
the Sleeping Ox Guild

Sarial Hearthry is a happy girl with a loving family. Her favorite hobbies include cuddling her family members and carrying her baby brother around. Rebeling for the first time, she sets off on an adventure after joining the Sleeping Ox Guild. Where will her adventures take her? We shall soon see. Disclaimer: This story is based on a Dungeons & Dragons homebrew setting. Its all a 'what if' scenario from my player character's point of view, and in few ways reflects actual gameplay. Please allow me to show you the world created by my Dungeon Master as I find a way to give as many of his charactets that I love happy endings.

Irrylath · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
82 Chs

Joining a Guild

*Bryna's POV*

Bibs was at his desk on the first floor. I approached him and flopped my forehead against him. Just like I used to back then if something bothered me. From mundane to serious problems.

He patted my head and said, "What's wrong?"

I looked up at him and said, "My face is funny."

"Oh my.. Indeed.. One moment." He said. He got down and went over to the cabinet, then he warned me, "Open nothing in this house."

"Ok." I said, watching him.

He took a small jar out of the cabinet. "This is probably going to taste bad.. But it will help."

"Whad is id?" I asked.

"It is black cumin. Supposed to help with allergic reactions." He said.

"Oh." I said, accepting it as he prepared it for me. After a few minutes the swelling started to reduce. "I got a hug from Tilton."

He was at his desk again. "Oh, that's nice." He said. Then paused, and twisted to look back at me, "Wait what?"

"I got a hug from my favorite troll toe." I said.

"What demon did you make a deal with?" He asked in a serious tone.

"Tilton." I answered.

"The worst of them all. What did you agree to?" Bibs asked.

"I asked for a hug and he said I can have only one and I said I wanted one now and one in sixteen years if I live past when I died." I said. "His smile is pretty, too."

"He smiled?! That man hasn't smiled in three- never mind. I'm glad you had a nice time." Bibs said.

"Thomas said his mom is on a mission." I said.

"I had been wondering where she was. I hadn't bothered to ask anyone." He said. "Did he mention where?"

"Down below." I answered. "Do you think I could help her on her mission? Thomas misses her a whole lot."

"If she's down below then, no. I don't think you can." He said.

"Oh. I'll ask again when I'm stronger." I said. "Thomas showed me how to punch."

"Oh? Showed you how to punch, eh? Show me." He said, holding up his hand for me.

I readied my stance, paying attention to my footing, and punched his hand. My fist stung from it and I felt my claws bite into my palm. Since I'd balled it up, it left only my palm for the claws to affect.

He shook his hand immediately and said, "Hooh, he taught you well."

"Frank said I can borrow his bow for the exam." I told him.

"Who's Frank?" Bibs asked.

"One of the guards. He was stationed at the East Gate." I said.

"Oh." He said, "Well, that's awfully nice of Frank."

"There's dead stuff walking the woods to the North, did you know?" I asked. "Very stinky."

"No, I didn't. I'm sure Tilton will have it under control. He keeps his guards very attentive." He said.

"Tilton said he posted a quest bout it. But the guards said adventurer's are lazy- er, well, specifically, he said they don't do nothin' less there's reward in it." I said.

"Yes, that is typically how they operate." He said. "There are some outliers that will help for the sake of helping. But most are after the gold."

"Can't buy nothin' if everyone's gone." I said with a shrug.

"I agree. Have you had dinner yet?" Bibs asked.

"I got some bread." I said, showing him my bounty.

"Well, let's turn that bread into some sandwiches." Bibs said.

"Okies! I like to share." I said.

"Almost sounds like someone raised you right." Bibs said.

"Tooting your own horn, huh?" I laughed.

He laughed, too, and said, "Oh, just a smidge." He opened the pantry and pulled out some meats and cheese. While he made our sandwiches he asked, "What caused that allergic reaction?"

I pointed at Kershka's Elven Pillow. "The Elven Pillow. I think cause of the eggs, but I haven't eaten booberries either this time." Kershka stopped eating the thing and set it on the table. Feeling guilty, I added, "It's not poisoned, promise."

"Oh ok." He says, and started eating it again.

