

In a dark one-room apartment, there was the light of screen.

Displayed on the screen was a novel with the title of "The hero of Nazaviik".

"What a shitty protagonist."

Thought Michael. He full name was Michael Jones. He was in his 20s. He was skinny. He had shoulder-length black hair tied in a ponytail. His eyes were a dark brown color.

Right now, he just finished the last chapter of the most popular novel. But he had an annoyed face.

"Without the heroines he is nothing but a loser."

Michael said. Although this novel was good, Michael was really annoyed by the protagonist. It was because the protagonist was one of those people that believed everyone has a good side in them .

And Michael who after he had been betrayed by his best friend, who stole his company even when Michael treated him as a brother, stopped trusting others and couldn't find the so-called good side of them.

Even in school he only had one friend and that one friend ended up betraying him.

He was an orphan to begin with. His parents left in an orphanage and went live their lives free of the responsibility of raising a child.

Right now, he was 23 years old. He worked a part time job in Café as waiter. That amount of money was only enough to live in a studio apartment in Tokyo. His apartment was messy and had a lot of emptied instant noodle cups dropped on the floor

After all, he couldn't afford to spend a lot of money.

It was raining outside and from time to time the sound of thunder could be heard.

"....crack... Crack..."

" Booooomm''

" FUCK! "

A bolt of lightning just fell in the apartment building next to his. So, the electricity was cut off

Michael went to the window to check the situation outside. He opened the window and popped his head out. He could see the building next to his had been half destroyed and had also caught fire.

He was about to go call the Fire department. Just as he was about to go inside to get his phone, Flower pot fell on the back of his head.

He did know where the flower pot came from but Michael vision turned blurry. He was losing a lot of blood and his consciousness was slowly slipping.

"... Crack.... Crack.. ''

The sound of thunder could be heard once again.

" booooom "

And suddenly a giant lightning that was shot towards Michael hit Michael . Michael's body was then burned to a crisp. After all, the surviving chances of being struck by lightning is almost 0.

That was how Michael Jones' miserable life ended.

Or did it...

Michael abruptly opened his eyelids.

In his vision was the ceiling of an unfamiliar room.

"where..am I?"

He questioned himself.

He slowly looked around with a slight headache.

He found himself in luxurious room. That had a king sized bed at the center of the room , a huge bookshelf on the right side of the bed and desk on the left side.

And the bed was pointed towards the door. Right and left sides of the door were two wardrobes. And between the left cupboard and the desk was a full body mirror.

Michael than slowly got up and looked at his body. He wasn't skinny anymore. It was quite the opposite actually. He had a chubby body, he wasn't fat just chubby.

He slowly walked towards the full body mirror that was next to the wardrobe . He looked at himself in the mirror and was shocked.

"No fucking way"

He had messy, shoulder-length, dark-blonde hair and dark-blue eyes. He was chubby with no muscle and he was 15-16 years old.

Although he wasn't attractive to the opposite gender, he could still be considered average.

But Michael was shocked because he looked like the villain in the novel he was reading "The hero of Nazaviik". Although the body he was the body of the villain, it wasn't of the main antagonist.

No, not even close. He was in the body of a small villain that appeared for 3 chapters until he was face-slapped by the protagonist.

"Such dogshit luck. At least if you transmigrate me put me in the protagonist, main antagonist or side character. Hell, even a mob would be better"

He said that because the previous body owner had fallen in love with a beautiful woman but that woman ended up being engaged with the protagonist.

When the original body owner heard that, he despaired but he didn't give up.

He went to confront the protagonist with an arrogant attitude. He was the first born son of Duke while the protagonist was the third born son of viscount.

How can he lower his head to someone of lower status?

He mocked the protagonist and threatened his family. In the end, because of his anger he ended up challenging the protagonist in Bataille à Mort.

Bataille à Mort was basically a battle to the death and how can the protagonist lose from a chubby, untalented, small villain.

That was how he was supposed to die 5 years from now in the Academy.

But now that Michael took over his body, things would change. After all, he wouldn't be someone's stepping stone for a woman.

Michael was going to complain more when suddenly.....

[system initializing....]

[system initialization complete]

[Downloading host's data.....]

[Download complete ]

[Welcome chosen villain's system!]

Michael was surprised when he suddenly heard the emotionless, female voice. Then he smirked when he read what the black screen in front of him said.

"hahaha so my luck isn't complete dogshit"

He laughed to himself. He was looking forward to explore this system and what it can do.

[ To call out the system host just needs to say out loud or in his mind "system interface"]

When Michael heard that he hurriedly said system interface and then a black screen appeared in front of him.

<Name : Adam Singh>





Intelligence :8

Rank: unawakened

Luck points : 150

Villain points: 0

<Skills: none>

<Talents: Swordsmanship D-Rank (will be unlocked after awakening) , Enchantment-Magic C-Rank (will be unlocked after awakening)>

<Techniques :

Lion steps (bronze-rank movement technique) : A low-rank technique that the Singh family gives to its soldiers(tap here for more details)

Lion swordmanship ( pseudo golden-rank sword art) : The technique that the Singh family's heir must master. (tap here for more details)

<System Store>

<Lucky draw>

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