
the Sleeping Ox Guild

Sarial Hearthry is a happy girl with a loving family. Her favorite hobbies include cuddling her family members and carrying her baby brother around. Rebeling for the first time, she sets off on an adventure after joining the Sleeping Ox Guild. Where will her adventures take her? We shall soon see. Disclaimer: This story is based on a Dungeons & Dragons homebrew setting. Its all a 'what if' scenario from my player character's point of view, and in few ways reflects actual gameplay. Please allow me to show you the world created by my Dungeon Master as I find a way to give as many of his charactets that I love happy endings.

Irrylath · Fantasy
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82 Chs

Dragon Mother part 1

*Bryna's POV*

I'd taken Thomas under my wing and we were practically inseparable for the last five years. In addition to Thomas, we had a Leonin boy named Daelyn join us from time to time. We'd all grown by this point in time. The blonde haired, blue eyed Thomas had grown to five foot five at thirteen years old. Daelyn, whose fur was black, had out grown his brown spots and slowly grew out a lovely black mane. His eyes were a feline yellow. Which made them close to being like my own golden eyes. My hair was still it's odd shade that couldn't decide to be blonde, light brunette or red. I had reached only five foot two.

Xi-an had a little brother named Eos now, who is four. And Daelyn was the proud uncle of Jaime and Eirwyn, four and three year olds. Daelyn also had four cousins. Emery, Audrey and Freda, and Leontios. They are four, three and two years old. All of the little ones that they'd had were adorable and sweet. Funnily enough, Xi-an and Eos had twin uncles born. They're two years old currently.

The Leonin toddlers are forever getting into fights with each other. Jaime, an ever patient child, often seperated the fighting kids. Usually dragging one by their collar and keeping the other at bay with a foot. Until someone older intervenes. Jaime won't talk to anyone who isn't family. His sea-green eyes just stare into your soul until you look away.

He was not a very popular kid, but no one bothered him. Besides, he was a cute little thing. His quirks were adorable to me. His dad, Mills, seemed concerned with the boys silence, but I told him shyness was cute. His mom didnxt mind it. Nor did she mind the hours the boy enjoys to lay on her. I rather liked his father. He's a sensible man.

Anyways, today I had different plans to usual. I was just waiting on the boys to arrive. I was sitting on one of the roofs nearby the center of the town. Before me was thirty feet of leeway to the guard railed hole that had become a staircase that leads to a portal on the ground. The city down there was spectacular and housed a school. I saw Vincent and Adelaide leave their home via Sarial's office and start heading to the staircase. Vincent is a pretty and thin boy with black hair and brown eyes.

"Hi, Miss Addy! Hi, Vincent!" I called, waving to them.

Adelaide looked and waved at me, her usual amusement at the nickname present on her face.

Vincent blinked and said, "Miss Bryna, why are you on the roof?"

"I'm stalking prey." I answered.

"And who may your prey be?" Vincent asked.

"You're brother and Thomas." I answered.

"Ah. Well, good luck." Vincent said. "If you throw some treats on the ground I'n sure you'll catch them easily."

"I'm testing out the net arrow. Don't tell Daelyn!" I said.

"Wouldn't dream of it." He said, continuing on their way as Adelaide laughed lightly.

I giggled and settled myself to wait longer. It shouldn't be long now, and sure enough, Thomas was now walking around in the main part of the town looking for me. His mistake was that he was looking around the ground. That was fine. I wasn't gonna try to catch him yet. Daelyn was my target, and Thomas headed down to the city area.

About ten minutes later I saw him. His mom was accompanying him to visit Sarial, with a cub in her arms. She rarely stayed long. I noted then that his twin, uncle, aunt and dad were also with them. This was fine, I took out the special arrow and aimed carefully. I saw his aunt look up at me and grin. She gave a subtle nod to me and said something to her husband, he grinned, I fired. There, safely off the steps, Daelyn was now caught by my net arrow.