"Thomas said I smell like dog." I said.

"Thomas has a particularly keen nose." Bibs said.

"Yeah, acause he's a dragonborn, right?" I asked.

"Sniffed him out that quickly, huh? I'll have to talk to him again about being a little more discreet." Bibs said.

"It was a slip up that kids wouldn't notice. I was explaining why I smell like that and said Wolfborns are like hairy kobolds which are like tiny Dragonborns. And I said I didn't know if he'd know what that was cause I didn't know if it was common anymore." I explained. "He said he hadn't seen another Dragonborn in a long time. I didn't know for sure until you confirmed."

"Well, that's fine. It's mostly a secret from those who'd harm him." Bibs said.

"I told him bout Wolfborns being hunted acause of their parents curse." I said.

"Well, he can definitely relate to that." Bibs said.

I nodded. I said, "The big lady at Kaz's had a tummy ache so I crushed up those warming leaves Tilton taught me about and put them in my blanket, and I folded it neatly and put it on her belly. And she fell right to sleep." I showed him the leaves. "They used to grow everywhere in fall. But the seasons are weird now."

"Indeed. There are some things going on with that and I haven't quite been able to figure it all out yet. There are a lot of things going on in the world now." Bibs said.

"I wonder how come I was born now." I said.

"That's a question many of us ask throughout our lives." Bibs said. "In your case, it's just a little more difficult to answer than normal."

"Tilton was probably anxious, right?" I asked.

"About what?" Bibs asked.

"Me." I said. "He's got a suspecting nature and it's been a long time. I'd be anxious, too, I think. I was so excited earlier, I didn't think it through."

"He'll be fine." Bibs said. "I do believe it was just a little out of the blue."

"To be hassled in the streets by a puppy, yeah." I said. "I scared one of the guards at the North gate and he said I was worse than Thomas."

"Ah, did you help Thomas on his rounds?" He asked.

I nodded and said, "Yeah. Kaz is the dwarf, right? He didn't let me pay for the bread or treat."

"He probably felt a little bad about giving you an allergic reaction." He said.

"Well, neither of us knew that would happen." I pointed out.

"Whereas that is true, that doesn't mean he doesn't feel bad." He said.

"It's just acause I'm an adorable little kid." I said.

"I'm sure if he accidentally gave anyone an allergic reaction." Bibs said.

"I was kidding anyways. If it was just acause of that he'd be creepy. I met someone like that already." I said.

"And who, pray tell, would that be?" Bibs asked.

I showed him my dagger and said, "I don't remember what the name was, but I nicked this from him. Ran into him far West of Gold Lake."

"Sounds like a truly unpleasant fellow." Bibs said.

"Sure, if he stopped the bleeding." I shrugged.

"Let's hope for a lack of medical knowledge." Bibs suggested.

"Can a lot of people fix a stabbed eye?" I asked.

"I'm going to say no." Bibs said.

"I have to get a tea set. So I can have tea with Tilton sometime." I said.

"He actually has quite a lovely tea set. He doesn't use it very often, but he does have it." Bib said.

"Oh, yay! Then I just gotta do well and then we can have tea together." I said clapping my hands and kicking my feet excitedly.

"What do you mean by 'do well'?" Bibs asked.

"Remember? He'd tell me to do something when I was little, and said if I do well, we'll have tea." I said cheerfully. "So, when I take a quest if I gotta do well. Well, I guess it's been a long, long time for you both. But for me, it was just a handful of years ago."

"Tilton's memory is a little bit better than mine. Maybe that's why he kept hold of the tea set." Bibs said.

We'd finished our sandwiches by now and he'd gone back to his desk and started working on something. "I keep getting frustrated with myself, acause I slip up and mess up words and need naps and act silly. I know it's acause I'm a kid again, but I don't feel like a kid." I told him.

"Is this something you're wanting me to.. fix? Or might you just be venting?" Bibs asked.

"I'm just compwaining acause I can. Practice makes better, you know? It's not something that can be fixed without time." I told him. "I'm apposed to have a Revived Nature, but that parts kinda locked up acause my body can't handle it."

