
the Sleeping Ox Guild

Sarial Hearthry is a happy girl with a loving family. Her favorite hobbies include cuddling her family members and carrying her baby brother around. Rebeling for the first time, she sets off on an adventure after joining the Sleeping Ox Guild. Where will her adventures take her? We shall soon see. Disclaimer: This story is based on a Dungeons & Dragons homebrew setting. Its all a 'what if' scenario from my player character's point of view, and in few ways reflects actual gameplay. Please allow me to show you the world created by my Dungeon Master as I find a way to give as many of his charactets that I love happy endings.

Irrylath · Fantasy
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82 Chs

Date Night

Honestly, I was expecting to beat him there. However, I didn't manage to, to my surprise. He must have closed up early for the night.

I take a calming breath, determined to not be swayed by him a second time. Fretting I would be. I slid the cloak off, hung it on a peg, and approached Mills with a friendly smile. "Closed up early?" I asked.

"Yes, I had actually. I wasn't sure when we'd meet, so I figured I'd close up early to ensure I wouldn't be late." He smiled.

I set the elven pillows on the table, without comment and sat with him. I then took my sword from my hip and set it next to me.

He looked me over and said "Unfortunately, I am a little under dressed. I didn't have time to go home and change into something more upscale..."

I laugh lightly and said "My arms are a bit tired, so I didn't even paint my face... I also brought you a present."

"Oh, and what might that be?" He asked.

"Are you a dessert whenever, or after meal type?" I asked.

"I'm a big boy, whenever is fine." He replied.

I laughed and unwrapped the bread for him and placed it in front of him. I then unwrapped the second one. "Someone told me you'd favor that quite a bit."

He sniffed at it, then poked it and said "What is it exactly?"

I grinned cheekily and said "One of my favorite things." I then tore a piece of the blackberry one off and popped it in my mouth. I giggled delightfully at the taste and texture.

After watching me, he followed my actions, trying the blueberry one.

"It practically melts like spun sugar, doesn't it?" I asked him.

"It does indeed, and I can only assume you got master Kaz to bake this. Considering he is the only baker in town.. and the only one who knows my favorite flavor." Mills commented.

"Mm-hm. It's my family chef's personal recipe that I gave to Kaz. He made the flavors himself. I merely asked what you like the most." I replied.

"Your families personal chef, huh?" Mills said.

"Yeah. There's a few. The head chef is paid to experiment. He came up with it and taught it to me so I wouldn't harass him constantly. I was a terrible glutton for sweets when I was a child. Too bad for him.. that means I can give away his secrets. That'll learn 'em." I laughed a bit.

He laughed and said "Indeed it should. You should never give away your secrets if you want to keep them."

"Hmm. I have a secret. I can give it to you." I tell him.

"And what secret would you be willing to give away to a complete stranger who yet still doesn't know your name?" He asks.

"The only secret I have. Technically, I shouldn't give it, because Father always said to be very cautious with it. But he also said it's my choice. And I do apologize for my rudeness in not introducing myself. It was thoughtless." I replied.

After a moment of silence between us I said, "I'm adventuring under the name Saria Cross, though it's not really my name. Its a nickname."

"There's quite a few people who go by nicknames while they are adventuring. And quite a few that go with names that aren't even close." Mills replied.

"How familiar are you with Valor's Crest?" I ask.

"I'm fairly.. knowledgeable of the area, why?" He asks.

"You know the Lucky Stone, then?" I ask.

"Yes, they are the family of Leonin who run several stores." Mills answers.

I grin proudly, "I'm the sweetest member of that family, Sarial Hearthry."

"Well it's a good thing I've never given your family a reason to dislike me." Mills commented.

I smile at him, "Are you uncomfy?"

"Is there a reason I should be? Last I checked I am not on your families 'Do Not Sell To' list." Mills said.

"A lot of people are nervous of my family. And again, your lord hates us. Especially once I humiliated him publicly." I replied.

"Humiliated him publicly, did you? Now this I have to hear." Mills said.

