
The Sleepy Moniter

James is a lazy boy. James works at the Nanba Prison. His job is basically a hall moniter, but a little more intense. Although James is a smaller and skinnier than any of the guards there, he does a pretty good job. If you were a guard that hasn't seen him before, while he was doing his job, they may think that he is just lazing around like a lazy bum. But, he's actually listening to his surroundings. James is also in a relationship with Mitsuru Hitokoe. So get ready James amazing adventure and gay life.

Cower0_0 · Urban
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6 Chs

Pause, wait a minute.

I'm going on break for about a week because my family is visiting me. also, I'm sorry to those that were excited for the next update. I have no inspiration or energy to write books write now, okay. Alright.

But, have a nice day everyone and stay safe, since it is hurricane season.