Well, mostly. He'd part way dodged it. And he'd spotted me. The cubs were laughing at him, his dad said, "Daelyn, I believe you've been caught."

"Only a little." Daelyn said. "I wanted to test the net's durability."

Thomas was approaching him and I climbed down and said, "Woof, terrible dodge."

"I'm testing it's durability!" He grouched attempting to tear it apart.

"Hello, Bryna. I see you're lively this morning." Snow Den said to me.

I grinned at her and said, "Of course. I was hunting large prey today."

Dirthin picked up the net, with Daelyn sti in it and said, "Well, I'd say you succeeded."

"Heehee. Barely. I thought his Aunty was gonna give me away." I said. I pulled on a specific part of the net that caused it to release and reform the ball at the tip of the arrow, now held by Dirthin. Daelyn caught himself, rather than hit the ground. "Are you gonna play with me and Thomas, Daelyn?"

"That was my plan, yes. But now I don't know." Daelyn answered.

"Was your feelings hurt?" I teased. "Hi, Seralyn, you're very studious today as well."

"To figure out everything I want to know I have to study quite a bit. And studying is nothing but clues now." She said.

"Did you figure out about the festival I told you about?" I asked.

"Bits and peaces of it. Something about celebrating the end of the year." She said.

"Eh, close enough." I said. "Those festivals were held for an entire week."

"I did read something about burning the effigies.." She said uncertainly.

I laughed, "A way to put it I guess. They were filled with spices to scent the air. The snow fall would start tasting like the spices the next day."

She took notes on this, like usual when I spoke of the past. She's do this. Never wuite believing me until she found evidence proving me right or something that discredited my words.

"Acourse, you know a particular professor was around back then and can tell you. I believe he'll be here soon to teach his lesson." I shrugged.

"Yes, I have every intention to go and listen to Phintias about his lessons." She said.

I smiled at her, then greeted James, "Good morning James, I've now harassed three of your kids today."

"Good. Keeps them on their toes." He said.

"Was Vincent the other one?" Snow Den asked.

"Yup. He was perplexed by my location choice." I nodded, she ruffled my hair and continued towards Sarial's office. I looked at Daelyn as the adults and Seralyn followed his mom. "Gonna visit the big sis?"

"Depends. Do you know where we're going yet?" Daelyn asked.

I waited for the adults to be out of ear shot. "I hoped to go find Thomas' mom today."

"Then I don't think I'll be visiting my sister in case she sniffs something out." Daelyn said.

I grinned, "Will your parents be miffed you didn't?"

"No, they'll just think I've run off somewhere." He said.

"Let's go get Thomas, then. He's in the city area." I said.

"Do we have everything we need to go?" He asked.

"I think so. Do you have something you need to get? I have your cloak." I said, looking in my bag.

"As long as we have snacks I'm good to go." Daelyn said.

"I have snacks enough for a week. But I doubt it'll take that long." I said.

"I certainly hope not. Any longer than that and they're likely to come find us." He said.

I nodded and we went to the city area, where I crept around with Daelyn to try and catch sight of Thomas. We split up to cover more ground, Daelyn blending with the surroundings like a shadow. Somehow, even after working our way through half the city, we still hadn't spotted Thomas. Even being careful. I'd started to circle back to a rendezvous location when Thomas jumped out of an alley at me. I cringed in response to him spooking me.

"Thomas wins." He said grinning at me.

Daelyn came around laughing. I jumped at Thomas, wrapping my arms around him and biting his shoulder. Muchly the sore loser. Thomas laughed, unoffended. After five years together he was very used to my reactions.

"You're lucky that I'm so nice." I fumed at him.

"And you're lucky I don't bite back. I have a bigger bite." Thomas said.

"Eeh. Brat." I said. "Daelyn, he's bullying me."

"Eh, I consider it... keeping you on your toes." Daelyn said.

I glared at him for a second and said, "Ready for what we're doing today, Thomas?"

"No idea, but probably." Thomas said.

I didn't say more about it until we exited Hearthstone Town. As we crossed the bridge, I said, "Let's go find your mom."