"I didn't know who he was, firstly. I was eight at the time. He'd commented that I was an 'in home pet being raised' for my brother. I didn't understand at the time but from Mother's reaction I knew it was bad, so I punched him in the liver. He went pale and passed out. People talked about Ol' William Denoir being beaten by a little girl in the streets for three months." I informed him.

Mills burst out with thunderous laughter as I finished my story. One of those deep belly laughs that brings tears to ones eyes. This drew many eyes to us. I took to gently rubbing his back as he laughed.

As he got himself under control he says, "I'm sorry for that outburst. I found that greatly amusing."

"Its quite alright. Uncle laughed in the same manner then darkened and said 'I'll kill him.' Father spent hours dissuading Uncle from doing so." I said. "It would have been too annoying."

I tore a piece of his cloud bread to try it, simultaneously tearing a piece of mine and offering it to him with a smile.

He accepted it, laughing a little a bit. Then said, "All the stories I've heard about the great Dirthin must be true."

"Most likely. Uncle is not one for words after a certain point. But with family he is the best and gentlest. He used to drag his bed into his training room and lean it half on the wall and he'd toss Jasper and I against it until we fell asleep. He'd spend hours doing so. Never growing tired of us. Even if he put on that he was." I told Mills as my face softened. My eyes reddened a bit as I felt tears prick behind my eyes as the homesickness grew. I took a breath to calm it down.

"You must miss them dearly." He commented.

"I do. It's stupid. I planned everything so perfectly to be able to join the guild and slipped away. I didn't consider that I'd miss all the hugs and cuddles and the hour I'd spend with Dad, just talking about our days and cuddling." I looked away and said "The blueberry one is better than the blackberry, I'd say. A better one would be theobroma nacromnal."

"And who would you like to feed that to?" Mills asked.

"Mom makes a super yummy drink with it. She calls it hot chocolate. Its made with milk. There is a safe way to consume it. Its a family favorite. Mom went through a lot figuring it out." I tell him.

"I imagine she must have if she figured out how to make a poisonous plant edible." Mills said.

"It fixed her eyes, Mom said. She'd been just about blind when she was little. But her eye sight sharpened after her experiments." I say.

"What a fascinating result." He said.

"Mom said you can learn a lot from watching animals." I tell him.

"Well I can certainly attest to that. I have learned a great many ways to hunt from them." Mills commented.

I nodded and said "Mom taught us all to hunt, forage and identify plants. My sister and Bit hate hunting, 'cause it's dirty."

"It is certainly a dirty job. There is no doubt about that." Mills said.

It was comfortable to talk to Mills, I realized. The feeling he gave off seemed almost protective, and very self assured. Almost like how it is to be around Jasper outside our house. It was an odd thought to me. He doesn't know me. Nor I him. How can he feel safe? Pondering this, I looked around the room. There were a few eyes on us, but not to the point of concern. More than likely it's because I'm dressed as fine as any noble daughter could be. My tactic to put him off had failed anyhow.

During the lull in the conversation we ordered actual meals and I informed him the bread is called Elven Pillows. I even let the waitress have the rest of mine, as she was very curious. She shared it with the other staff, I'd noticed and smirked to myself.

"Am I good at product advertising or what?" I said to Mills and winked at him cheekily.

"I'm sure Kaz will appreciate it." He replied.

"More so if I give him the recipe on how to make honey from clovers. Add it to butter or bread and its a great breakfast." I tell him.

"I don't believe I've ever heard of getting honey from a plant. Would you stew it, or mash it?" Mills asked.

"Its a process. Mainly you use sugar and water and a touch of alum for the syrupy appearance, you boil it. Then you take dried clover blossoms and yellow rose petals add them to the syrup before it thickens, so just at boiling. It will thicken quickly at that point. It tastes just like honey." I told him in his ear, with my hand on his shoulder, just loud enough for him to hear me over the tavern, but not to be overheard.

"That is certainly an interesting process, I'll need to give that a shot next time I'm craving something sweet." Mills said.

I gave him a concerned look, "Sweet cravings? Like just a desire or is it like a must have?"

"Just a desire. Every now and then you just want something sweet." Mills answered.

