
Snake of my life

It all start when I was very young, my mother was like my best friend, we both share all the things and I used to give her gifts whenever I save from my pocket money, she always used to say that I am her little princess but a time came in my family's life that changed everything. My mother was very brave lady but different situations or bad time have a disastrous power that can change everything. Depression is like a snake that can bite a person anytime and it slowly slowly start to harm that person just like the poison of snake slowly dissolve with blood and if the snake is dangerous that can take a person life.... It's the same for depression...

I was in 12th class and returning from school and when I reached my home I saw I crowd near My house I saw a ambulance was also there I thought that there's a robbery happened in my house I felt like "is my mother ok". My father came and take me inside I saw my mother lying on bed and there was a long cloth hung on fan. I saw my mother she was lying dead it was like a thunder struck for me I was completely exhausted I leaned on my mother and just tried to wake her but nothing happened her body was cold so I started rubbing and hands and feet by saying "mama please wake up, mama please wake up"