
the Sleeping Ox Guild

Sarial Hearthry is a happy girl with a loving family. Her favorite hobbies include cuddling her family members and carrying her baby brother around. Rebeling for the first time, she sets off on an adventure after joining the Sleeping Ox Guild. Where will her adventures take her? We shall soon see. Disclaimer: This story is based on a Dungeons & Dragons homebrew setting. Its all a 'what if' scenario from my player character's point of view, and in few ways reflects actual gameplay. Please allow me to show you the world created by my Dungeon Master as I find a way to give as many of his charactets that I love happy endings.

Irrylath · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
82 Chs

Lover's Scare

*Chapter Warning Rated R Content*

Once outside, I grinned at Mills. "That was quite the large sum." He commented.

"Not so much." I shrugged. "To me, it's fair for what I need."

"I'm inclined to agree with you as long as it's more than paying a good artisan for their wares." He said.

"I paid for priority and preferential treatment. He'll also be more inclined to feeding my people at a reasonable price should I die." I told him as we walked to Tibin's shop.

"Now, no talking like that. And for all those considerations, that's a good deal." Mills said.

"I'm a realist, Sweetling. I can hope I won't die... But I'd like to prepare the people for if I do." I shrugged. "Which reminds me, I'll need to hire a hunter for the town, too."

He cleared his throat a bit. I ignored his hint, smiling at him wickedly, "Do you think Arthur would?"

He hung his head slightly, sighing and said, "I am sure Arthur would make an excellent hunter for your town."

I laughed and said, "Would you prefer the job? I care about your time and efforts, not so much the burden it'd place on Arthur." I stroked his hand gently as we reached Tibin's shop.

"I believe I could make an excellent hunter for your town." He replied.

"If you want the responsibility, then I won't look elsewhere, but aren't you already pretty busy?" I asked him, concerned.

"Never to busy." Mills said. "It would just mean some night hunts, and those aren't so bad."

"..I think I'll take a little bit of convincing... I'm already going to bring danger closer to you.." My voice wearily, thinking ahead of a possible future. Anxiety set in as I contemplated it, and I opened the door to Tibin's shop and entered.

"We'll come back to that one." Mills commented. "Good evening Mr. Tibin."

Tibin greeted us, and I asked him if he had the specific tools June had mentioned. Tibin recognized the types of tools and agreed to sell them to me, calling the grouping of them a literary repair kit. I did whittle him down on the price a little, and I got to pick up Plight's displacer cloak, which I was delighted over. In addition to this, I bought a map, the giant magic pot, and a gold pin decorated with a light blue lily. The lily pin then I pinned to Mill's shirt, with a bright smile. We bid him good night and left to go to the cave.

"I love this pin. It's like I will be able to see you, even when you aren't here." Mills said.

I giggled and said, "It looks nice on you. I'm glad you like it. I have a bad tendency to spend money on people whom I care for."

"Oh yes, that is a terrible tendency." Mills agreed sarcastically in an amused and light tone.

"It is. Not that I think anyone would have the heart to chastise me for it." I smiled. "Not even my Dad has."

"Well, I certainly won't be the first." He said.

"I'm probably going to try and talk Dean into coming to manage the town. He's very strict with others." I tell him, "He is aware of what you look like and would recognize you."

"Well, that's alright. You seem to trust him enough." Mills said.

"I trust him to have my back in a hairy situation. But even if we'd never gotten into those fights, regarding you or other matters, I wouldn't trust a relationship with him." I admit.

"That does speak volumes for the boy." He said.

"Does it? He's two years older than I." I said.

"That is quite the minute difference in age." He said.

I nodded. "The people who follow him are well taken care of. Rarely got beltings from Haril."

"If I am remembering Haril correctly, that is quite the feat." Mills said.

"He took one for me when I was six. One of Marin's people snitched and got me caught on something Dean had asked of me. Dean caught wind of it just in time to take the belting instead. Then the idiot comforted me, even though he was the one sore." I told him. It saddened me remembering how close we were.

"Awfully difficult to know what to make of him." He said.

"That's Dean precisely!" I laughed a little. "He's a blonde with green eyes, though he keeps his hair short. He's also around Uncle's height."

"Tall for just a lad." He commented.

I shrugged. "You said we'd come back to one of my comments?" I reminded him as we reached the cave.

"Ah yes. How are you putting me in danger precisely?" He asked.

"By making Hearthstone town. With your ideals at it's foundation." I told him.

"Do you not believe it to be worth the risk?" Mills asked.

