
The Sleeping Secrets Before it’s Too late

Sleeping Secrets


body will tell you must no get ill

Creatures is following the rolls of nature that's how they are natural beauty, and they are Normal the only human is changing the way of life and mixing day with night, till he makes the day darker and the night is light, the opposite will happen in human balance and every thing goes wrong when the health and mental condition is wrong let's get BELAL to the moon light and respect the daylight and moon light to be part of the nature that help the creature again.

How darkness influences sleep

Darkness is essential to sleep. The absence of light sends a critical signal to the body that it is time to rest. Light exposure at the wrong times alters the body's internal "sleep clock"—the biological mechanism that regulates sleep-wake cycles—in ways that interfere with both the quantity and quality of sleep. Melatonin, a hormone produced in the brain's pineal glad, is often known as the "sleep hormone" or the "darkness hormone." Melatonin influences sleep by sending a signal to the brain that it is time for rest. This signal helps initiate the body's physiological preparations for sleep—muscles begin to relax, feelings of drowsiness increase, body temperature drops. Melatonin levels naturally rise during the early evening as darkness falls and continue to climb throughout most of the night, before peaking at approximately 3 a.m. Levels of melatonin then fall during the early morning and remain low during much of the day. Evening light exposure inhibits the naturally timed rise of melatonin, which delays the onset of the body's transition to sleep and sleep itself.

Computer artwork of a person's head showing the left hemisphere of the brain inside. The highlighted area (centre) shows the pituitary gland attached to the bottom of the hypothalamus at the base of the brain.

The pituitary gland is a small gland that sits in the sella turcica ('Turkish saddle'), a bony hollow in the base of the skull, underneath the brain and behind the bridge of the nose. The pituitary gland has two main parts, the anterior pituitary gland and the posterior pituitary gland. The gland is attached to a part of the brain (the hypothalamus) that controls its activity. The anterior pituitary gland is connected to the brain by short blood vessels. The posterior pituitary gland is actually part of the brain and it secretes hormones directly into the bloodstream under the command of the brain.

What does my pituitary gland do?

The pituitary gland is called the 'master gland' as the hormones it produces control so many different processes in the body. It senses the body's needs and sends signals to different organs and glands throughout the body to regulate their function and maintain an appropriate environment. It secretes a variety of hormones into the bloodstream which act as messengers to transmit information from the pituitary gland to distant cells, regulating their activity. For example, the pituitary gland produces prolactin, which acts on the breasts to induce milk production. The pituitary gland also secretes hormones that act on the adrenal glands, thyroid gland, ovaries and testes, which in turn produce other hormones. Through secretion of its hormones, the pituitary gland controls metabolism, growth, sexual maturation, reproduction, blood pressure and many other vital physical functions and processes.

Ways to create darkness

The body needs time to prepare for sleep. A sleep routine that includes a gradually darkening environment can help. Dim the lights a full hour before bedtime to encourage your body to begin its physiological progression toward sleep. Use a dimmer switch on overhead lights to control their brightness, or install low-watt, dimmable bulbs in lamps. Avoid screen time the hour before bed: turn off the television, power down computers and tablets, and put your phone away for the night. The light from digital devices contains high concentrations of blue light, a wavelength of light that research has shown is especially detrimental to sleep.

An eye mask worn at night can help deepen darkness and protect against intrusive light. Choose a mask that is soft, comfortable, and flexible. Wearing an eye mask can take a little getting used to, but it is a highly effective tool for limiting your light exposure at night.

Being aware of light's effects on the body will lead you to pay more attention to the light that surrounds you, both day and night. Taking a little time to ensure a dark sleeping environment is one easy and important way to protect and improve your nightly rest.


Cortisol is a steroid hormone that regulates a wide range of processes throughout the body, including metabolism and the immune response. It also has a very important role in helping the body respond to stress.

The pituitary gland is a small pea-sized gland that plays a major role in regulating vital body functions and general wellbeing. It is referred to as the body's 'master gland' because it controls the activity of most other hormone-secreting glands.

What hormones does my pituitary gland produce?

The anterior pituitary gland produces the following hormones and releases them into the bloodstream:

adrenocorticotropic hormone, which stimulates the adrenal glands to secrete steroid hormones, principally cortisol

growth hormone, which regulates growth, metabolism and body composition

luteinising hormone and follicle stimulating hormone, also known as gonadotrophins. They act on the ovaries or testes to stimulate sex hormone production, and egg and sperm maturity

prolactin, which stimulates milk production

thyroid stimulating hormone, which stimulates the thyroid gland to secrete thyroid hormones.

Each of these hormones is made by a separate type of cell within the pituitary gland, except for follicle stimulating hormone and luteinising hormone, which are made together by the same cell.

