
the Sleeping Ox Guild

Sarial Hearthry is a happy girl with a loving family. Her favorite hobbies include cuddling her family members and carrying her baby brother around. Rebeling for the first time, she sets off on an adventure after joining the Sleeping Ox Guild. Where will her adventures take her? We shall soon see. Disclaimer: This story is based on a Dungeons & Dragons homebrew setting. Its all a 'what if' scenario from my player character's point of view, and in few ways reflects actual gameplay. Please allow me to show you the world created by my Dungeon Master as I find a way to give as many of his charactets that I love happy endings.

Irrylath · Fantasy
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82 Chs

Curious Child

*Bryna's POV*

I looked at Thomas, then said, "You really found nothing aside from that? That just sounds weird. How long ago was this?"

"It was about two years ago." Tilton replied. "And yes, that was all I found."

I nodded. "Okies, Tilton. I'm scared of monster hunters.." I thought over the time that had passed, it was incredibly unlikely I'd be able to smell anything at all. If it was a cold area I'd probably be able to, cold maintains smell decently well. As it was, I'd just be able to figure out if somethings not been touched. I could ask animals that may have been around, perhaps. "Can Thomas go woth me to Hearthstone Town tomorrow? I'm supposed to learn how to swim. Also, Bibs said he'll be my Daddy."

"Bibs has always been more of the father figure. And it's fine if you take him." Tilton said.

"Are you still being strict bout him adventuring?" I said, "He said he wanted to."

"Ah, so your wanting him to join you on your adventures. He doesn't have.. as much experience as you." Tilton replied.

"I dunno. It's conflicting to me." I told him.

"I was not expecting that from you." Tilton said.

"I haven't been taking on very dangerous things." I said, "But my skill sets are easier to execute with others with me. At the same time I'm barely responsible for myself."

"If you stay local and stay relatively safe, then it should be fine." Tilton replied.

"You're afraid of Thomas' Mama aren't you?" I asked.

"Terrified for reasons you couldn't possibly imagine." Tilton replied.

I blinked and looked at Thomas again, then said, "Hmm. Well, it must be Thomas' Mama that's the dragon, right? What happened to that grumpy dragon that used to live here?"

"Thomas." Tilton looked at Thomas sternly, "How many times must I tell you?"

"Thomas didn't say anything!" Thomas said, "Thomas didn't say anything, right? Right."

"I cold read Bibs." I said. "Thomas didn't tell me, I was previously raised by you and Bibs, so of course I'd figure it out."

Tilton looked at me, "Yes. Thomas' mother is a dragon."

"Did the grumpy dragon die?" I asked.

"No, the grumpy dragon did not die. I don't know where he went. He's probably taking a nap somewhere." Tilton replied.

"Heehee, so Thomas doesn't have to play dumb with me." I giggled. "Oh, Tilton, look what Thomas gave me." I showed off the headband's use.

"Thomas was responsible with his money and bought practical things. And a gifts- a gift. Just one." Thomas said proudly.

"Yes, Thomas. You spent your money relatively wisely. Though I doubt you spent all of it on that." Tilton commented.

"Thomas, are you sure you want to adventure, though? The Crowley guy will be harsher acause you're a kid." I said to him.

"Thomas just has to give him a good punch." Thomas replied.

I gave Thomas a hug and petted his hair. Tilton got some cups and poured us some tea, putting sugar in Thomas' cup. He told us to sit, and gave us our cups after we listened. We enjoyed the tea, but the nostalgia got to me. I barely managed to keep my emotions in check. The tea was incredibly good. Just like it used to be.

After we'd had our nice tea, I got Tilton to show us the weapons that'd been at the scene. I was right that I wouldn't learn anything from them in their current state. As disappointing as that was, Thomas didn't seem to mind at all. Tilton had given permission to Thomas to let him try out to become an adventurer. Maybe it was trust in me? Or perhaps he just didn't want to argue. Either way, I'd have a teammate now.