I said, "Oh good. Mom and Dad always say to pay attention to cravings cause its usually caused by a deficit somewhere. Like when I broke my arm all I wanted was sweets and milk."

"Well I haven't broken any bones recently. Hopefully, its just a sweet tooth." Mills replied.

I giggled and said "It can be stress related, too. When hugs aren't available, sweets can comfort."

"No wonder I've craved sweets so often." Mills commented as the waitress brought our meals.

"Thank you," I tell her, to Mills I say, "Affectionless family?"

"You could say bone dry on affections." Mills replied. "But that's alright. I found solace in others around me."

"I can understand. I love my family deeply, but sometimes I'm still hurt and sad over my birth family." I rubbed his arm gently.

"What did your birth family do? Are they no longer among the living?" Mills asked.

I tried the food as I considered what I should tell him. It's delicious. "My birth father sold me to cover his debt. My birth mother doesn't know, and is reigning champion Blood Tears in Ymir's Town."

He looked a little awestruck. "Your mother is the champion Blood Tears!? I've heard tales of her fights."

"Yes, she is my birth mother. I don't remember her, I'm afraid. I've heard I resemble her when she was young... and sickly." I replied.

"Well, you don't appear to be sickly to me, maybe a little pale, but I hear thats all the rage right now." Mills said.

"It was a backhanded comment that was told to me. I am certainly healthy. Dad spent quite a bit of gold to ensure that Bit and I were healthy as possible." I smiled.

"As all good father's should." Mills replied.

I smiled at him and said, "Your lucky I'm more than willing to drop topics and discuss myself. If I were a nosy person, I'd dig into your choosing to steer conversation away from yourself. You're certainly good at it."

Mills gave a soft smile and said "Is it that obvious?"

"I was being trained to accompany a trading groups as a merchant. I've also learned from a master theif how to cold read people. I don't excel at it, for sure, but I do still have a decent insight into people." I explained.

"That's quite an expansive list of teachers." He replied.

"More than I'd like to acknowledge for my failed learning. Have you considered that you can use alleha, marmellow or palmath instead of yellow rose petals to make a medicinal honey? You could potentially turn it into hard candies, or taffy as well." I told him with a shrug.

"Seems the most you've taken to is herbs and food, at least that seems to be your passion. On this, we could easily agree." Mills said.

Deciding to be playfully mean, I gave him an appalled look, "Did you just insinuate I'm fat minded?" I asked. I take a big bite of my food after saying this. Staring at him, waiting for a response.

"Only as much as myself." He replied taking a big bite as well.

I snort, shoulders trembling with silent laughter as I lower my head and work to chew my mouthful. After swallowing, I said with a grin, "You're cheeky."

He chuckled once he'd swallowed as well.

"Honestly, I'd like to wage a quiet war against organized religion by providing low cost and easily accessible medicines to commoners. With medicine available cheaply commoners wouldn't need to go to the churches and pay their life savings to be cured. In turn nobles who line their pockets through churches would be impacted. This would infuriate Denoir, and he'd have the ire of knowing it was a Hearthry who caused the blow." I told him. "Secretly, it is for those whom I was nearly a part of, the forgotten slum children."

"Are you serious?" He asked.

"I am very foolish." I replied. "I won't give to a beggar, but I'll put someone to work for good money."

"If you are looking to make changes.. There are people here who are looking to do so. I'd recommend talking to them." Mills said.

"I think I'd like to support Nathan Denoir. I've heard of his idealism and I'd like to see that reality." I replied. "Understand that at my current ability I am hesitant to join hands with any organization or movement. I also don't want to use or involve my father for this."

"I totally understand. Would you be willing to meet them? It's fine to not involve your family, they aren't looking for handouts. It's more of a meeting of minds than an actual movement at the moment." Mills said.

"So chitchat without action?" I ask.

"More of... planning." he replied.

I considered the offer as I finished my food. If its just talk without action, I could certainly hear them without needing to decide immediately. Without warning him and with no direct indication of doing so I formed a Mind Link with him.

