
The Walking Hax

A/N): Please show your support for the series and vote now.

2 Extra Chapters >> 20 PS

4 Extra Chapters >> 50 PS

6 Extra Chapters >> 75 PS


(A/N): Keep in mind that Ophis will always talk through telepathy as a Nagasaur, which is his specialty, so when I use [" "] for any of his dialogue, it's Ophis talking out loud to someone via telepathy, and when I use [' '] it's for his inner thoughts that no one but him can hear, so the confusion is cleared.

Oh, and before anyone asks, why is my MC so OP, and how can my story manage if the progression is this fast, my answer is simple, Ophis is a God, as such most of his figths will be against God like beings, I'm just slowly building up to it, as the introduction for certain characters and other things is necessary before I truly begin.

Seeing that some fight scene because of this is easily going to be over 5000+ to 10,000+ words tops, and if there is one thing im confident in, then it is my ability to write engaging fight scene with a great number of details, and feats of both parties respectfully, so is Ophis OP enough, hardly, he fucking weak as hell as far as I am concerned.



"My name is Lasombra Morgana, and I was born with the Endless Witch title. I am a cross between a True Vampire and a Primordial Titan, and it is a pleasure to meet you, Lord Ophis."

"Lasombra... Morgana... an intriguing name."

Ophis said as he looked at the so-called Endless Witch, despite the fact that he would love to pick her mind, or better yet, obtain a DNA sample, and apply her racial qualities to himself, in order to empower himself more than he is now.

He figured that since he had her in his hands, he may as well do it, so he confidently said to Lasombra.

"A good name indeed, but let us move on to the main topic at hand now that we have settled things between us, let us shake on it, the name is Ophis by the way, but I guess you already know that."

Ophis stated to her while stretching out his tail, which began to reach a total of five meters, plainly offering it to Lasombra as a means to shake on it, of course, Ophis had different ideas than a banal handshake.

Lasombra, of course, didn't notice the true intents behind Ophis acts, but took the tailshake as a form of good manners nevertheless, and the misunderstanding would have been sorted up as well.

So, without saying anything else, she took Ophis tail and shook it in a strange handshake, but inside Ophis mind, he had a sinister smile, clearly satisfied that his plan to obtain a DNA sample had been successful, as he began to use his nanomites to take a small microscopic skin tissue from Lasombra palms, it wasn't much, but it was all that he required to seize her genetic traits for his own.

After that, he began to deconstruct the new DNA sample he acquired from Lasombra in order to apply it to his genetic genome and utilize the powers of both a "true vampire" and a "primordial Titan."

For a Nagasaur, the biological structure of the living was like a toy to his kind, and seeing that Ophis found a worthy bloodline to seize as his own, he jumped on the uptake immediately, and as one would assume, the success didn't take long either.

[The first bloodline is from a legendary race of vampires that split into eight separate vampire clans, each with their own unique power called "Mastery," the clan this particular bloodline belongs to is called the "Othimerius," this clan was said to be a clan of exceptionally beautiful vampires that were commonly known to be the political head, or monarchs that control humanity like puppeteers in the shadows, they were masters of illusions, hypnosis, and dream manipulation, in the world called "Umbrazanthar," which was a high-level horror server.]

[Note: Due to the host stealing your first genetic sample from another living organism, your status will be split into various sections beginning now, as your number of skills has diversely branched off into multiple categories, these skill trees will consist of "Occupation Skill Tree", "Adaption & Evolution Skill Tree", "Technology Skill Tree", "Psionic Skill Tree", "Magic Skill Tree" and "Genetic Skill Tree" to avoid skill distribution confusion]

Looking closely at the notification, Ophis could agree, after all the skills he had accumulated in such a short time frame had been diversely distributed all over the place if you asked him.

He was so pleased with this that he began reading the skill and evaluating notifications one by one.

