sprinting toward his tent and doesn't even take time to wear his pants.. but he doesnt even notice that.. something.. no someone was watching... him..

(ahhh... the sound again.. I really don't LIKE IT OUTSIDE HERE!!)

he was looking around him.. left and right.. as he felt that something is watching him.. then.. SOMETHING emerged from the bushes and started to chase him!..

(HUH..?!.. I HEAR SOMETHING FROM BEHIND what the hell is that?!. shit shit shit! is it what I'm thinking a bear?!..)

..HE DOESNT EVEN want to look behind him and just keep on running to his tent.. but.. something that's been chasing him.. is getting closer.. and closing their distance..


..he then just take a quick glance behind.. but.. he was hit.. by something.. it really hit his head really bad that he feel dizzy.. and ceased from running... he doesn't even see that coming.. and fell weaklessly..

(...ahh.. wh..what happened.. why.. why .. I'm.. dizzy.. hurt..)

...as his vision becoming blurry he saw someone coming for him.. a man wearing.. white shirt.. a pink boxer.. and we're on bare foot.. that's what David said to Dale.. it's.. the man that's.. snoring.. and holding a bat.. that he use to bash people..


..the man just whisper this to Dale's ear before he lose consciousness.. the man drag his body.. to the woods and leaving only trail of his blood on the grass...