*Is it wise to involve a demi-human in important plans?*

With little more than a slight flinch, he responded mentally.

*<To whomever is so bold as to intrude from anothers mind.. know that you'll get nothing from me. I am but a huntsman.>*

*To comfort you, I am calling myself demi-human, and I can take nothing from you. I am simply able to speak this way. I do know it's disrespectful, but its also private. A simple huntsman does not respond quietly to a mental invasion, by the way.*

"I need to excuse myself for the night." Mills said while standing up. "If you'd like to hear more about these meetings, you can find me at my stall tomorrow."

"I'm the one talking in your head." I told him bluntly.

He sat back down and said "Oh. That was rather surprising."

I look him over. "How often has that occured to you?"

"A mental envasion with no warning? Not often. I don't know who, but she is odd." He replied.

"I have a hunch," I say thinking of the old woman and severing the Mind Link. "I'll apologize to you for the Mind Link. It's... Like a sending stone. Nothing you don't want getting through does. I will admit to enjoying scaring people with my ability. If you are still fine with me meeting your planning friends, I'll do so."

"I was unaware that you can change your voice by doing these things." He said.

"It's not my voice... It's me, and my words, but not my voice." I replied awkwardly. "It's why I said demi-human. I'm human-ish."

"A lot of people would consider themselves human-ish if they could. But I assume you mean in a more literal sense." Mills mused.

I nodded, "Human with a bit more, is what Uncle calls it. Are you still interested in me?"

He looked into my eyes for a moment before lifting his hand to cup my cheek and pressing him lips to mine. After that brief, and soft, kiss, he simply stated, "Yes."

I stared at him in surprise. My light teasing having backfired and a blush coloring my cheeks. My thoughts kind of fizzled out as I continued to stare at this bold man. One thing is clear... I need to stop teasing him. He's not going to back down. Finally, I responded with a single near breathless word, "Why?"

"There is one thing that I will thank my Father for teaching me. Be bold and pursue what you want. Everything else was useless." Mills answered.

Cheeks still burning, I lowered my head a bit. Accepting his words. I would never have considered myself meek, but I felt like it may be ok to be. Where's all my training gone? I am just a silly little girl.

"I hope I didn't offend with my actions, but I felt it was the right move." Mills said. Probably misreading me.

I gave him a smile, my blush deepening as I struggled to explain myself, and said "Were I offended, you'd be in pain or unconscious.. I'm feeling rather.. docile.. It's bewildering."

"Well then, might I suggest we adjourn for the night so that we might collect ourselves?" Mills suggested.

"Alright. I should check on Plight anyways." I reply.

"Can I escort you to the Inn?" Mills offered.

"Mm. Sure." I nod. I stood and picked up my sword then strapped it to my hip. As we start to leave I retrieved my cloak, draped it around me. "I've figured something out about you, I reckon."

He glanced at me out the corner of his eye as we went out and started for the Inn. "Oh? And what might that be?"

"In the Capital I am a very capable courtier." I informed him.

"And here in Dueling Rivers I am a very capable huntsman." Mills replied.

"Who has either noble parentage or at some point sponsorship. Your wording is high born or taught." I replied. "I won't press you, I'd rather gain your confidence. But I hate being a fool. To be clearer, regardless of who you've been or where, I will see you as Mills the merchant and hunter of Dueling Rivers. I just also wanted you to understand that you are not good at hiding, or perhaps, that your hunting brought a more troublesome quarry."

"I certainly didn't take you for a fool. Yes, I have been trained and tutored, this I cannot deny, could hide, but have no desire to. For the ones I wish to hide from are far away and too foolish to find me." Mills replied.

"Father may try to intimidate you. But, he won't do anything towards you if I like you." I tell him as we near the Inn.

"Thank you for the advanced warning. I will certainly keep that in mind." Mills replied.

"Mom will be redirected by Dad, and the twins if I ask them to. Bit's the trouble, though." I smile at him. "He has high standards."

"Who's Bit?" Mills asked.

