
The SleepOver

It's gonna be a long night

Temi_Esther_7638 · Teen
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4 Chs

" Make sure to whisper when it's late so you don't wake up the parents. "


I turned around, ready to experience the most embarrassing moment of my life, and I was right. It came. They were laughing at me, but I missed everybody so much that I didn't mind. I joined them, and I guess my joining them to laugh at me killed the joke because everybody suddenly stopped laughing and started looking at me as if I was going crazy. I was used to it, though.

"So, Jessi, aren't you going to continue the tour?"

Jessi, as if snapping out of a trance, said, "Huh?"

I was confused, but at least that took away the weird radar from me and turned it on Jessi. "The T-O-U-R. We don't know where to put our bags," I said, pointing at everyone's bags. She facepalmed herself and said, "Sorry," while laughing, "this way, guys."

We all packed our stuff and went to her basement room. Of course, Delphine and Belle were showing signs of disgust, but Lexi quickly pinched them, letting them know that Jessi was the host, and we should be supportive. Just like before, when I passed the creepy island painting, I immediately got chills and goosebumps, but this time, I noticed there was an inscription on it: "La La Insula." I didn't know what it meant or if it was English, and for some reason, it didn't bother anyone else, so I told myself, 'I am just being delusional again. Everything is fine.'

We were all pretty tired from coming all the way here, so we each crashed on our sleeping bags. Debby, Belle, and Delphine quickly came together to talk. I would have joined them, but I didn't really care about what they were going to talk about. Still, I had a vague idea about what they were saying. Last year, I had a crush on this really cute boy, Todd, but I knew he wouldn't notice me. I didn't know what gave me the idea or even pushed me into going to meet Delphine for help. At that time, I was hopeless and desperate for his attention, so I was ready to make a deal with the devil herself.

I got to her cheerleading practice and signaled for her. She came to me, and I told her I needed her help. She said she was in a rush and needed to go back to her cheerleading practice, but I told her it was about Todd, and she let out this chuckle that I overlooked. She told me to wait before running back to her circle. I saw her talking with a few people before packing her bags, and she ran toward me, holding my hand while we went to the back of the gym. I explained to her that I liked Todd, and we sat through Biology class together, but I didn't know how to talk to him. He was really cool and popular, so I didn't know what to do. She smiled before hugging me and said, "You poor thing. Todd has a girlfriend outside of the school. I heard him and the other boys talking about her. She is an influencer and a popular one at that. I think it would be better if you stay clear of him. It would hurt me to see one of my friends hurt." Then she hugged me.

I didn't know what to say. I was so hurt. I rushed to my room because I could feel the pain in my chest swelling, and it was hurting. I was angry at Todd for leading me on. I cried and cried and cried, and it felt like the tears weren't going to stop, but I slept off. When I woke up, I saw my food on my bed. My mom must have brought it up for me.

I got back up, cleaned myself, and said, "It is what it is." It was a Friday, so I had Saturday and Sunday to get my feelings straight, and I played a lot of games during the weekend.

Getting back to school, I went to look for Delphine and found her and Todd at the back of the gym, in the same spot we sat. They....they...., they were making out. She was literally eating him up. I turned around and left. She saw me. I know she saw me. She wanted me to see them. I felt so betrayed and lost. I was angry. I was hurt, but I couldn't do anything. I was weak. I went to Lexi, and before I could tell her what happened, she told me that she heard that Todd had told Delphine he liked her after school that day and they had been hanging out together throughout the holiday. Their relationship lasted two weeks, and they broke up, but I heard that they recently started dating again.

I am assuming that's what they were talking about. I didn't confront her about what happened. I couldn't do anything. I had no proof or evidence, and Todd went to her first. I just wished she hadn't lied to me. I wished she had told me everything and hadn't made me look so stupid, but it didn't matter anymore. I wasn't going to let a boy affect our group. I was ready to take one for the team.

I went to meet Lexi and Jessi. I hugged Lexi one more time. I missed her. I missed her so much. I felt so lost when she left. She was the only constant I had, my only anchor, but she was here now. I sat with them, and they were talking. I was quiet, though, probably because I was tired or because now that she was here, I didn't really know where to start. Jessi's parents brought our food to us at exactly 9:30 pm. I remember because when the food came, I checked to see if the network was back up, but still nothing. We all ate and went to sleep because we had a really fun week ahead of us, so why not.

We went to bed before 10:30 that day, and I had a really good sleep.

The next day

I woke up really late. It was almost afternoon, and I stood up with my hair all over my face and looked around. I was confused for a while. WHERE THE FUCK AM I??!!?

Then the brain cell that had escaped probably came back, and my memories came flashing back. Fuck yeah, I was at Jessi's place, about to have the greatest week ever. I stood up and noticed that Debby was still asleep. Damn. She wakes up really late too. I climbed the stairs and went to the living room upstairs, but I passed the painting again. Call me weird, but I think the inscription on it changed because this time it said, "Λα Λα Νησί". I still didn't understand what it said. What language is that? Wasn't it more pronounceable yesterday? I'm probably tweaking, lagging, or something. I went upstairs, and everybody was at the table eating. I joined them. Apparently, Jessi's parents weren't around, but they had left food for us. We ate, and while they were talking, I told them I was going back to the room to bathe. I dashed down the stairs to pass the painting as fast as I could.

Getting there, I ran to the bathroom. I kicked it open and saw Debby there. She was cleaning up and naked. I ran back and closed the door. Wow. She had an amazing body that I'd never noticed. She was taller than me, but she always wore baggy clothes, so I hadn't thought of her like that. But wow. She was built like an Amazonian warrior. She came out of the bathroom in a really long baggy shirt that probably belonged to her boyfriend. She was holding a towel, cleaning her really long hair.

"I am done. You can use it now," she said.

I looked up at her and stuttered, "Th.... Thank you."

I walked to the door and heard a loud "HEY!!" I turned around, and Debby said, "Next time, knock," before going upstairs.

I went into the bathroom, which was really decent with a mirror on the wall, a small window, a bathtub, and a toilet. I cleaned up and came out. I met Lexi, who was holding a small book. I jumped on her, and she literally vibrated, making me laugh so hard that I was rolling on the floor.

I turned to her, "So, what do you have there?"

She looked at the book and said, "I'm not sure. It says, 'Rules of the Sleepover.'"