His expression became very serious and he said, "Alright. Let's go."

I nodded. I led them towards Dueling Rivers then towards the abandoned mansion. It looked as untouched still as it always had. But it wasn't why we were heading this way. I'd been doing some sniffing around the last few months and had finally asked my daddy how to reach Thomas' mom. He'd given me a location to inconspicuously head down to where she is.

Though, he did say it was dangerous and we should be careful. I'd gotten cloaks for the three of us that skew our identities while the hood is up a couple of years ago. As we passed the mansion, I handed the boys their cloaks and pulled on my own. It helped people not look too closely at us despite what dangerous things we may have gotten into. I had to be extra careful with everything I did.

I was tougher than the boys, this was true, but it also made them more attractive targets. Though, since I was always the smallest of us I was the first attacked. This suited me fine, but soon Daelyn's flamboyant act got him attacked more often. He was frustrating in this way. But it made sense for them to be attacked over me. I was the only archer, and could fight long distance easily. Though, Daelyn's bardic training made sense for him to stay back, he chose to be up front.

Thinking of this while we put on our cloaks and raised out hoods, I caught Daelyn by the tail. "We should inform him, Thomas, before we go a lot further." I said.

"Inform who?" Thomas asked.

"Daelyn. Bout your mom." I said.

"Ooooh." He said. He turned and looked at Daelyn and said, "Mom's a dragon."

Daelyn turned slightly and said, "One, let go of my tail. And two, what kind of dragon?"

"She's a gold dragon." Thomas answered.

I released his tail to grab his arm, and pet the fur.

"If your mom is a gold dragon then why hasn't she came back? What could possibly be stopping her?" Daelyn asked, "Why are you petting me?"

"You're a pretty Ki-cat." I said.

"Well, that's what we're gonna go find out." Thomas said.

"So we are going to find a dragon that is being stopped by something that's obviously strong enough to stop a dragon." Daelyn summed it up. "Eh, sure." He then started swatting at me and grumbled, "Quit. You're just as bad as Sarial."

"But you're so soft! Like a pillow!" I said.

"I don't care how much you compliment my fur. Quit." He said. "Or the next time you turn into a wolf I'll pin you and pet you."

"You mean it?" I asked.

"I am very serious." He said.

"Flirt." I joked, but stopped petting him.

"Tease. I know words, too." Daelyn said.

"Can we go get my mom now?" Thomas piped in.

"Yup." I said, starting to walk North again. "And I doubt you mean tease the way I meant flirt. You may be turning Fifteen, but you don't seem interested in that stuff."

"I am. No where near as much as Jasper." He said. "He just keeps yappin' bout not wanting to wait until he's thirty something to find the one."

"He is awfully handsome." I replied.

"Yes, the Hearthry curse. We're all just drop dead gorgeous." Daelyn said.

"You're last name means home for animals. You know that, right?" I asked.

"Well then, it's a good thing we're nothing but a buncha filthy animals." Daelyn said.

I sniffed the air and said, "Phew. No kidding."

"You don't like my manly musk?" Daelyn asked.

"Nope. Already said Jasper is my cup if tea." I said. I spotted the rock I was looking for and approached it.

"Hm. No accounting for taste." He said.

"Actually, in my past life I had a crush on Tilton for a while." I said. "He has only ever seen me as a kid." I was looking around this rock there should be a marking on it. There it is. I followed the markings direction for twelve steps. Then I spotted the hole. We had to jump into it. Rather than explain that, I did it.

It was like a slide and I wasn't sure the boys followed. Around five or so minutes later, I flew off the end of the slide, landed poorly, and then got squished by two more bodied. "Urgh. Off."

Thomas was the first one to hop up, then helping us to stand. I looked around after we'd stood. "Everyone can see in the dark, right?"