"I've always tried to not increase the danger to my family and friends. Do I think making this town is a worthwhile venture? Yes, or I wouldn't do it. I am not the sort to suffer a loss. But I sorely hate that it'll bring danger closer to you." I explain.

"I live on my father's land. And by this point, I'm pretty sure he wants me dead. I live in danger." He said.

"Yes, well, where do you think someone who hates my family, and is hunting you, will look when word gets out?" I said.

"Can always hope.. directly at me. If he's to busy looking at me, then he will notice far to late what you create." He said.

I angrily smacked his shoulder immediately, "You are not bait, Mills!"

"But you must admit, I would be tasty." He replied, unbothered.

I stare at him, beginning to ache. I'd known him for such a short time, but with the throbbing fear in my chest that formed at his words, Vakri was quickly manifesting. Along with tears. Stupid irrational female feelings with a stupid irrational brain. "Don't do something stupid. If that's your plan I will not stay by you." I choked out.

"I see my jest has caused you quite a bit of distress. Let me assure you, I have no intentions of bring brought low by anyone." He said.

I continued to stare at him, knowing I needed to calm down. But also finding difficulty in doing so. I turned away from him and walked to the river's edge. "Vakri's manifested." I told him, though he'd no way of knowing what Vakri is. I scooped some water to splash my face.

"What do you mean?" Mills asked.

I turned back to face him, scared, and used the beacon ability. Shedding the soft blue light that lit me and the ghostly, multi-eyed and armed, near insect-like Vakri up. I watched him, as his eyes adjusted to the sudden light.

He gave a startled cry, "Oh. Oh my..." Alarm slowly gave way to confusion on his face. "What is it?" He asked.

"Vakri is a Quori, a refugee from the Dal Quor, the Nightmare Realm. All nightmares come from the Dal Quor. Vakri is shared between myself and anyone blood related to me. It's why I called myself a demi-human..." I ramble, "I'm a Kalashtar. Vakri appears when my emotions are very strong and I cannot control them."

"Well, that certainly does explain a few things, doesn't it?" Mills asked, seeming to have recovered. There was even an edge of curiosity to his voice.

"Does it?" I asked, taking off my pack, cloak, and weapons, and setting them aside. I turned my back to him, ending the beacon.

"I am assuming that this.. Vakri.. is why you are able to connect with someone mentally." Mills comments.

I decide to leave on my shirt and pants, and jump into the icy cold water. It cuts through my intense emotions, shocking my system and allowing me to calm, as I stand up for air, I answer. "Yes. Vakri goes into the other person's mind when I Mind Link to them. It's Vakri's voice you hear."

"I had assumed something of the sort." Mills said. "For it was certainly not your voice."

I take a few calming breaths and say, "If I have children with a human they'll have Vakri as part of them, too. Father said I should speak to you about that."

"Oh. Um... Well then.." Mills stammered, embarrassed.

I felt myself numbing. "I am sorry for getting overly emotional." I said, noting my voice had gone monotone. "And I am sorry for making you uncomfortable." I idly noted that I should leave the chilly water, that didn't motivate me into moving. Rather, I noted aloud, "Oops. The shirt was white."

I hadn't been looking at him, but I heard a splash and looked towards him, he'd removed his shirt and entered the water. He was approaching me. "Emotions are what drive us, give us purpose, give us reason. To push them down is practically killing yourself." He'd reached me then, wrapping his arms around me, "If you ever take yourself away from me like that I will be very upset." He kissed me then, and I felt how cold I'd become in the water, shivering.

"I've been trained to keep relatively calm. To not manifest Vakri." I tell him.

"Staying calm and collected is all well and good, this does not mean," He picked me up out of the water, "that you must remain so calm and so collected that you feel like someone else, or that the emotion drains from your very voice."

"It's fine." I say, "It's just temporary."

He was walking us back towards the shore now. I looked towards my pack, then wrapped my arms around him and buried my face against his neck. We dripped frigid droplets as he stepped onto shore. He nuzzled against my head and set me down next to my things.

"I'm very proud of myself." He said, with a cheeky grin, "I only looked twice."

"At my chest?" I asked, taking a knee length dress out of my pack. I took the wet shirt off, leaving the camisole on, and replaced it with the dress. Then I slid my soaked pants off, also removing my boots and socks.

"Sometimes, I could swear you were a demon sent to tempt me." Mills said, putting his shirt back on.

"Are you religious?" I asked.

"Not particularly." He answered.

"Don't tell Plight so, but I agree with Leonin view points on religion. The gods are like spiteful children fighting over who gets to break what toy." I say.

