
The Snake God of Pandora

3B-1H75M-857T-23T-89 successfully connected. Analyzing player compatibility with the Paradox Stream. Checking Compatibility... ... ... ... ... Compatibility... 100% Due to the player's high compatibility, please pick one of these races, Job classes, and Path, (Be warned!!!), once a Job class is picked, that will become the player's permanent reality. Name: Ophis LVL: 1/∞ EXP: 0/10 Age: 24 Race: Elder Naga Job class: Mountain Deity Path: Chaos Alignment: Chaotic Evil Net-worth: 0$ The human body is a fragile thing, flesh, and bones can only get you so far, we feel pain, we are blinded by emotions, we are vulnerable to everything in the environmen, and worst of all, the lifespan of a human being is pitifully short. I hate humans, no! it's more like I hate the human anatomy, who could blame me, I can't eat, I can't partake in the pleasure of the flesh, I can't feel, I can't speak, I can't walk, I can't see, I can't smell, and worse of all I can't even die. And to think, one machine is the problem to all of my suffering, one plug is the only thing keeping me alive. God! Satan! Cthulhu! anyone; anyone at all, if you could hear me. Please end my suffering, may it be heaven or hell, or somewhere else entirely, I don't care, I just want to die, do you even know how it feels to have no arms, no legs, no eyes, no mouth, no lower half? All I have is my hearing, and even now that is failing me, soon I will be nothing more but a conscious mind stuck in a worthless vegetable with zero sense. Can you even call that living? Cain prayed like this every day for the past ten years, until one day he heard the TV advertisement that was the closest thing to mercy. "Isn't reality just boring?" "Typical?" "Sad?" "Unfair?!" A man said his form was unknown. "We lived in a world, where human limitation can only carry us so far, here on earth, the world is split into two categories, the rich, and the poor, the lucky and the misfortunate, the talented, and average. Hehehe... I said six, but it still came down to the same thing." "But what if I tell you, there is a way we escape this illusion, what if I tell you there exists a world where all wishes can come true, a world with no laws, no rules, no consequences, and best of all, a world filled with monsters, and endless servers aka worlds with different genres all together within something call the Paradox stream." "Well if you are interested in a world of absolute freedom, a world that can be considered as real as ours without the limitation of human logic, we at Eqrisum LTD, present to you the new VRMMORPG game Pandora, a world where even the poor can become rich in both worlds, a world were even the weak and hopeless can become God among man, and best of all; if any player finds all 13 crowns of power, they can become the Gods of both world." "That's why, today and today only, we are offering a 1-month free trial at a worldwide scale to give everyone a taste of true freedom, you can now download Pandora on your Celebrium free of cost, to all children of the Box, I welcome you to Pandora."

Iam_hastur · Sci-fi
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31 Chs

The Definition of Built Different [Part I]

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2 Extra Chapters >> 20 PS

4 Extra Chapters >> 50 PS

6 Extra Chapters >> 75 PS


'Sigh, I can't believe that I was unsuccessful in creating a special NPC to do my every bidding, it's a waste and a massive one at that, but hopefully, this servant of mines will be enough to make up for the losses.'

'Either way, right after I resurrect the soul and make it into a warrior spirit, I will have to develop my temple more, then from there, I will create a legion of primitive Nagasuars to protect the mountain in my absence, and after that is finish I will then go and buy equipment within my current budget, to prepare for tomorrows raid.'

'And after I am finished raiding the ruins of the wasteland, I am going to sell the artifact completely for the highest price possible, right after that, I will move to phase two of my plan, which will be me going down to the mountains in order to meet the locals of that place, and force them to worship me, and if they refuse; I will trap them in this mountain, and torment them slowly till they submit and acknowledge me as their lord and God Ophis.'

'That way, I can generate more divinity, trigger more events, and unlock more skills from my skill tree, and if I get enough followers, my job class will evolve, my guess is I will probably transcend to something greater than a mere mountain God, as I progress up the hierarchy tree of power, what it is, even I don't know, but I'm not complaining power is power, and that all that matters in the grand scheme of things.'

