
Steal Gold's Jeff

Screams permeated the area, as cube-shaped bricks flew into the air. 

"Steal Gold is attacking!" 

"Where is the mayor?!"

Suddenly, 10 figures appeared. These were Angerfall Town's highest-ranking officers, and all of them were wielders at rank-2.

They were forced to take action, since their leader, Bob, hadn't returned with Ooze City's reinforcements!

While taking in the huge group of bandits, the 10 officers began to have second thoughts. 

'Can we really do this...?'

Suddenly, at the forefront of the 10 officers, an old man spoke up. He had a bald head and face, but the wrinkles covering him drew out a distinct picture of his wisdom and age.

"Fear not! The reinforcements are coming, we need just buy the mayor some time!"

This old man was called Reinhardt, and the other 9 officers seemed to take his word with great stride.

"Yes! We can distract the enemy! There's 200 of them, I say we each handle 20!"

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