"It certainly sounds like a fair assessment." He said.

"Am I like a demon?" I asked.

"I'm inclined to say so." He said.

"Why am I like a demon?" I ask in a light voice, tilting my head and gazing at him.

"Because you tempt me." He replied. "In very fun ways."

"That's silly." I tell him as I shiver. I wrap my cloak about myself and pick up my pack. "Ready to see what's been done?"

"I believe, I am. And how is it silly?" He asked.

Standing, I say, "I'm like a demon because I tempt you? Then what are you that you disarm me so easily and have the ability to make me fear for your safety?"

He was quiet, and appeared thoughtful. Then he said, "That would make me a man of great conviction and waning willpower."

I raised an eyebrow at him. Then I take my wet things and bundle them up. I snag his hand as I start to move past him, taking me with me to enter the cave.

Once we enter, we head down towards the cavern where the houses are being made up. Soon as we reach the bottom of the stairs the men I'd brought today spot me, choruses of 'My Lady' were spouted. They'd had some Dwarven brew, I suspect. But it tickled me into a giggle fit to see them so eager to see me again. The way to a man's heart truly is his stomach, isn't it?

"Yes, yes. Are you sober at all? Did you lot eat supper before your drank?" I chastise them lightly.

"Not yet, Lady." June said.

"Not nearly so drunk." Emel commented, eyeing Mills.

"Well good. I brought you lads some goodies." I say.

"You needn't've my Lady." another man said.

I took out the large cook pot. And the tools for June. Then, I began taking out the bread and sweets. Much to the men's delight.

"Whose he, my Lady?" Emel asks in a cautious tone.

"He's my beau and also to be the master huntsman, Mills, for you lot. I haven't paid him yet, so be nice." I tell him.

"Good to meet you, Master Hunter." Emel frowned at Mills.

Mills offered his hand to the large Emel, "Good to meet you as well.." He looked at me and said, "Guardsman?"

"This is Emel Pieron, and yes, he will be training these lot to be guards. He used to work for the nobility in the Capital, as a guard, until a run in with fat Denoir." I explain, as Emel shakes his hand.

"My Lady is helping me reunite with my sister after so long." Emel said to Mills.

"Yes, she'd mentioned your situation to me. She's tenacious, so I am sure she'll be able to bring your sister to you." Mills smiled.

Emel nods to him, as I say, "I do know her. I got her hired into the Quinlan's household after hearing her horrific story. I've sent her a letter already, in six or so days I shall bring her if she's willing."

Next, I explain to Emel that I'd brought Mills to check out the houses that'd been finished. Emel offers to show him his place. We agree, then I show the least drunk man how to work the pot, and hand June the tools. The men set about getting to work on making a stew, and we check out Emel's claimed house. The ornate details on the outer walls were nearly as fine as Elven designs. But definitely had a Dwarven touch. Inside it was simply constructed, to last efficiently. Each had one to two bedrooms thus far, Emel said, and one common room, along with a bathroom. In each bedroom a night table, bed and chest. In each common room, a desk, table and sitting space.

All better than the men were used to anymore. This boosted their morale and they intended to start training straight away, as Emel knows how to put together simple practice dummies. I'd lucked out with these men. I complimented Emel's commitment, then excused us and brought Mills with me to my locked room. I opened it for us and let us inside, shutting the door. Once inside, I lit a lantern and got to work cooking a meal for Mills and I.

Once the food was ready and plated, we sat on the bed and ate. "I didn't relock the door yet, so you are free to stay or go at your discretion." I tell him.

"Well, if you are asking me if I'd rather stay or leave, then of course I would love to keep you company through the night. It was the best sleep I ever had." Mills said.

I smiled slightly, and said, "Was it? I would think you'd felt squished."

"Not in the least." He replied.

"I do intend to lock up before bed. What time do you wish to wake? I can set an alarm again." I tell him.

"Just before dawn. I'll need to reach the stall. I need to prepare some things and then go hunting to get some wares." He answered.

"Very well. I'll set it. Shall we discuss business?" I ask him, as I take out the pocket watch and set its alarm.

"By all means, lets hammer it out." He said.

"I will let you start. There are currently twenty-one people living here, and I expect to be able to, at minimum, double that number by next week." I tell him.

"That's quite the feat." Mills replied.

"I will, of course, also be hunting when I can.. but as I expect at least six days of absence, my concern is that. It could turn longer should I be held up with things in the Capital or East Haven. I don't know how long it would take the wizard to craft the items I'd like. I'd hate for the men to go without adequate food stuffs. I'd rather they strengthen themselves than hunt, currently." I tell him.