"My youngest brother. I technically kidnapped him when he was two. We share the same birth father. His name is Vincent, but I call him Bit. He was so cute. He let me carry him around, even when he was a bit old for it. Just cause he knew I loved to. He'd let me even now I bet. With no complaint." I smile brightly.

"One of these days, I really will need to meet your family." Mills replied.

"Sooner than you'd be ready for, I'd imagine." I told him as we got to the Inn.

"Ominous," He commented. "But it should be fine."

"Good night." I told him.

He replied with a good night himself and went on his way, probably to his home, and I entered the Inn and headed straight up to Plight's room, ignoring everyone on the way. Not that anyway called to me or tried to catch my attention. I knocked on the door gently.

Plight answered the door, opening it. "Hi, welcome back. How was your date?"

My face turned the shade of a cherry and my eyes widened involuntarily and I said "He kissed me."

"Voluntarily?" He asked, almost seeming protective.

"Not exactly... but ahhh... I'm flustered." I said raising my hands to my red glowing cheeks. "I'm not mad about it.. I feel conflicted.... and confused."

"Uh.. er... would you like a seat?" Plight awkwardly offered.

"Ok." I answer. "Maybe I can talk to Tilton? He used to travel with my mom... no that's a terrible idea she harasses him daily cause he's a distance away.... but she knows he can get to her if he wanted to... he's really smart... but he's also standoffish... why am I talking bout Tilton? Greggor's here, too. But he doesn't care bout much. Bibs! I could talk to Bibs! But I don't know where he lives...." I rambled as I entered Plight's room and took a seat on his room's bed.

"I don't know who any of those people are. But maybe we could ask those two? Maybe they know where he lives." Plight said.

"Tilton is the Mayor here. Greggor is our guild master here in this town. Bibs is their old party member who lives in town somewhere with Kershka." I replied. "Kershka was also part of their party. Along with Alexander, my Mom's teacher. I heard he's very dashing, but also missing. Mom traveled with them until she met my Dad 14 years ago."

"Sounds like exactly the people we need to talk to if you want to find this Bibs person." Plight says.

I nod and say, "You're right. Tilton is an Elf. They don't sleep. Plight, how do you feel about goblins?"

"That's hard to say really. I've met some who weren't nice.. and yet I met some in the Capital that were nice." Plight said.

"Yeah. They can be a nuisance. Bibs is a goblin is why I asked. He's a super smart guy. And really fair. He was their groups de facto leader." I told him.

"Then shall we go ask Tilton?" Plight asked.

"Hmm. Alright. He'll fuss at us though." I reply.

"That should be ok." Plight says.

"I'll grab my backpack. Oh. People may try to rob me." I tell him.

"Why?" Plight asked aghast.

I removed my cloak.

Surprise came across his face, "Ok yeah, I can see people trying to steal those gems."

"I'd tried to intimidate Mills into losing interest by dressing in a manner befitting a noble. It didn't work." I told him.

"And he even managed to kiss you." Plight agreed.

My face turned crimson at the reminder. "He smells nice..." I admitted quietly.

"I imagine he'd be saying the same." Plight commented.

"His stubble was prickly, though." I told him, looking at him through my eyelashes.

"You should tell him that next time." Plight recommended.

"Do you think so? Ah... I'm gonna get my bag!" I say hopping up and leaving Plight's room. I then turn back and said, "I put him on edge when I spoke to him mentally, but he wasn't scared. Just aggressive until he knew it was me."

"Well that's a mystery. Maybe there is a fair bit more to this Mills person than we think." He said.

"Maybe Tilton is a good one to talk to after all." I say, then I go to my room and get my bag. Just out of habit. I also wrap my cloak around myself firmly. After I grabbed my bag I realized there's a problem with our plan. I return to Plight, as he in now waiting for me by his door. "They shut the gates at night. Tilton lives in the mansion out the North gate..."

"Well then our option is to scale the walls or wait." Plight stated reasonably.

"We should wait till tomorrow. Good night, Plight." I tell him.

He accepts the good night, and says it in return. Two of the dogs, Fawn and Theo come out as he opens his door to go back inside. I then return to my room and start writing two more letters. One to my dad about my date with Mills, and one to Dean.