
the Sleeping Ox Guild

Sarial Hearthry is a happy girl with a loving family. Her favorite hobbies include cuddling her family members and carrying her baby brother around. Rebeling for the first time, she sets off on an adventure after joining the Sleeping Ox Guild. Where will her adventures take her? We shall soon see. Disclaimer: This story is based on a Dungeons & Dragons homebrew setting. Its all a 'what if' scenario from my player character's point of view, and in few ways reflects actual gameplay. Please allow me to show you the world created by my Dungeon Master as I find a way to give as many of his charactets that I love happy endings.

Irrylath · Fantasy
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82 Chs

Cat's Own

*Arity's POV*

I nodded and he carried me to the bathroom to run a bath. Without thenneed to lift a finger, he had us underessed and in the tub. He's the spoiling type, it appeared. I played with the fur on his chest. He seemed perfectly keen on allowing me. Bathing together felt far more intimate than I realized it was. Especially when he began to help me clean my fur. He got to find out I was ticklish on my sides. He took great pleasure in this fact. Which was fine by me, I enjoyed every minute of having him against me.

My wiggles and squirming had aroused him quite a bit. With little effort on his part he put me in the same state. It was clear immediately that he was more experienced than I was. He remained gentle all throughout the joining of our bodies. Treating me preciously, with a patience and control I didn't realize a person could possess. I initially had tried to please him, too, his skills distracted me entirely.

He continued to hold me after the activity was done, asking me if I was alright, if anything was sore. The reality of it was that he'd been so gentle that I wasn't the least bit sore. I was starving, however. Much to our amusement while we cuddled in the warm water, my stomach had growled it's dissatisfaction.

That meant it was time to get out. We dried each other off. Being thorough. We then dressed, Sarial had given him my bag to keep with me, and we went for a meal. Lucky or not, it was dinner time when we'd come out. Dirthin was carrying me, like he said he would. It wasn't necessary, but it comforted us.

Sarial and Sky were delighted to see me. The greeting from the others was also warm. I noticed over the meal, with some dismay, that Sarial was still nauseous around food. She mostly stuck to broth, but she did eat an apple with it. She staunchly refused anything else. Blanching and covering her mouth when Mills offered her a bite of his food. I used View Aura on her, concerned. It showed me different things than Assess Foe provided.

"Maybe you should try buckwheat gruel." I suggested. "It's not the greatest tasting in comparison to wheat, and many consider it subpar, but it's not bad. Has antioxidants, too."

Sarial looked at me skeptically. "Sure. Why not. Tomorrow." She didn't look at all enthusiastic.

I shrugged a little. I wouldn't force her to. At least this issue of nausea didn't seem to be affecting her baby. The Aura would reveal that. Sky climbed into my lap immediately after he was done eating. He eyed Dirthin as if he expected him to protest his presence.

I felt considerably better after eating. If I had a complaint, I'd say it was that I was growing sleepy. I petted Sky and asked him what he'd been doing while I was away. He started telling me about all kinds of activities Snow Den had the children doing. Distractimg herself from the situation most likely.

"Tyra," Snow Den said, once Sky had stopped speaking, "I appreciate everything you did for Sarial and Dia during this.. event.. I hope you'll take plenty of time to rest now that you are all safe. You don't have to follow through with any of Sarial's current or future plans."

"I'm not sure what my plans entail at this moment. I'll decide later, when I'm feeling myself again." I replied.

"Let's all play a game." Snow Den suggested after everyone had finished their meal.

With majority in agreement, we headed into the family room. Much to my amusement, Dirthin carried me there, with Sky in my arms. Snow Den set up a game for us all to play. A word association game. The goal was to keep it going. If the hyper intelligent people cut off others from continuing the game, they lost, but if you couldn't come up with a word, you lost.

Sky lost a couple of times. Once he started getting sleepy, an end was called to the game. Sarial asked me if she could use the communication device, so I handed it to her. I wasn't concerned with whatever she may do with it. When I was going to take Sky to bed, Dirthin, picked me up once more and carried Sky and I to his room. Dirthin told Sky a story before the child fell asleep. Then we went back to his office, where he grabbed his coat for me. Then he took me to that snowy cliff place where we'd spent two mornings at already.

This definitely wasn't a complaint. I enjoyed high up places that gave me a broader view. Especially after I thought I'd die. I wouldn't say I was comfortable with the idea, but I'd expected it. And now I had a mate at my side. Well, he was carrying me around as if I'm some precious thing, anyways.

I hoped to not get used to it. At the same time, I knew I could get used to it, to being his precious thing. Of everyone, he accepts me. And I belong to him. If that meant accepting when his brother was being a little much and letting it go, I'd do so. But I'd also needle at him as much as possible. Besides, how often do you find a mate that gets along with your family? Not often.

He had in me. I enjoyed his family's company. This wasn't something I could normally say. Soon as we were there, he took me outside for a bit, just to enjoy the view. And I did. I loved seeing him, moonlight or otherwise, but the moonlight made him look like magic.

Much to my surprise, we hadn't even stayed outside long. He took us inside and to the bedroom. When I looked confused at him, he told me he wanted me to rest as much as possible. I'd been up for weeks and he was worried. It was no problem for me to be awake for long hours on end, but I obediently pulled off my day clothes, changing into sleepwear.

He snuggled in next to me once I'd gotten into bed and held me. He had his own personal need to keep me close at this moment. I was sure, that even with as mighty as he was, he'd felt powerless when Sarial and I had been whisked away. More so, when he found no leads as to our whereabouts. Amazingly, I fell asleep quickly.