"Unfortunately I don't know enough about your current condition to make an observation that can help you." He said.

"When I started with the rogue stuff again I trained from latent memory rather than being taught. Instead of being a scout rogue this time, I'm a revived rogue. It let me remember the past, acause it's etched into the soul, the memories." I tried to explain. I wasn't sure if he understood.

"If you wish, I could try to find someone more suited to figuring out things about the soul." Bibs said.

"It's alrighty. I'm not very worried bout it, even if it's discombobulating. I'm just glad you both are alive and I found you." I said.

"It is quite amazing that you were able to find us." Bibs said.

"I lived over by the swamp. An hour from it. And with the wolves for a while. I haven't a lot of practice with speaking like a person." I said.

"Well, I will be your training partner for such things at any time." Bibs said.

"I like your large friend." I said, looking at Kershka. "I could talk forever, you know?"

"Yes, Kershka is a lovely fellow. Unfortunately, I can't talk forever, but I can talk for a while." Bibs replied looking amused.

"I love you, Bibs." I said. "Whole lots."

"Love you, too, Kiddo." Bibs said.

"Are you gonna call me Ashtar or Bryna?" I asked.

"Which do you prefer? If you wish for Bryna, I will call you Bryna." Bibs replied.

"Tilton's gonna keep calling me Ashtar, so I don't think it matters which one. I was Ashtar for longer than Bryna." I said. "Bryna is a kiddy sounding name."

"You are a kid." Bibs pointed out.

"Yeah. I think I'm six or seven?" I said. "The seasons don't change so it's hard to track."

"Yes, I suppose it would be a little difficult to keep track." Bibs said.

"Tilton said he was gonna warn Gregor about me." I told him.

"That's alright, I already did. I mean-" He was grinning.

"Bout what?" I asked.

"It's just a joke, Kiddo." He said in a soft tone.

I poofed up my cheeks looking at him, pretending to be offended. "Bully."

"Terribly so, yes." Bibs said.

"You know what Tilton said? He said he was gonna throw me over the wall. But he didn't. Heehee. Instead he brought me to your house." I told him.

"Can't ever really tell what he may do. Throw you over a wall, bring you to my place, or who knows." Bibs replied.

"So, Kershka, Tilton, and Gregor.. Who else is your friends?" I asked.

"Well out of the old adventuring group, There's myself, Kershka, Tilton, Gregor and Alexander. And for a short time, Snow Den." Bibs said.

"That's a lot of people. How come Snow Den was a short time?" I asked.

"She found her One, and went off to raise a family." He said.

"Oh, that sounds great." I said, "Do you still talk?"

"Occasionally. I should call her soon." He answered.

"Does she have cute babies?" I asked.

"She does. She has one.. two. three.. Four.. I guess kinda five." He said.

"Kinda? Is one a man-baby?" I asked.

"No, I'm just not sure if he accepts them as parents or not." Bibs said.

"Kid's don't get to choose that." I said. "'Cept I guess I kinda did." I was getting sleepy all over again. "You are a good daddy type person."

"I'll take that as a good thing." Bibs said.

"If you want to. I might tell people your my dad, heehee." I giggled.

"I'd be fine with that." He said without hesitation.

"How come?" I asked.

He turned to look at me and said, "I wouldn't mind claiming you."

"Why?" I asked.

"Why? Is there something wrong with you?" He asked.

"Yes. All my parents have died. And I'm a weird kid that remembers dying." I answered.

"You are a being that terrible things have happened to. That does not mean that someone cannot claim you." Bibs said.

"Mm. Ok. I will say it then." I said, pretending to be stubborn bout it. "But are you sure you wanna be my daddy?"

"I'll buy you a paci tomorrow." He said with a stern look.

"Okies." I said. "I won't be bothered at all."

He laughed.

I approached Kershka, patting his leg and letting Silkrend jump onto him. "Silkrend likes you, too. Kershka, Bibs is my daddy."

"Congratulations. Bibs would make a good dad." Kershka said.

"Yeah, I agree." I said, covering my mouth and yawning.

"Looks like someone is sleepy." Kershka said.