[You now acquire all of the abilities of a second generation Othimerius vampire, including "Illusion mastery", "Hypnosis", "Authority of the 2nd progenitor", "Hyperspeed regeneration", and "Dream Control"]

[Illusion Mastery >> MAX: The capacity to construct illusions based on your imagination that affect all five senses, however those with a sixth sense can break free]

[Hypnosis >> MAX: The ability to hypnotize anyone less powerful than yourself]

[Authority of The Second Progenitor >> MAX: The ability to govern all full blooded Othimerius vampires in Umbrazanthar]

[Hyperspeed Regeneration >> MAX: The ability to repair your wounds at light speed]

[Dream Control >> MAX: The ability to manipulate other people's dreams; with this ability, you can inflict beautiful dreams as well as horrible nightmares akin to traumatizing fever dreams that can drive even the most rational insane]

These were all the abilities of a true vampire of the Othimerius clan, and in layman's terms, these were also the abilities of Lady Lasombra. Without a doubt, she was broken as fuck if she could do all of this naturally, but what about her Primordial Titan heritage?

There was only one way to find out, and that was through reading the notification synopsis description, which Ophis was doing.

[The Primordial Titans, from the world of "Trogan," were said to be the first primordial Gods of that world, with their great strength alone, they created the universe and all other creatures within it, but these primordials weren't eternal, no their life span was finite, as a result they died out a long time ago, at their maxium age of 10,000 years old, but as finite as their life was their power was infinite in the sense that they possess infinite mana capacity, and continuous mana recovery, and limitless potential for magic mastery, along with their other racial attributes]

[Infinite Magic Capacity >> MAX: The Primordial Titans' major strength was their unique bodies, which had no set mana limit, hence their mana capacity was boundless]

[Eternal Mana Regeneration >> MAX: The Primordial Titans' bodies were unique in that they naturally renew their own mana, allowing you to regenerate a total of 10,000 [MP] Per Second]

[Unlimited Magical Potential >> MAX: The Primordial Titans were unrivaled geniuses in all fields of magic in existence itself; there was no magic they couldn't master, develop, and recreate through time; even those that are impossible to learn due to limitations could be learned by the Primordial Titans]

[Enlargement >> MAX: The Primordial Titans were said to hold the very meaning of infinity in their palms, and watch over their creation to pass the time, but that legend was greatly exaggerated; at best, the Primordial Titans were the size of large mountains, but they can truly increase their size indefinitely depending on how much mana they distribute evenly in every part of their body to swell their bodies like a balloon]

These were new status updates of the that were added to Ophis body as a result of his genteic housing skill, and upon closer inspection, Ophis was astounded to realize that this woman Lasombra, was more than overpowered; she is at a level of power that can only be explained in comics, and not anime.

At his point Ophis already began to feel a massive change in his body, as a large amount of power was being accumilated by the second, is was overwheleming to the point that some of his mana was leaking out.

Sadly this didnt go unnotice by Lasombra, who commented.

"I see that Lord Ophis has already grasped the general concept of magic, amazing, could it be that you learn to channel mana by simply feeling the sensation of mana once by being exposed to the slight mana waves projecting off my body, hahaha... the only person capable of doing this was me when I first felt a strange aura around my teacher... you must be quite talented."

Ophis laughed inwardly, making sure that this woman didn't dig too deeply into his head.

'Talented my ass, I'm simply a live cheat code.'

But, realizing that he had already obtained what he desired, he removed his tail from Lasombra's grasp and remarked to the woman.

"Now that we've reached an agreement, I'll stick to my words and answer your question... tell me what you want to know so badly that you'd approach me with such seriousness?"

Ophis was intrigued by Lasombra's ambitions; he could try to read her mind, but he doesn't trust her enough to go that close to her; after all, he needs to find a means to shield his thoughts from her influence.

For the time being, he was guarding it to some extent thanks to the Nagasaur mental field.

However, to his surprise, Lasombra responded in this manner.

"It's a complicated story, and I need time to explain my situation in full detail, so if it's not too much to ask, do you want to grab a coffee or something to eat so I can explain my situation to you in great detail?"

Ophis considers it for a moment before agreeing.