Everyone answered in the affirmative. I noted this area wasn't ruins or anything nice looking. Just stone. A continual tunnel that could easily be called an endless cavern. Even with my curiousity being that of a child and a puppy, it was still dull to look at. I kept looking for anything interesting. Nothing. The way to the right dead ended in an underground river. The left way was where it continued forward. No off shoots, or side tunnels that we could see. I didn't see this going well, not only were these boys easily bored, but I was, too.

"Remember the rules. We stick together, and if it get's too hairy, we must retreat. Nothing is worth the loss of our lives." I reminded them.

"Yes, yes. No going in over our heads. No sticking our necks into traps." Daelyn said with a tired tone.

"Hey, of the three of us I've died and remember the pain of that death. I don't want you two to experience it." I said, heading down the left tunnel. "Also are you sure you shouldn't have mentioned it to your parents?"

"I am quite certain I should not have mentioned it to my parents." Daelyn said.

"I don't think your uncle will fit down that hole. I bring this up cause they may ask Daddy, and Daddy knows what I was getting us up to." I said.

"Well, then, we should hurry." Daelyn said.

"Hurrying makes sloppy. Rather, do you guys think we've made it into the Underdark?" I asked them.

"We did fall for a while. It's possible." Thomas said.

"Thomas is the best, you know?" I grinned at him. "I was trying to count the miles but they went by fast. I think it was about five minutes? That'd be under five miles. Though, it did appear to be faster than falling. There could have been warps, too. Did either of you sense magic?"

"I did feel something but I wasn't sure what it was." Daelyn said.

"We should assume it altered our perception, or location, then." I said. "Too bad we haven't spotted anything to tease your sister with."

"I'm sure we'll find something down here. Arity found all kinds of things down here in the Underdark." Daelyn said.

"I keep forgetting you're aunt is as capable as your uncle." I said. "She could fit down that hole."

"Oh, she definitely could." Daelyn agreed.

With that, I picked up the pace a bit. trying to reach a comfortable travel pace. The Hearthry's weren't likely to head after us until sometine after dark, though. After a couple of hours, I shifted into wolf form to have an edge up on hearing and smelling things. It just smelled of damp. My wolf form was a little larger than a adolescent pup. My fur was still primarily white with platinum blonde tips. Daelyn was behaving and choosing to ignore his own threat from earlier.

Thomas reached out and tangled his fingers in the fur of my neck. It was an unspoken way we communicate. He was incredibly anxious. It made sense, he'd not seen his mom in seven years. I'd been really strict trying to train him and then Daelyn up to a point where I was comfortable going to find her. I felt bad about that, but if his mom was having a hard time with something, we had to be careful. I let my body bump against him in response.

We walked a few more hours before I made us stop. I shifted to human form and made us some sandwiches, giving the boys some sweets, too. And some juice. I'd give them water later, cycling between energy and hydration. They never complained anyways. We were all pleased with the dried meat sandwiches anyways. We were all meat based predators.

"You know, with all the magic in the world you'd think someone would come up with an instant kitchen." Thomas said.

"Well, I think there's sort of a spell like that. Sienna knows it. I don't know if I'd be capable of casting it, though. But we can talk to Daddy bout it, cause he's an artificer." I said.

"He could probably set us up woth all kinds of useful things for the outdoors, couldn't he?" Daelyn asked.

"Probably. Or you two could stop being picky and eat your prey without cooking it. I did so for a few years before meeting Tilton and Daddy again." I replied.

"I'm sorry, I feel no need to go feral. I'll just eat my sandwich." Daelyn said.

"Spoiled." I said. "Survival is survival."

"Thomas isn't spoiled. I had to survive all on my own for years." Thomas said.

"I guess. But species wise, yours is adapted to live on their own. A wolf and human could die of loneliness. Lions need prides to survive. And Thomas is too cute to be left alone." I said.

"Then I'll be sure to ask Mom why she was able to be gone for so long." Thomas said.

I hugged Thomas and said, "Could be that whatever has kept her is complicated and still beyond us."

"Could be, but we'll find out." Thomas said.

I nodded. "Yep. You're mom is probably a young adult. I don't remember a female gold dragon being in this area. Just the ancient one. And he's a pretty much a jerk."