"Yeah," I said while rubbing my eyes. "All the time around nine."

"Sounds like bedtime." Kershka said.

I contemplated climbing on him to sleep, but people aren't like wolves. Instead I looked at Bibs and said, "Daddy it's bed time."

"Oh, is it? I suppose I could sleep tonight." Bibs said.

He got down from his desk and headed up stairs, waving me to follow. He showed me where I could sleep, then went to bed himself. I woke up in the morning with serious bed head after sleeping like a log the entire night.

I saw the shadowy transparent man standing in a corner that I'd seen since I was a baby. Usually only in the mornings. He always looks sad and lonely, and I always pretend I don't see him. Today was no different, except that he turned towards the door and walked through it.

I got out of bed and fixed my hair with a comb from my bag. It tangles pretty badly at night when I'm in my human shape. I honestly didn't even mind the shadowy guy, cause I didn't have bad dreams when he was around. That was the one common thing about his visits.

After tying back my hair, I headed downstairs. Where Kershka and Bibs were already up. The shadowy man had already disappeared. At least I hadn't tripped down them this time.

Kershka waved at me and said, "We have a plate here for you."

"Oh, thank you." I said. "Good morning Kershka and Daddy." I walked over and just barely noticed Silkrend doing a threatening display towards the stairway. I looked but didn't see anything.

"Good morning, how did you sleep?" Bibs asked.

"Like a rock. I had to fix my hair." I answered.

"That's alright, we all have to fix our hair in the morning, don't we Kershka?" Bibs said.

"Yes, it doesn't get like this without lotsa styling." The bald Kershka said.

I laughed at the joke. And sat at the table where Kershka had indicated. the breakfast was bread, ham.. and eggs. Though, there were no eggs on my plate. There was also jam. Inate what I wanted of it, weary of the eggs. My hands got sticky from the jam, even though I tried to be careful with it.

"I think I need a damp cloth.." I said looking at my hands.

"Kershka get it." Kershka said. He got up, went outside for a moment and came back with a damp cloth. He helped me get the sticky off. Which included off my face, much to my embarrassment.

"Thank you very much." I said.

"My pleasure." Kershka said.

Silkrend climbed down Kershka and jumped onto my shoulder. I gave Kershka a hug, which made Silkrend relocate into my hair.

"What's your plans for today?" Bibs asked.

"Joining the guild and seeing what quests are available." I answered. "I'm not sure aside from that."

"Alright, well, once you have your results, come back and let us know." Bibs said.

"Alright, I can do that." I smiled.

"Either examiner should do just fine." He commented.

With that, Kershka let me out the front door and they bid me good luck. I headed towards the square first because that's where the guardhouse was located. I remembered passing it. I opened the door and went inside. There was an office to the right, a desk to the front, and cells to the right. Behind the desk was another door.

Orienting myself, I walked up to the desk where a man stood. He seemed a mix of confused and amused as I walked up.

"Well, hello little one, what can I do for you?" The man asked.

"Um, hello. May I please borrow Frank's bow? He said I may use it for the adventurer exam." I said, getting right to the point.

"Ah yes. He sent a message you'd be coming. You sure you're able to string it?" He asked.

"It may take some doing, but I can do it." I said, very sure of myself.

"Alright, give me just a moment. I'll go grab it for you." He said. He then stepped away from the desk, heading through the door in the back.

"Hey... Heey.." A woman said. She was in a cell. A guard was watching, but said nothing.

"Me?" I asked, pointing at myself.

"Yes. You." She said. "Come mere." She waved me over.

I walked towards her cell. "What?" I asked. This woman was a red Tiefling. I made sure to remain out of reach.

"Hey. So, look. I was falsely accused. They're holding me captive. So, you can help get me out, right?" She asked.

"Probably not." I said.

"Look. My name is Ash. I have a friend named Lana. I really didn't do anything wrong this time." Ash said.

"Then why are you locked up?" I asked.

"Because the mayor has a stick up his ass." She retorted sharply. "And the guards are assholes."

"Only I am allowed to insult Tilton." I said. I then turned and walked back to the desk while the guard I'd talked to came out with the bow and string.