'But for now, all that I care about is to make more money, expand my influence, seize treasure from across the world, and many others to come, although what shall I do after I become more powerful to the point other players are like sacrificial lambs to me, well its simple, I will go and search for the thirteen crowns, and become the one true God of both worlds.'

'It's a big ambition yes, but I didn't suffer for ten whole years and got a second chance at life to only want a humble amount of fortune and be thankful for it in the process. And yes I don't know what the CEO of Eqrisum LTD meant by finding all thirteen crowns of power and you can become "God of both worlds" but the rewards are definitely something big to the point it can change the entire world of both Pandora and Earth in a massive way, and I want it for myself, I just know deep down that becoming the founder means something far greater than what's being advertised, and the only way to find out what that is will be to find the thirteen crowns.'

'That's why I want it all, and this second chance of life is a new beginning, so I will aim for the top, and Pandora... will... be... mines... I don't care who has to die, who is going to suffer in the process, or who comes to resent me, my needs and wants will not be ignored.'

'Call me foolish, egotistical, or evil, I don't care, but by the end of the day that's why I am the winner, and everyone else is just losers who fail to understand the cruelty of the world, by the end of it all, I am only a human, I hate it, but I will embrace my nature, and find a way to transcend the flesh, and Pandora is just beginning of something greater I can just feel it.'

'But to reach those heights I need more power, which in terms would require more resources. Either way, this servant should be one of many useful tools to aid me in my ambitions. So with that said let us begin the summoning.'

Ophis commented as he open the artifact synopsis and see how to rebirth the spirit.


[Instruction on how to use "The Necklace of Rebirth" in order to reincarnate a spirit]

✵ To reincarnate a soul into a warrior spirit, there are two ways, the first way is the easiest and quickest way, seeing that you will need mana as a means to give the spirit form, shape, and power. That's why a large amount would be needed to give it a permanent body, depending on the type of soul within the necklace, or the type of spirit you would like the soul to become which ranges from.

(Common soul/ F-grade warrior spirit) = 1,000 MP

(Rare soul/ E-grade warrior spirit) = 5,000 MP

(Legendary Soul/ C-Grade warrior spirit) = 10,000 MP

(Heroic soul/ A-grade warrior spirit) = 50,000 MP

(Mystical Soul/ S-grade warrior spirit) = 100,000 MP

✵ Also! Again! This is a reminder if you didn't get it, you see the soul in question can be a common soul but you can transform its spirit into anyone of the ranks above, as long as you have the mana to do so, seeing it the law of equivalent exchange.


[Second way]

✵ Now the second way is more complex, this method is for someone that doesn't have mana but still wants the soul to be reborn as a spirit they can have as a permanent servant, this is a method that ancient Aztec leaders would use to give life to their personal guards, via ancient sacrificial rituals, that way they wouldn't require the need for mana.

✵ The name of the ritual is called the "Ritual of the Calling."

✵ Now what's the ritual of the calling you ask? Well, the ritual of the calling is a ritual that can open up the door of the Aztec underworld "Mictlan", which is a living spiritual space that exists to torment the wicked, it is said to have infinite mana to support itself without the assistance of the Gods to constantly watch over it, as it absorbs power from something called the Primordial sea which is the blood of cosmos itself. Which is said to be pure divine energy.

✵ However, to open up the door to "Mictlan" and borrow the power of mana from the living spiritual space of the underworld, in order to give your spirit a usable and powerful form you need to offer up a single or multiple living being as a sacrifice on an artificial altar, which should be on top of the highest temple of the Aztec city. There you will recite the ancient command spell, which will activate the altar magic system, and depending on how good the sacrifice is, will determine how strong the spirit will be.


Those were the instructions, on how to use the "The Necklace of Rebirth" and truly Ophis was baffled by the setback as he said to himself.

'Damn, this would have been so much easier, if I had mana... *Sigh!* note to self, when you are free, find a way to acquire mana.'

Ophis said to himself, after all, mana was very convenient, although he had to admit, he was seeing a trend here, different worlds have different laws, rules, and power, but depending on the era these worlds can have these powers as the main source as well.

So far Ophis had three types of power, and depending on the era, this world also has these powers as a basis, for instance, Ophis had technology base powers due to his race being an advanced civilization, and the current era also had advanced tech.