The weapons were referred to as goblin weapons, though. They were in poor condition, but they were better made than goblin weapons tend to be. Sure, goblins could have stolen them, and enough goblin can kill anything.. But not without significant loss on their side. An 'D' rank, or copper, would think of goblins as a joke. Did Thomas' daddy stage the event? If he did, to what end? Surely if he'd wanted to leave he could have simply done so.

Mercenaries often used to have bad reputations in areas. If you wanted something done by good intentioned people, you talked to an adventurer. Mercenaries are, were, cheap. Doing anything for any amount of money and doing so at their own discretion. Often ending in violence. So, adventurers were preferred back then. Roles may have flipped however.

While pondering this, I gleefully told Tilton I couldn't figure anything out. Maybe because it was my cutesy voice I used, which to him used to mean I was deeply considering something, but he didn't look quite convinced. I'd have to check out the area it had been set up. There'll be tons of scents, but that'll be alright. I can decipher between scents as well as any wolf can.

Thomas and I headed back to town shortly affter that. In a blind spot where others couldn't see, I handed Thomas my bag and asked him to stay with me because I was going to sniff around the place and see if I could find anything out of place. Then, I shifted to my wolf form. My sense of smell in human form is indeed heightened, but my wolf forms sense of smell far exceeds the human one still.

"Woah," Thomas said in an amazed tone, having watched me shift. "I would show you mine, but Tilton would be mad."

I woofed at him and licked his hand. Then cocked my head to tell him to follow me. He nodded with an 'ok' and followed me. We headed over to the East Gate where I snuffled around. Frank was manning the gate with another guard still.

"Thomas," Frank said. "Where did you... come across your little compatriot here?"

"She's been here for a while." Thomas replied.

I caught a whiff of something strange about the walls. It didn't smell like typical mortar. There was some masonry to the main walked roads, too, that smelt a little off. It should snell like sand, clay, marl and or limestone. There were these smells, but another distinct smell. One that I had no registered information for.

"Has your wolf friend been nice? You know we can't have it biting people." Frank said.

"She hasn't bit no one. Stabbed, maybe." Thomas replied.

I looked at the two and pretended to be a friendly pup. Woofing at Frank and flopping to my side, rolling to show my belly while wagging my tail slightly. People tend to find this cute.

"Well, she seems friendly enough, just make sure she stays that way, alright?" Frank said.

"Thomas will try, but Thomas is not in charge of her." Thomas replied.

Seeing as he wasn't saying much more, I finished my snuffling around and returned to Thomas, woofing at him, and snuffling off towards Bibs' home. Thinking again about what I intended, I passed by Kershka, woofing at him playfully, before continuing to sniff the ground.

The wooden structures smelt normal. Interestingly, the Dwarven District reeked of this odd smell, and smelled far less of mortar. I dug at a corner of the stone housing, but it didn't come free. We'd crossed back over the bridge on the other side near a bakery when a woman decided to take issue with us.

She launched into shouting at and berating Thomas because of me. Telling him how irresponsible it was to bring a mangy, flea ridden wolf into town and how dare he bring in something so dangerous. I backed myself close to Thomas putting my body in between the two.

"Thomas doesn't like how you're talking about Thomas' friend, but Thomas isn't allowed to punch townspeople." Thomas said to the irate woman.

A few guards were walking in our direction, however, someone else was closer. "Let it go, woman." I glance over to see the dark blue Tiefling monster hunter walking over with a little pale blue girl. "A boy needs a pet."

The woman did not like hearing another adults input. He shamed her for yelling at Thomas and putting up a ruckus in the middle of town. He didn't even raise his voice. Just kept it even. Anxious of him being near, I nudged Thomas and crept away from the scene. He followed me.

Once we were around the church, I started to shift, caught the scent I'd noticed, and paused, sniffing at the area around the church. The smell was stronger here than in the Dwarven District. I shifted back to human form and hugged Thomas.

"I'm sorry I got you yelled at. Are you ok?" I asked him.

"Thomas is fine, Thomas just isn't allowed to punch townspeople. Thomas would be better if he could." Thomas said.

"Do you want to go with me to talk to Daddy?" I asked him. "Or we can wrestle."