"Hey. Heeey. Hey. Hey." She kept repeating.

"I see you've met our seemingly permanent resident." The guard said.

"Am I allowed to use it as target practice? It insulted my best friend." I said, adopting Tilton's habit.

He chuckled and said, "No, no. We aren't allowed to injure the prisoners."

I pouted and held my hands out for the bow and string. "Shoot." I grumbled. "If I see her outside an I allowed to?"

"You are always allowed to practice self defense." The guard said while handing over the bow and string.

"Heeey, kid. I have candy." Ash called.

"Ew. Pedophiles say that." I said.

"Indeed they do." The guard said, then to her, "Should we add that to your charges?"

"What? No. I'm not doing anything." She said.

The long bow that was handed to me was so stiff, you could beat someone to desth with it. It was also a little taller than me. A little more so than Thomas even. The guard was watching me to see my reaction. Probably expecting me to give up and hand it back.

Knowing I'd fail horribly if I tried to string it in it's current state, I asked, "Do you have oil for polishing the wood?"

"I'm sorry, I just had to check and see if you knew what you were doing with a bow." The guard said, then set the stuff out that I needed.

"Tilton would bust my butt if I didn't know. He taught me." I said, not thinking. I started vigorously rubbing the bow and firmly attempting to bend it, before I got into the oil to continue the treatment.

"I didn't know Tilton was teaching someone so young." The guard said.

I noticed what I'd said then. Adults find things harder to believe than children do. While I continued to work, and wish I had bigger hands, I said, "Yeah. Acause Bibs is my Daddy."

"Sorry, I don't see the resemblance, but that's ok." The guard said, after making a funny sound.

"That's acause Bibs said he'd be my Daddy. My parents were murdered in the West." I told him. I flipped the bow over and started working it over now. "It almost feels like Frank bullied me."

"Yeah, I'm not sure why Frank decided to let you use his bow. He hasn't even used it in a couple of years now." He said. "You seem pretty determined, so.. Are you sure you want to do this skilled registration with a bow?"

"I can use bows and daggers. And some basic weapons. I'm still little, so ranged is better for me." I replied.

"Well, I could let you use my knife. It's a little old, but it should be good enough for a guild registration test." He offered.

"Hmm. I could trade you." I said. "The dagger I have in my bag is likely to be stolen." I'd finished getting the wood as limber as I could, to the point I attempted to string it. My size worked against me this time.

It got away from me, popping my chin, and I fell back. Taking a deep breath, I stood back up and picked up the bow, and tried again. Being more mindful, and slightly over bending it. But it worked. It was now strung. So I got into my bag, taking out the dagger and showing it to the guard.

He looked it over and said, "It hasn't been reported stolen... so finders keepers I guess." He showed me his knife. He took decent care of it, it was sharp. "If you want to trade the dagger for this old thing then, by all means."

I tested the balance of the blade, then checked for the smithy mark. "Yeah. I think this'd do me better. Will you miss your knife?" I asked.

"Naw, I got it off some trader a long time ago." He said.

"Thank you." I said. "This is a fine trade."

He said, "I feel like I'm coming out on top with this one, but ok."

"Mister, do you think I'd be able to walk in a city with that dagger on my hip? This knife will help prevent unwanted attention from bad guys." I pointed out.

"Fair enough, fair enough." He agreed.

"I gotta go now to take the test." I said, putting the oil back up on the desk. "Thank you very much."

"Not a problem, I wish ya luck." He said.

I waved to the guards and put the knife on my hip, and took the bow with me. I headed over to the blacksmiths shop and entered it.

The smith looked me up and down and said, "Welcome to the smithy, what can I do for you?"

"May I please purchase a quiver and arrows?" I asked politely.

"So, what kind of arrows do you need?" He asked.

"Would you have any barbed and also blunt ones?" I asked.

"Aye, I've got 'em both." He said.

"That would be good, then. I'm going to try out to be an adventurer." I said.

"Alright. Give me just a moment, I'll get them together." He said.

"Okies." I said, looking around. There were a variety of weapons available. "Wow, you made this?" I was pointing at a short sword. Of course I knew he made it.