Then his second set of powers was Psionics or Esper traits due to his race evolving to that point, although Ophis haven't met up with an Esper like himself, so this seems rarer in this world if not completely non-existent, outside the capabilities of a Beyonder of course.

And finally, his last set of powers falls heavily on the biological side of things, which is his Genetics alteration and manipulation powers and capabilities, which he naturally possesses as Nagasaur due to evolution. And this world also seems to have genetically evolved humans and mutated animals and monsters as well due to radiation affecting the environment at a planetary scale, so his line of powers works perfectly in this world as a result, and looks rather natural.

And finally, the final source of power he has seen was of course Mana, or magic if you want to use a more modern term, which seems to be something more common in the age of the Gods, instead of the modern society of today.

But regardless of that, if this world had mana, then it wasn't impossible to acquire it, but since the very concept of it, was foreign to Ophis race, he will have to play by this world's rule and borrow it from the Aztec underworld as instructed, if he wants to summon his spirit of course.

'Well then, first thing first, I need a worthy sacrifice, thankfully it didn't say it has to be humans, if anything I highly doubt one mere human will get me a mystical grade, so let's spoil the underground with a worthy sacrifice, I'm sure whatever this living space is, will be surprised by my offering in exchange for mana.'

With those words said, Ophis began to think.

'I wonder which one I should summon, a Zenonaga, or maybe a Xenonaga just to be sure, then and again, I can also summon a common Nagasapien if it wants something more humanoid, better yet, I can offer a Ultimanaga for extra reassurance.'

'Let's think this through Ophis, you have the power to naturally create the different evolution forms of your primitive ancestors such as starting in this order.'

'Zenonaga → Xenonaga → Ultimanaga → Nagaman → Nagasapien → Nagasaur.'

'There is a total of six species of Nagasaur I can theoretically create if this skill allows me to create primitive species, currently, I am Nagasaur who by right is older than every other Nagsaur in existence that doesn't share my title as an elder, but then and again, I am the last remaining Nagasaur in creation, so when you think about it, I am the new king of my species.'

'Then and again, I have to do this carefully seeing the skill is at level 1, and according to the skill synopsis, this is my current limit.'

|Create Primitive Nagasaur >> 1/∞|: The ability to create 3 pair of any one of the previous devolved states of the Nagasaur per year, or till the level resets it.

'Hmmm... alright, let's summon two Xenonaga as a sacrifice, and I will summon females seeing they are bigger and stronger than the males.'

With that said, Ophis began to open his mouth wide for the first time, revealing his sharp shark-like teeth, as he bit his right index finger lightly, and immediately after, glowing pink blood began to drip from the wound, however at this point Ophis was using his Create Primitive Nagasaur racial ability to make two females Xenonaga.

From there, two drops of his blood fell to the ground, and the moment it got exposed to air the blood began to expand and elongate itself like a raging tsunami wildly, the process even made the mountain begin to shake fiercely, and the birds in the sky began to fly away in instinctive fear, of course, the wild animals of the mountain began to run away from the temple in fear, and it wasn't long to see the reason why these lesser lifeforms fled the scene.

Because before Ophis was a giant, No! it was a pair of two titans, that manifested itself outside the Aztec city, so they didny destroy their creator dwelling with their ginormous size.

Ophis look up to see his fellow brethren, or sisters, maybe even children in this case, because before him coming from the north, and the south, were two colossal snakes with a body size of 5,000 meters in length, and 1,500 meters in width, and both were floating high in the sky, as they look down on everything with a menacing look.

They had large bright blue scales covering their entire bodies, from tip to head, with sharp, blunt, and rigid glowing blue spikes coming from different parts of their bodies, but the most terrifying external aspect apart from their unbelievable size, was the fact that they possess long, monstrous, and jagged-like teeth, with thin scaley dagger-like tongues. Their eyes were on the smaller side but they glow a menacing pink that can instill fear even in the most fearless of beings.

Ophis look at his two children with disbelief and began to question if the spirit was even worth it, his decision was then further challenged when he heard Thaumela speak.

[Notice, You earned the title, "New Father of the Nagasaur" for summoning two extinct female baby Xenonaga from just your blood alone]