"Thomas is good at wrestling." Thomas said.

I giggled and found Silkrend, I placed him on a plant, then tackled Thomas. He was solid for a kid, I'd expected to tackle him to the ground. That didn't happen. Instead, he'd wrapped an arm around my shoulders and wrested me to the ground. It became quite the workout, as I was too weak and scrawny to pin him, and I was too wiggly and flexible for him to pin me.

We were deadlocked into a stalemate. But it was super fun. We could have kept at it for hours, but we were getting hungry.

"Thomas needs dinner. Thomas can not pin you. Thomas needs dinner." Thomas said.

I laughed, "I can't pin you, either. What are you gonna do for dinner?"

"Thomas goes to the Tavern for dinner. They have good food." Thomas answered.

"Okies. Do you want me to go with you tomorrow to join the guild?" I asked him.

"Ok, you can watch Thomas kick Crowley's butt." He said.

"I'll see you in the morning at the guild, then." I replied, giving him a hug.

He hugged me back and said, "See you tomorrow."

He went to the nearby Tavern then, and I headed back to Bibs' house. After retrieving Silkrend, anyways. I also made to sneak around since I knew that monster hunter was still around. Kershka was still outside. I flopped against one of his legs and smiled up at him while he greeted me. He opened the door and went inside with me. Silkrend had climbed onto him when I'd flopped onto him.

Bibs wasn't at his desk, so probably upstairs. I wasn't sure if it was ok to go see what he was doing or not. Kershka was talking to Silkrend, who seemed content. After a moment longer of deliberating, I walked up the stairs, carefully, and knocked on the other door to the room that I hadn't been in.

When there was no response after a brief wait, I went back downstairs. Without really knowing what else to do, I shifted and laid down at Kershka's feet. After a minute passed, I reached a paw out and flopped it onto Kershka's foot. Kershka leaned down and scratched my ears.

"You want me to get Bibs? I can get Bibs." Kershka said.

In response, since his fingers were in range I attacked them. Nipping at him, and trying to catch hold. Wagging my tail with playful half growls. Kershka smelled mostly of wood. But also of sunshine and warmth. Following my lead, he caught my snout, giving a playful shake, like how people play with dogs.

While I continued trying to bite him, he rolled me to one side, so I pounced back at him, and he rolled me to the other side. When I attacked his foot he lifted me and set me away from him, so I charged back trying to get him again. I was growling like a murderous bandit, but he wasn't bothered. I did learn I had a loose tooth when I did get a good accidental bite on him. He wasn't the least bit perturbed.

He even tossed me lightly, and I'd just bound back to him and try to get him. No matter what he did, I returned, still ready to bite and paw at him. This play kept up for a little over twenty uninterrupted minutes before Bibs came down. I spotted him after a minute, barked at him, showing teeth, and launched back at Kershka, who rolled me once more.

Bibs seemed fine to just watch us for a bit, as he sat on the stairs. When I chewed Kershka's shoe the next time, the loose tooth fell out, when he rolled me away. It only bled a little, and I didn't take much note of it anyways, acause I was after his hands once more, jumping and failing to catch hold of him. It wasn't until I went after his feet again that I noticed the tooth laying to the side. My pause made Kershka pause and he noticed the puppy tooth himself.

He chuckled and picked up the lost tooth and said, "Oh, looks like someone is going to get a bigger tooth."

Bibs came down the stairs then, so I shifted to human form, noticing it was a canine that had fallen out. "Ooh, it stated a puppy canine when I shifted." I said.

"Well, it seems if it's not attached to you anymore it stays in whatever form you last had it in." Bibs commented.

I checked the rest of my teeth with my tongue, only finding one more loose one. "Thank you for playing with me, Kershka."

"I had fun." Kershka replied. "Kershka likes playing."

I grinned, "Me too." I looked at Bibs. "Daddy's a busy bee."

"Yes, unfortunately I do have quite a few things all going on at once. It ties me up most days." He said.