"No, I saw a goblin wielding it so I ripped his arms off and took it." He said sarcastically, "Of course I made it."

"It looks very well made. Like Moon Rise's Mountain folks work." I complimented.

He stopped and turned and looked at me and said, "What does someone so young know of such things?"

"Did I say something bad?" I asked, confused.

"Not bad, just odd." He said.

I thought over what I'd said. Still not catching my mistake. "Oh, was you a mountain folk?"

"Many from around here were." He said.

"How come you moved away?" I asked.

"We were invaded." He said gruffly.

"Oh." I said. "I'm sorry if I brought up bad memories."

"It's fine." He said placing the arrows and quiver on the counter. "Two gold."

I put the gold piece and all the silver I'd collected on the counter. The silver added up to just over a gold piece. He gave me the change back. "Thank you mister."

He waved me along, and I headed out and over to the Guildhall. I saw the adventurer that'd helped me the day before heading for the East Gate. I ignored them, and went inside. There were a lot of tables and chairs there. Some people were having late breakfasts. Others were sipping. A couple were being rowdy.

I approached the desk where two people were stationed. The woman was reading a paper, the man looked to not be busy. Plus men tended to not be as protective of children that weren't their own. I walked over, and said, "Excuse me, I would like to join the guild."

He hesitated. "Pardon?"

"Is there papers I have to fill out?" I spoke carefully to try and avoid any baby talk.

"You want to join the guild?" He asked incredulously.

"Yes." I said. "I was recommended to this guild."

He took a deep, uncomfortable breath. An adventurer lumbered over. "Ain't no way some snot nose is joining." The adventurer grumbled to himself.

"I get to fill out the papers and try out, just like anyone else." I said firmly.

The secretary turned and went to get the paperwork. The other secretary had looked up, curious as to what was going on, now she was stopping him. "Go home kid." She said.

"I don't got one." I said.

"Then go back where you came from." She said.

"That's not possible." I replied.

"Then go to Tilton. He takes in orphans." She said.

I looked at the male secretary. "The paperwork, please. I will go get Gregor, elsewise. There is no minimum age for an adventurer and orphans die daily from starvation. With the guild I can atleast earn a living."

"We can let her try." He said, "She is right that there is no age limitation." He placed the paper on the counter with a pen.

I climbed up on a chair and stood in it to fill out the paperwork. I wrote my name as Bryna Ashtar. I didn't know my age, and I put that I was an rogue skilled with archery. Honestly, I'd be relying on memory alone. This body had never had access to a bow.

"You've gotta be shitting me. This baby is going to join the guild? She shouldn't even be able to try out." A man angrily said.

More angry voices started up. Once I'd finished filling out the information, I offered the paper to the man. He entered it in a file, and took it and another paper around the desk.

"Follow me." He said, "My name is Crowley, you are Bryna?"

"Yes." I answered, lifting the bow up and following him.

"You realize even if you get in the people may deny you to take their jobs , right?" He asked as he took me through a back door.

"I understand." I said. I heard someone say they were protesting. I worried I'd placed a target on my back.

He told me to shoot a dummy, if I could even draw that massive bow. It took some doing, but I nocked an arrow and fired it into the dummy. Well, through the dummy's chest. He sounded disappointed when he told me to fire at him, now. I drew a blunt tipped arrow and readied it. I obeyed and hit him squarely in the stomach. He gave an, 'Oof,' upon impact.

He then told me to use my knife, I obeyed. My first slash missed, but the second caught him, giving him a nice cut. He told me, he didn't feel right about it, but he'd need to hit me now. And he wasn't going to hold back. I nodded, saying I was ready. He hit me several times, missed once. It hurt quite a bit, but I got back up at the end of each hit. I felt it was excessive and told him so. Then I asked if he wanted a real fight.

He told me I passed. He didn't seem happy about it. Nor did he seem happy with himself. He'd just beat up on a little kid. I retrieved my arrows, borrowed bow, and knife I'd dropped when he'd first hit me. Despite protests, he handed me the card and put away my file. I didn't bother to thank him. Instead I went to the quest board.