"Mom said that he was asleep and we didn't have to worry about him." Thomas said.

"That's pretty gutsy." I noted.

"I don't think she intended for us to stay in this area." Thomas said.

"Oh." I said. "Well, I'm glad I got to meet you." I told him.

"Thomas has no intensions of going anywhere." He said.

"Well, won't you have to listen to your mom? Then again, listening to Daddy is my choice." I shrugged. "But I think it's a little different for you."

"I am my own man by this point." Thomas said.

"You're barely into puberty.... Wait... Will you have a puberty?" I wasn't sure how his body worked.

Thomas shrugged, "I dunno."

None of us had an answer to that. "Puberty freaking sucked." I said, "I was awkward and went through skin issues and started developing crushes.. Then Tilton knocked a guy out who tried to kiss me, acause he said he had bad intentions. He was probably right, but still."

"Don't you have to go through that again?" Thomas asked.

"Yeah. But Tilton's calmed down some. And maybe it won't be so bad. Or it could be worse acause I'm a wolf, too." I said.

"So there's no telling how vad it could be." Thomas said.

I nodded. "Yup. It's terrifying. But atleast I won't try to hump everything like wolves do."

"You hope." Daelyn said and laughed.

"You'll be the first I establish dominance over." I threatened Daelyn.

He looked at me and said, "Good luck."

"You already listen to what I tell you to do. You practucally are already my submissive." I joked.

"You're just trying to start a fight, aren't you." Daelyn said.

"Pfft. Hardly." I scoffed. "Vincent's pretty cute."

"Are you sure you're not already going through puberty?" He asked.

"I dunno. You're pretty much the friendliest one in your family, you know? Sarial's so strict." I said. "Besides, a females puberty comes with blood, and I haven't started those bleeds yet. Nor have I started forming boobs, I think." I poked my chest then touched Thomas' chest. "Ok, no. I guess I am starting to grow 'em."

"Then the blood comes for you." Daelyn said.

"I wanna be seven again." I pouted.

"I can't recommend dying and trying again." Daelyn said.

"Well, maybe I'll be a boy in my next life." I said. "But no, my goal is to out live my last life."

"Well it should always be a goal to outlive the previous you, I guess." Daelyn commented.

"Ugh. Well, our goal should be definitely to find Thomas' mom quickly, then. If my bleed comes down here it'll attract enemies." I said. "And I don't have any care products prepared for it."

"Ugh. We're traveling with a time release enemy lure." Daelyn grumbled.

I bit his arm in response and took his treat from him. Pretending I was gonna eat it. It was an egg based treat, though, so his treat was safe from me. I glared at him and said, "You have two sisters, a mom and an aunt. Can't you be polite about such matters?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, have I offended your sensitivities." Daelyn asked in a mocking tone.

"Yes." I said. We'd finished up our lunches now, aside from the boys' treats.

"My sincerest apologies madam. I was unaware your sensitivities were so fragile." Daelyn said.

I punched his arm and gave him back his treat. "You really just aren't cute anymore."

"I am sorry if I actually upset you." Daelyn said, rubbing his arm.

"Hmph. If we kill something I'll cook it." I grumped at him. "I'll forgive you, acause I like you."

"Thank you for your magnanimous attitude." Daelyn retorted.

Once he'd finished his snack, we got ready to head out again. Knowing this was gonna be the longer trip, I took out my doggy vest and loaded the supplies into it. I shifted and Thomas helped strap the vest to me. I sniffed at Daelyn's arm. He wasn't really hurt by my bite and my claws hadn't got him, so I stopped worrying about it and we set off again.

It took a little over an hour to come across a different scent. Wolves, oddly enough. But also goblins. Something else... But they'd been through here not long ago. Their scents went towards a wall. It must be a false wall. This made me nervous to continue.. But we should for now. It wasn't pressing enough to be concerned with, but I pranced and wagged my tail nervously to let them know something was here.