Two hormones are produced by the hypothalamus and then stored in the posterior pituitary gland before being secreted into the bloodstream. These are:

anti-diuretic hormone (also called vasopressin), which controls water balance and blood pressure

oxytocin, which stimulates uterine contractions during labour and milk secretion during breastfeeding.

Between the anterior pituitary and the posterior pituitary lies the intermediate pituitary gland. Cells here produce:

melanocyte-stimulating hormone, which acts on cells in the skin to stimulate the production of melanin.

What could go wrong with my pituitary gland?

The pituitary gland is an important gland in the body and the hormones it produces carry out varied tasks and regulate the function of many other organs. This means that the symptoms experienced when the pituitary gland stops working correctly can be different, depending on which hormone is affected.

Conditions that affect the pituitary gland directly can be divided into three main categories:

Conditions that cause the pituitary gland to produce too much of one or more hormone(s). Examples include acromegaly, Cushing's disease and prolactinoma.

Conditions that cause the pituitary gland to produce too little of one or more hormone(s). Examples include adult-onset growth hormone deficiency, diabetes insipidus and hypopituitarism.

Conditions that alter the size and/or shape of the pituitary gland. Examples include empty sella syndrome.

A cell type may divide and then form a small benign lump, known as a tumour, and the patient may then suffer from the effects of too much of the hormone the cell produces. If the tumour grows very large, even though still benign, it may squash the surrounding cells and stop them working (hypopituitarism), or push upwards and interfere with vision – a visual field defect. Very occasionally, the tumour may expand sideways and cause double vision as it affects the nerves that control eye movements. It should be emphasised that even when these tumours are large, they very rarely spread to other parts of the body.

Light as a modern sleep problem

For most of history, humans did not need to seek out darkness. The advent of electricity in the 20th century fundamentally changed our relationship to light and dark, and posed serious new challenges to sleep. Artificial light, inexpensive and ever-present, wreaks frequent havoc on sleep without many people even being aware of its detrimental effects. The widespread use of digital technology—and the light emitted from all those screens—has introduced another highly disruptive challenge to sleep.

Measuring light: lux and lumen

Understanding how light is measured can help you manage your exposure to light more thoughtfully, and with an eye toward improving your sleep. There are a couple of measurements that are important in the world of light and dark: lumen and lux. Lumen is a measurement of light intensity or brightness, also known as radiance, at the source of the light itself. As light moves from its source, it disperses and its intensity changes. So when we're thinking about our exposure to light, it's not just the intensity of light itself that matters, it's also our distance from the light. That's where lux comes in. Lux takes lumen values and factors in the surface area over which light spreads. Lumen values can tell you how bright a light bulb is, but lux values can give an indication of how bright that light is in the space in which it—and you—reside. Lux measurements are also commonly referred to as "incident light."

Using lux, indoors and out

Lux can be used to measure all types of light, both natural light and artificial light, and these values can vary tremendously depending on both the source of light, its power, and its proximity. Here's a little perspective on lux: On a sunny summer day, your environment might be in the range of 150,000 lux. Now imagine a cloudy winter day, when the sun is farther from you and obscured: a typical lux measurement on a day like that might be as low as 1,000. At night when darkness falls, lux values plummet. The moon generates values under a single lux.

A typically-lit home, with lamplight and overhead light, as well as light from outside, may have lux readings in the range of 300-500. The lux values of your environment at night will influence how easily your body prepares for sleep. In the evening hours, it's important to maintain low lighting, and allow your body to undergo its natural physiological move toward sleep. Appropriate lux for pre-bedtime activities in the evening, like reading, should be less than 180 lux. This level of brightness will allow you to be quietly active but won't impede your body's progress toward sleep. After light's out, your bedroom should be dark, with lux no higher than 5.

Make light right for sleep

Managing your exposure to light in your home and in your bedroom is fundamental to creating a healthy sleep environment. With awareness, attention, and some simple planning, you can create a bedroom that guards against unwanted light at night, and protects the quality of your sleep until you are ready to wake. Curtains and shades on windows keep outside light from disturbing your sleep. Make sure window coverings are heavy enough to fully block light, and are well fitted to avoid slivers of streetlight or early morning sunlight from filtering in. Even brief exposure to light can interfere with sleep. Blackout curtains are designed to provide this kind of thorough protection against unwanted light.

Nightlights can help

If you need a source of light during the night—to make your way comfortably to the bathroom or to a child's bedroom—use a nightlight with a red bulb. Red is a long wavelength light that has been shown less disruptive to sleep than other light wavelengths. Put the nightlight in a hallway or another room, if possible. Having a small light in place will help you avoid having to flood your middle-of-night environment with unwanted, sleep-disrupting brightness.

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