"Lead the way then, but if I find you trying to enter my thougths, I will snap your neck."

Lasombra only nodded respectfully as she took flight towards the city, and Ophis followed. Of course, the two were moving at a relatively leisurely speed, around 170 mph.

With that, Ophis followed Lasombra, and for the time being, they didn't converse to each other, instead focusing just on flying, Ophis thought to himself.

'I now have all of this woman's natural abilities for myself, but my god she is broken; I'm convinced she could easily destroy the universe if she so desired it, and whats even scarier, is the fact that her father is even more stronger than her.'

'In any case, Thaumela indicated that my status page has been updated, so let's see how broken I've grown in the last 21 hours.'

With those remarks, Ophis began to view his status page to see how far he had progressed, and when his status page opened, it was probably one of the largest flexes in itself, imagine seeing a level one player with numbers and descriptions like these.


[Personal Information]

Name: Ophis

LVL: 1/∞

EXP: 0/10

Age: 24

MP: [160,000/∞] → +10,000 {MP, per sec}

Race: Elder Nagasaur

Job class: Mountain Deity

Path: Chaos

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Net worth: $485,357,822.64¢

Personal saving: $500,000,000

Grand total: $985,357,822.64¢


[Status Sheet]

|STR >> 1/∞| SPD >> 1/∞| DEX >> 1/∞|

|INT >> 15/∞| WSD >> 40/∞| CHR >> 570/∞|

|END >> 1/∞| DEF >> 1/∞| STM >> ∞/∞|

|LCK >> 13/∞| WIT >> 22/∞| PRS >> 15/∞|

|VIT >> ∞/∞| DBA >> 1/∞| CRM >> 3/∞|


[Ability logs]

[Occupation Skill Tree] → {3/35}

|Shrine Creation >> [MAX]|

|Sacrifice >> [MAX]|

|Forbidden Name >> [MAX]|


[Psionic Skill Tree]

|Mental Feild >> [1/∞]|↓

|Telepathy >> [MAX]| ↑

|Telekinesis >> [MAX]|↑

|Analyzing >> [MAX]|↑

|Mind Reading >> [MAX]|↑

|Regeneration >> [MAX]|↑

|Technomancy >> [MAX]|↑


[Adaption & Evolution Skill Tree]

|Flight >> [1/∞]|

|Create Primitive Nagasaur >> [1/∞]|

|Adaptation >> [MAX]|

|Genetic Housing >> [MAX]|

|N-Cells >> [MAX]|

|Age Empowerment >> [MAX]|

|Zero Breathing >> [MAX]|

|Consciousness inducement >> [MAX]|

|Radiation Immunity >> [MAX]|

|Radiation Absorbtion >> [MAX]|

|Radiation to Energy Conversion >> [MAX]|

|Pure Energy Manipulation >> [MAX]|

|Incomplete Draconic Divinity >> [MAX]|

|Symbiotic Nanomites >> [MAX]|

|Absolute Curse Invulnerability >> [MAX]|


[Technology Skill Tree]

|Recreate & Assimilate >> [MAX]|↓

|Information Terminal >> [MAX]| ↑


[Genetic Skill Tree]

|Illusion Mastery >> [MAX]|

|Hypnosis >> [MAX]|

|Authority of The Second Progenitor >> [MAX]|

|Hyperspeed Regeneration >> [MAX]|

|Dream Control >> [MAX]|

|Infinite Magic Capacity >> [MAX]|

|Eternal Mana Regeneration >> [MAX]|

|Unlimited Magical Potential >> [MAX]|

|Enlargement >> [MAX]|


[Magic Skill Tree]




|The Copilli of Domination >> Rank: [Divine]|

|The Four Bracelets of Nature >> Rank: [Divine]|

|The Shield of 52 Ascension >> Rank: [Divine]|

|The Necklace of Rebirth >> Rank: [Divine]|

|The Unbreakable Macuahuitl >> Rank: [Divine]|


Ophis had obviously thoroughly examined his stats, and he had to say.

'I'm essentially a walking Hax.'