"Fear not, I certainly will not let your citizens starve. In fact, I will try to see to it that they thrive. Try, I will do my best." Mills said.

"Do you know about how much they'll need? I've given them bear, which'll last them a bit. And they'll have bread... I intend to acquire cattle, chicken, and most importantly seeds for crops. I'd like to find a druid, to help that along." I stared off into space, contemplating that. He remained quiet, listening to where my thoughts went. "Actually, that'd help Dueling Rivers, too. To grow crops and such so close by. Instead of relying on the crown." I grinned at him. "Also, I'll need to start gathering seeds of herbs that'll do well in captivity. Some just won't."

"I have a few seeds that I believe will do quite well." He said, "Two deer and a boar should easily suffice them."

I nodded and said, "You'll keep the best cuts of meat, and any hide or well selling bits. Lets see... Twelve gold, because I'll ask that you keep an eye out for seeds as well, if it will not burden you too much."

"You do know you don't have to pay me for priority, right?" Mills asked.

"I'm not. I am paying you, cheaply, to do a job for me. Asking you to obtain seeds is a grueling task, your expertise on the subject worth reward." I replied. "Do you disagree?"

"Drop it by three gold and I'll agree." He said.

"Hmm. Take Theo with you, then, to help you hunt." I said. "Then I'll be fine dropping the price."

"You wish for me to take one of your dogs with me to hunt? I am not saying they are poor hunters, I am just confused on why I need to bring one." He said.

"To save time. It'll lighten your burden a little. He can scout ahead much faster, and then lead you to prey. Plus, he may be safer with you." I tell him.

"Alright. I will take him with me." Mills relented.

I gave him a kiss. "Do you want to shake on the deal, or do you want to forgo that formality?"

He offered his hand, as soon as I accepted his hand he pulled me to him and kissed me, a very sweet and satisfying kiss. "There," He said, "All sealed."

I hummed, and mumbled, "That's quite nice."

"Then, do you want another?" He asked gently.

"Yes." I replied, bluntly.

He began kissing me again, cupping the back of my head, below my ear with one hand, the other holding me close at the small of my back. I straddled his lap, returning his kisses, while wrapping my arms around him.

After a moment, he pulled away and leaned back on the bed to catch his breath. I needed to as well, however the change in position caused a particularly engorged part of his body to press against me.. intimately. Resulting in a breathy gasp and shiver at the sensation.

He sat back up immediately, apologizing for not thinking about how the position change would effect us. I shifted in his lap a little, my nuisance mind reminding me that the door is unlocked. I looked at the door briefly, then the lock.

Hesitantly, I asked, "..Do you have experience?"

"In this particular field.. very little." He answered.

I moved off his lap, and said, "Do you want to?"

"Normally, I would say I would try to be a little coy, but I do believe I've already been sold out." He stated. He hesitated, then clarified, "Yes, yes I do. But, do you?"

I picked up the lock and placed it on the door, locking it. Shyly, I returned to him, and replied, "I think so."

With those words, he helped me out of my dress and under clothes, then eased me onto the bed. I briefly felt embarrassed with the light revealing my body so completely. But then my eyes met his, the desire burning within them enthralled me and allowed my embarrassment to fade. He removed his own shirt once more, leaving his pants on. That was to keep him from rushing, he'd explained. He'd no desire to hurt me.

The slow torment began with caresses and kisses, as we learned how to touch each other. A strange sensation tingled across my body, ever building, as we continued. He turned that devilish mouth of his onto my breasts, driving my body wild. It felt as though I no longer had control, when next our eyes met, through my cries, I saw, he felt the same. When my world shattered in a spasmic manner, was when he'd slide his pants off and joined us with a groan.

There was an incredibly brief pain where he'd entered, but the heat that arose from us drowned that, his rhythmic thrusting was short lived, as this time he emptied into me with a throaty moan as I spasmed, again, around him.

Panting, he lay atop me, both of us breathless and covered in sweat. Exhaustion was ramping up quickly, and I blinked at him.

"I'm sorry, if that hurt. I understand there is a bit of that on the first go." He said, once he'd caught his breath sufficiently.

I hummed a little, acknowledging he'd spoken, then sleepily murmured, "Didn't much."

"I'm sorry, did I wear you out?" He asked.

"Yeah," I said, gently petting his face.

"Then I will take that as a good thing. I am quite tired myself." He said.

I kissed his face before my eyes fluttered shut and I fell asleep.