
The Sleepy Moniter

James is a lazy boy. James works at the Nanba Prison. His job is basically a hall moniter, but a little more intense. Although James is a smaller and skinnier than any of the guards there, he does a pretty good job. If you were a guard that hasn't seen him before, while he was doing his job, they may think that he is just lazing around like a lazy bum. But, he's actually listening to his surroundings. James is also in a relationship with Mitsuru Hitokoe. So get ready James amazing adventure and gay life.

Cower0_0 · Urban
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6 Chs

Hitoshi Sugoroku



3rd POV

"You haven't met my kitty?" Mitsuru said to the inmates from cell 13 while showing off James by holding him with his hands under James's arms.

"No?" Uno said with a confused face. "James has been around before you guys even came here." Hajime said seriously. "Ohhhh! Wait, your name is James?" Nico asked excitingly.

"I know you! You are usually sleeping in the infirmary somewhere when i'm getting my medicine." Nico said. "But, you weren't there the last time I went."

"I was monitoring the halls to make sure there were no inmates running around and to check the cameras." James said answering Nico's unspoken question. Nico smiled at James and James smiled back at him.

"Oooooo~" The inmates from cell 13 yelled while looking at Hitoshi Soguroku, Hajime's brother.

"Hajime, you said you didn't have a girlfriend." Jyugo said to Hajime with a straight face.

"Don't change the subject!" Hajime yelled at Jyugo.

"Girlfriend? Nah, can't be." Rock said, ignoring Hajime."It's Hajime, after all." Uno said."Can't really see it." Nico said with a innocent face.

"You punks..." Hajime said under his breath.

"Big brother, who are they?" Hitoshi asked Hajime.

"Big Brother?" The inmates all said in unison.

"Are they your friends?" Hitoshi asked Hajime with a smile on his feminine face.

"Like hell they are!" Hajime yelled at Hitoshi. "Everyone, please take care of my big brother." Hitoshu said with beautiful smile on his beautiful face.

"Yes Ma'am!" The inmates said while blushing.

"What the hell, Hajime?" Jyugo said. "Why didn't you tell us you had a sister.

"Yeah, yeah! introduce us, Big Bwuther! Uni said with a excited face.

"Her dress is so cute" Uno said with a adorable smile.

"She's quite a beauty." Rock said with a grin.

"My brother" Hajime said.

"Huh?" the inmates said in unison.

"He's my little brother." Hajime said while looking at Hitoshi.

"I'm Hitoshi Sugoraku." Hitoshi said with a beautiful smile.

"No way!" the inmates sacreamed, distressed.

"Jyugo, you said you like men too, right!?"