I nodded and said, "Tilton's gonna let Thomas be an adventurer and go with me as long as we're careful and stay near town. Also, I'm pretty sure that scene was made to throw Tilton off. But he thinks thats nonsense."

"Oh? And what do you think happened?" Bibs asked.

"I think it was just catered to throw him off. But he's a dead end cause he was dead ended. He said 'someone would have to know me very well to pull that off' and yeah, that's mostly right, but someone with similar training would likely be able to figure it out. He's that exact with his work, you see. So I thought from a different angle, if mercenaries are still the same as before it'd likely be that Thomas' daddy made someone big time mad." I prattled. "Do you know what they used to keep the stones together?"

"So you believe Thomas' father faked his death and ran away because he made someone mad?" Bibs asked. "And I haven't inspected what they did with the stonework around town, it would be easier to ask the Dwarves."

"Hmm. It's likely. If he's dead there's no reason to go after his kid." I replied. "People used to do that a lot in the mercenary workers back then. Do the Dwarves work with the church? The church is wood, though.."

"No, I don't think I've ever seen a Dwarf enter the church even." He replied. "And yes, your deductions would all make sense."

"The church reeks of something that is holding together every stone in the area. The wood structures don't have that smell. But the church doesn't smell like sand, clay, limestone or marl. Nor does the Dwarven District. But the stone stays together like if proper mortar's there." I explained.

"Well, if something is giving you concern, then I will inspect it." Bibs said. "What would you like for dinner, first?"

"I dunno." I answered.

"Then, I will get a classic." Bibs replied. He went to the pantry and got steak, corn on the cobb and baked potatoes. Kershka's portion was Kershka sized.

I was amazed that it just came out of the pantry cooked like that, but it must be some magic thing Bibs made, he is an artificer after all. And it was delicious. Of course, being a wolf, I'm very partial to meat. But potatoes are good, too.

After we were done with dinner, Bibs excused himself from the house, telling Kershka to stay there with me and that if anything happens, he'll be back. He took an odd looking item with him. With my belly full, I had a hard time staying awake. I climbed on Kershka and played with Silkrend a little before dozing off and drooling a bit.

I was woken up when Bibs returned. "Well, Kiddo, you were right." He said. "All of the town's walls are harboring creatures known as oblex."

"Oblex? What's dat?" I asked, rubbing my eyes, "I don't know."

"That's alright. Think of them as.. angry gelatin." He replied.

"Like the coob?" I asked.

"Yes, only more flexible." Bibs answered.

"Oh, does it split?" I asked, using my shirt to clean up the drool I'd noticed on Kershka.

"It does, but you don't need to worry about that. You and most of this town will be evacuated." Bibs said.

"I can freeze things." I said, rubbing my eyes again. "Evacuated? Why?"

"The sheer amount of these creatures will be a hassle." He replied. "So it's safer to evacuate the non-combatants and the young."

"I can't help?" I asked, tilting my head. "Is Awexander and them coming?" I rubbed my eyes and looked up at Kershka.

"Yes, all of them are coming to help, and no, you can not help. You CAN help protect those that are evacuating." Bibs said sternly.

"Where are they going to?" I saw Silkrend climbing down Kershka, and reached my hand for him to jump onto.

"We are going to take them to Hearthstone Town." Bibs answered. "There's a wonderful little enchantment on it that will keep anyone from entering there that shouldn't be there."

"Okies. I'll watch out for Thomas, too." I said

"Thomas has already been informed. He's currently at the gate." Bibs said. "He can help you escort people."

I got down from Kershka and picked up my bag, then made sure I had my knife. Silkrend was on my shoulder. Since I had everything, I was all set to go. Bibs and Kershka led me to Thomas, and once everyone was set to go, we were ready to head out.

That Tiefling little girl started to pitch a fit, but her mom calmed her. Using Thomas and I as examples of how good kids behave. The monster hunter Tiefling was staying behind to help. He looked off at the moment, but that wasn't my concern.

