
The Snake Spirit

Wynne started her journey as a witch when her father received a phone call in the summer vacation of Wynne's freshman year. Her father put aside what her grandfather told him and decided to take Wynne back to hometown to visit Eveline Mayfair. Wynne got stomachache after she ate the steak offered by Eveline, and was arranged for rest on bed, she had a very impressive dream. When she woke up, Wynne felt no pain in her stomach. Looking out of the window, she saw that it was already dark outside. The man dressed in black in her dream made her curious. But as she got up, by the moonlight shining through the window, she saw a large black snake with cold scales on top of her!

Daoist2UcU47 · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 8 A bell

"Grandma, you are so powerful that if you can't defeat him alone, you can attack him with all the spirits together, i think eventually the black worm will be defeated by your teamwork ! I've never seen you lose in my whole life after all!"

His grandma was touted by a few words of George, became a little overproud, finally was persuaded to try as the way what George had said, gathering all spirits his grandmother raised to handle the Dooley in Wynne.

Although Wynne thought it wasn't a good idea, George and his grandma eagered to try, and Wynne also wished to remove Dooley from her body as soon as possible, so she agreed silently.

George's grandma took them to her room where was filled with black jars only about the size of a palm. They were packed tightly together. His grandma pointed to the black jars and told; "These jars are full of my naughty children. I've worked on them all my life. It will depend on them for today's fighting."

She asked them to take out these jars and put them in the middle of the hall in a circular shape.

George and Wynne went back and forth countless times, and hundreds of jars filled the hall.

After the array was set up, Grandma pricked her finger with a needle, squeezed eight drops of blood into a small bowl, and then asked her to sit in the center of the jars.

She felt that the spirits in the surrounding jars were instinctively afraid of her, to be exact, the Dooley Mayfair in her.

These spirits might not be Dooley's opponent at all, if they were forced to fight, they would be victims! But Wynne didn't want to be a witch all her life and it was her only chance to escape from witch, she needed to try anyway.

As a low spell from the mouth of George grandma readed out, she put a black ash into the bowl of her blood, then, the dust and blood in the bowl was burning without fire, hundreds of black jars around her was shaking up at the moment !

"Heyyoha, uhahula, yohayolahalabrarosa... "

As the spells got louder and louder, Wynne felt like a million dense reptiles were coming out of those jars and crawling towards her, piercing her pores and burrowing into her body! Black smoke billowed from hundreds of canisters, and the hall was filled with smoke in an instant!

George's grandmother played a small cowhide drum as she recited incantation.

The drumming was regular, three times to a beat, it's like gathering all the spirits together! As the drum beat faster and faster, a throbbing pain ran through her body. The pain from her stomach spread into her whole body! At first Wynne still endured, but the drum beat more and more intense, the pain was so hard that her brain confused which made her rolling on the ground. With each roll, it felt like her body was plunging into the top of a knife, which made it difficult for her to breathe!

She put her head in her hands and rolled around on the ground for around 2 minutes. Finally, Wynne took a deep breath and struggled to shout: "Stop..."

Her viscera and inner organs seemed to be eaten by thousands of poisonous insects, or pierced by countless silver needles. The veins on her painful forehead burst, and her teeth gripped her lips. A mouthful of rich blood poured up from her throat.

"Grandma, Wynne looks hurt, stop drumming!"

Wynne listened that George was asking his grandma to stop.

But now his grandmother's voice was full of panic: "I want to stop, but I can't!"

"Doh, doh, doh... Doh doh doh... "

The drums were still beating, and Wynne was dying! His grandma's scared voice come over in her ears again!

"It's impossible, impossible! He's eating my little spirits! He's gonna eat them all! No! I failed!" George's grandma screamed in panic.

"Grandmother, what happened? Wynne seems to be dying!" The last thing Wynne heard was George's panic voice. And then her eyes went black and she lost consciousness.

When Wynne opened her eyes again, she was greeted by George's dirty face.

"Wynne, you finally woke up. If you don't wake up, my grandmother and I will go to jail!" George's eyes widened, his tongue stuck out, and his right hand made a dramatic gesture of shooting himself to the temple with a pistol.

"What happened?" Asked Wynne, when she saw George grandma's eyes red and swollen badly.

"She is sad since it's the black worm in your abdomen that ate all the spirits my grandma raised! Now nothing left to her!!" As George said so, the old lady was rubbing her eyes with a handkerchief.

More than a hundred the spirits, all which became his food, and Dooley himself did not even show up! No wonder he hadn't stopped her when Wynne went out. He must had known this result already!

Wynne felt she was being used by Dooley, but she couldn't prove it. She was really angry with it as she had just been tortured for nothing.

"Grandma, I'm sorry." Wynne sincerely apologized to her.

George's grandma wiped her eyes, then sat down beside her and patted her hand.

"I don't blame you girl, the black worm is a famous and powerful role in here. In the past, your grandma relied on it to do anything she wanted, and no one could stop her." At this point, the old lady sighed again.

Grandma did not know what to think of. She reached out her hand and unfastened a copper bell from her dress button and handed it to Wynne. The bell was hung with white thread, and looked delicate.