Thomas acknowledged that he noticed, and we continued on quietly. After another thirty minutes, I heard sounds of being followed and growled to alert the boys. A low howl resounded around us. It was a questioning sound, was I alright? Was I friend? I licked my lips nervously, uncertain if I should respond. Ultimately, I chose to respond. My howl meant I was a lone female, just traveling. No harm meant with my presence.

The reply was resolute. I should head on quickly. A second wolf howled in response, a curious one. Soon, choruses were being sung, a variety of warning, and curiousity. They didn't really want to interact with us, but they also worried I was scouting their territory. There was something bout goblins, but it was uncertain. I half shifted and explained what was going on to the boys. And what I'd smelt earlier.

"Are these things that we'll have to deal with or will they stay back here?" Thomas asked.

"Probably will have to deal with it. If it was just wolves, it'd be fine. But wolves aren't naturally this far down. They're probably pets." I said.

"I have heard of goblins raising wolves." Daelyn commented.

"My Daddy is a goblin." I said, amused.

Daelyn waved his hand and said, "Do you see the correlation?"

"If they were wild, they'd already be here cause I'm a stranger in their territory." I shrugged.

"So, can confirm, pets." Daelyn said.

"I feel the need to insult you." I said, showing my teeth.

"Now, now. I wasn't talking about you, I was talking about them. If you took it personally.. maybe look into that." Daelyn said.

I muttered about him being a house cat. We'd still been walking thus far, not pausing despite being aware of enemies. "It annoys me that I didn't quite place one of the scents. But also never been down here."

"I'd imagine there's gonna be quite a few smells down here that you aren't gonna be familiar with." Daelyn said, probably just stating a fact.

"Anyways, we have a couple of options. Keep going and hope they'll not catch up. Or stand and wait for them." I said. "What's the vote?"

"Uh, vote is find an advantageous position. And then just, I dunno, collapse the tunnel in on them. But that is our way out." Daelyn said.

"Collapsing caves while you're in them is never a good idea. Also, not sure how we would." I pointed out.

"Well then, we can just stand and fight." Daelyn said.

"If Thomas get's to punch something I'm on board." Thomas said.

"Whelp, guess vote is to meet them here." I said, shifting to my human form and packing the vest into my bag.

The boys got into position, readying themselves for confrontation. I did, too. Feeling a pang at not having Silkrend with me. He'd passed a couple of months ago. He'd been six years old, old for a little boy spider, Kershka had said. Most only have a year or two. I had my bow strung and ready. I had two, really. A short bow and a long bow. It didn't take long for the wolves to reach us. They did indeed have goblins in their midst. They just seemed confused to have encountered the three of us. There were eighteen goblins and twenty-five wolves that we could see. That was terrible odds for us.

"This doesn't look good. How are you both feeling?" I asked.

"If it was just a few, then fine. But this is a lot." Daelyn said.

"Thomas agrees. This is not good." Thomas said.

The goblins began speaking to each other. They were talking about capturing us alive. I looked at the boys, "Still feel confident in having not told your parents?"

"Now I'm really glad I didn't. Cause that means they'll get here faster." Daelyn retorted.

As soon as they took a hostile move towards us, I made the boys cover their ears and I half shifted letting out a Frightful Howl. This caused a majority of the enemies to flee, and until they could no longer see me, they'd continue to run. We were left with twelve enemies left. Three of the remaining were Goblins.

Thomas pounded his fists together and said, "That's more doable."

"Oh, yeah. Let's do this." Daelyn agreed.

"I can only do that every so often, so let's lake this count." I told them.

In agreement,the fight began. After I'd howled I fired my longbow, missing. Thomas was then bitten by two of the wolves and shot by a goblin, Daelyn got bit once and shot twice. Daelyn shot a wolf, killing it. A few more bites to Thomas and Thomas punched three of them to death. I used Hail of Thorns, killing two goblins and a wolf, damaging three more. Another round of animal attacks and Thomas was looking rough. These idiot boys wouldn't use me as a shield.