Two pegasi arrived as we'd all began leaving. They carried Plight, Alexander and the three elves. I decided not to concern myself with it, and kept track of people walking with us instead. Once we'd safely crossed the bridge, it sounded like the town collapsed. Some level headed people helped me keep ushering people along. It took a little over thirty minutes to get to Hearthstone Town.

When we arrived, Dean and a gorgeous Half-elf girl were directing us inside, they'd set up places for us to sleep. Half way through the townspeople entering the gates, some traps went off, teleporting some people away. A few others dropped dead becoming watery goo, after the wreath had glowed.

The remainder bulked at entering, with the noise they were starting up, I became concerned they'd attract more attention. Noticing a breeze, I cast Silence on the crowd, then addressed them as a whole.

"The town has enchantments on it to keep evil doers out. I really recommend you go inside now. The forest stirs and is hungry." I told them, as a slight breeze shook branches. I was standing between them and the trees, and I knew my golden eyes would give off a glow from the light.

Many peered towards the trees and most decided they feared the trees more than they feared entering the town. With those ones entering, herd mentality kicked in and the rest went. I dropped the spell when they made the right decision. Without further casualties upon entering, they seemed to relax.

The Half-elf lady was situating everyone. Dean was poking at the goo and Thomas was near him watching. I approached Dean and said, "It's called an Oblex. I'm pretty sure it's dead, or it'd be doing something."

"Ah. I have no idea what an oblex is but alright." Dean replied.

"It's like a gelatinous cube, but more fwexible." I replied, blinking slowly due to sleepiness. "A monster made of gelatin-like substance."

"Well, I'm glad the wreath worked." Dean said. "Let's see if we can't get you folks situated somewhere."

I went and hugged Thomas, yawning. "Are you okies, Thomas?"

"Thomas is ok." Thomas replied. "A little tired, but Thomas is ok."

"Do you wanna sleep, then?" I asked.

"Thomas would like to go to sleep now, yes." He nodded.

We entered the town, then, and the doors got closed behind us. The guards of this town were watching people, looking out for their own, mostly. I approached Dean, "Where can we sleep that's quiet?"

"Well quiet might be a bit of a tall order at the moment." Dean said. He offered us his room, taking a brief moment to show us where his home is and let us inside.

"Thank you, Dean." I said sleepily, "If you need help, definitely come get me. I'll stab anyone."

"You're a good kid. Go get some sleep." Dean said, looking quite amused.

I took Thomas to the bed with me. Too tired to care that he was a boy and that it was improper. After tucking Thomas in, I half laid on him and fell asleep.

In the morning I woke up to being poked. "Thomas has to pee." He said.

I growled lightly and sat up. He got up to go relieve himself. I fell back to sleep for a few minutes before waking myself up and getting out of the bed. I made the bed up neatly, and left the room. Thomas had found the restroom fine. It was a pretty basic one. I made sure he washed his hands, he hadn't.

We left Dean's house, then. A lot of people were being pretty fussy near the mess hall. It was a high stress situation, after all. People weren't always thankful in the moment that another zone took them in, especially not one primarily made up of kids and crippled people, thieves, like this place apparently was. The Hearthstone people were one missed hand sign telling them to stand down from wrecking the Dueling Rivers people.

There was a single Dueling Rivers person trying to help keep things calm. I frowned, and told Thomas to stay nearby. Then I went to the tables and climbed up on one, so everyone can see me. I cast Silence on the masses once more.

"You ought to be ashamed of yourselves. This Sister Town took you all in and asked NOTHING for the burden of it. Reflect on your actions and apologize for forgetting your manners. Even a motherless child like myself knows better than to behave this way." I glared at them. "Argue with me if you'd like, but behave yourselves in this sister town. I'll drop the spell, but I expect you all to behave like sensible adults that I can learn from."

After chastising them, I looked them over, then dropped my spell, expecting chaos again. But being scolded by a literal child with a pronunciation issues seemed to have embarrassed them. They seemed to be speechless at the moment.

"I knew I liked that one." I heard Dean say.

I hopped down and went over to Dean and said, "I'm sorry I stood up on the table. It was the only way for everyone to see me."

"That's alright. You got your point across, I'd say." Dean said.

"If I was bigger, I'd just beat up the biggest guy and intimidate them." I said. "I gotta use manipulation acause I'm little."

"It's a sign of a great strategist to use what you have. Let's see if we can't get ya'll some breakfast, eh?" Dean asked.

I nodded and said, "Yes, please!"

"Do you have sausage? Thomas will also accept bacon. Please and thank you." Thomas said.

"Let's see what the cooks have rustled up." Dean replied.

Once we got plates of food, we sat at a table and I asked, "How come you don't look sleepy at all? Did you get a wink?"

"It's this wonderous ability called passing out really hard." Dean replied.

"And up in time to play ring leader." I grinned.

"Indeed. Someone has to corall the monkeys. If not they start taking everyone's peanuts." Dean replied.

I laughed and called him an adorable scamp.

Dean put on a posh act and said, "I? A scamp? Nay, meet Eluvian. The Queen of Scamps."

"O' Queen of the Ruckus will clobber you later." I giggled delightedly, seeing the gleam of vengence grace her eyes.

I saw her pinch him, fast as a snake bite. Dean responded with saying, "That never happened."

I giggled and said, "Nice job." I looked at Thomas who was scarfing his food.

Eluvian, when I looked back at her, was sitting up straight, prim and proper, looking very passive as though she'd done nothing. "What never happened?" She asked without even glancing at him.

"Absolutely nothing, precisely." Dean replied. He was also not looking at her.

"Thank you for letting us sleep in your bed. I appreciate your kindness. You aren't stinky for a teen boy." I said.

"Being too smelly can get you caught. Showers are important." Dean replied.

"Thomas said I smell like dogs." I pouted.

"Thomas wasn't wrong." Thomas said between mouthfuls.

"You should not tell a lady that she smells like dog." Dean said, looking at Thomas.

"But.. Thomas was told to tell the truth." Thomas replied.

"Thomas smells like sugar and baby." I joked.

Thomas eyed me and said, "Thomas is gonna go play in mud."

"Won't help ya at all." I laughed. "Unless you wash real good I'll still sniff you out."

Thomas turned to Dean, "Where is bath?" I hugged Thomas and offered him the last bite of my food. He took it and said, "Thomas accepts this peace offering."

Eluvian laughed softly at our antics. Dean looked at her and said, "I knew you could laugh, I knew it all along."

Eluvian chose to finish her breakfast rather than respond to that. Once she finished, she told us to mind our plates and bring them to the wash area. We followed her to do so, obediently. I started helping the people who were washing the dishes. They looked surprised, but just accepted it. Thomas followed my lead and started helping, too.

I noticed Eluvian looking at us, when I met her eyes she asked in a soft voice, "What happened to your mother?"

"My Mama and Daddy were murdered." I shrugged. "It was a few years ago. And Thomas' Mama is on a mission."

"If you need someone to talk to, you can come find me anytime." Eluvian said.

I nodded and said, "Okies. Do you need any help?"

"Not at present." She replied, she then excused herself and wondered off.

Once the dishes were done, we went and found a place to wash up, he was still taking my teasing seriously. I'd still smell like a wolf, regardless. I liked how there were seperate bathing places. I then sought out Dean again, to see if he needed help with anything.

Once I approached him with Thomas, I said, "Look, we're all clean. Aren't I pretty?"

He nudged Thomas, and Thomas said, "Yes."

I laughed and asked, "Do you need any help?"

"At the moment, no. If you want to do your own little patrols.. but I don't have any tasks." Dean replied.

"Okies. Thomas, do you want to help me with a quest? I know you haven't had a chance to join yet, but I'll hold onto it until you have the chance to, so you get credit, too." I said.

"Ok." Thomas said.

As we headed up, I explained to Thomas what the quest was, showing him the paper. It was for a bushel of acorns, and a bushel of milk caps, a type of mushroom found in woods. That was gonna be pretty heavy, now that I really looked at it. Thomas knew where the best acorn trees were, and how to pick them out. He also knew were several mushroom types were, though it took a few times to find the right mushrooms.