This time when he woke me for the sunrise, I didn't become frightened. I just awoke slowly, and with a smile for him. I stretched and had an odd sensation that my body was off, different.. Still, I allowed him to pull the coat onto me and take me outside to watch the sunrise together. This time, he sat in the snow and settled me in his lap.

My heart felt whole and together. I started looking inwardly, trying to find the cause to my bodies anomaly. Uncertain, I channeled my View Aura onto myself, which felt odd. Not believing what I saw, I used Access Foe on myself, which felt bizarre. But with this, it was fact. I had gotten pregnant.

I turned my eyes onto Dirthin, away from the rising sun. I noticed he was looking at me, too. "So, I'm pregnant." I told him, bluntly.

He slowly turned his head to look towards the scenery. I wasn't sure if he was processing the news. It was certainly a surprise. I cozied into his arms and turned my attention back to the sunrise. I would wait pariently for whatever he would say or do next.

After the sun had properly risen, I turned my eyes back to him, "You alright, Kitten?"

He looked back to me, patted my head gently, and carefully put me aside in the snow. Then he stood up. He walked to the edge of the cliff, then he roared ferociously until the noise devolved into laughter. He turned quickly and, in a flash, scooped me into his arms. "I can't wait." He said.

"No?" I asked, uncertain of his meaning.

"I just mean I'm excited." He said.

"I'm glad you're excited. Cubs are good things. You've allowed me to become a mother." I smiled at him. "I can hardly believe I get to be the mother to your cub. I'm so happy."

He kissed me and said, "I'm positive they will be an amazing cub, as well. Strong and fiercely intelligent. Hmm.. or a complete goofball, who knows."

I snuggled his chest with a content sigh and began purring. I was confident that my cub would be cherished and treated well. None of my clans bullshit would be taught. They'll be taught family values. Like a Hearthry. "When do you plan on telling your family you're gonna be a father? My detection ability far exceeds magic."

"Hmm.. Maybe at lunch, but I doubt I'll contain myself longer than that." He answered.

"I don't mind either way." I replied, "I'll leave that to your discretion."

"It will be a lot of fun to watch James squirm." He said.

".. Why would he squirm?" I asked.

"When anyone shows they have knowledge he doesn't, it just picks at him." He said with a big grin.

"Good information." I said. "Late, though, since I did give him a lot of knowledge he wouldn't be able to obtain in a book. I could have told it to you and you could have tormented him."

He would snap his fingers. "Darn. Well, we can always find out other things."

"Certainly. Should I ask who remains of my previous clan?" I asked. "I had intended to cut ties, so it's not that important. Just curious."

"To be honest, I'm not sure. It was a bit of a blur of fur and blood." He said.

I shrugged. "You know, I'm reminded of Daelyn's words.. From when I first met the three of you. He'd said, 'We're not part of your clan, you can form bonds with us.' I'd thought it was just a cute cub being silly."

He laughed, "I swear that boy can see the future some times."

"He's a fascinating cub. He hides his aptitudes, aside from music." I said. "I noticed it. Sarial does that, too."

"They never want to outshine each other. They're so worried about it that they hide all that they can do. James knows what they are capable of, but doesn't want to force them." Dirthin explained.

"I suppose I understand the sentiment." I said. "You're smart, too."

He looked at me and said, "What makes you think that?"

"I assessed you, remember? Your strength, intelligence and health all match equally as your strongest qualities." I shrugged. "Hell, you're more intelligent than I am."

"Intelligence can't be flaunted for good, but it can be hidden. My mother told me that so my brother would shine without me getting in his way. Don't get me wrong, it's not because she didn't care for me, but she knew he loved being the smart one and I loved ripping people apart to help him." Dirthin said.

"I see. So his cubs imitate what you've both done." I stated.

"Yes, I suppose they do. Those little ankle bitters probably know us better than they let on." He commented.

"Snow Den also plays dumb." I said. "You all are an odd confusing mix." I noted from the suns position that it was almost breakfast time for the Hearthry home.

"True, true, come let's go eat and mess with my brother." He said.

"Very well." I inclined my head, "How precisely do you want me to help you with that?" We started heading back inside the cabin.

"Well, you could feign ignorance or just smile and say nothing." He suggested.

"Alright. I know what to do." I smiled at him.

We returned to the Hearthry estate to join everyone for breakfast, after putting up Dirthin's coat. Sky greeted us with a washed up face. He smiled brightly, proud of not recieving that scolding.

Dirthin wiped away an imaginary spot and said, "You missed a spot."

The boy was instantly offended. "You lie!"

I petted the indignant boys head. "There, there."

He smiled and said, "Maybe, hard to tell."

Sky looked like he wanted to bite him, thought better of it, and pouted, taking a seat at the table. I smiled at them. Sarial offered me the communication device, as we sat at the table.

"Keep hold of it, you'll likely want it again before I'll have use of it." I pointed out. "Besides, I could just make another part and you keep the main one."

"Are you sure about that?" Sarial asked.

"Generally. I think you're far more in demand than I am." I replied.

"I dont know I can be pretty demanding." Dirthin said.

"Of who?" I asked in a light tone, turning my gaze to him, "Cause you haven't behaved that way with me."

"Just wait, I'm warming up." He said with a grin.

"I see. That's an interesting fantasy." I replied. "I'd recommend asking nicely before trying it out."

"But that defeats the whole purpose." He said.

"Then be defeated. I don't mind an occasional simple victory." I shrugged.

He laughed "Alright, I'll need to try it out some time, then."

I smiled and patted his arm. Snow Den chuckled at this, possibly interpreting the gesture as a 'there, there' kind of move. Dirthin's response was to kiss me, then start smiling at his brother.

I noticed Sarial was served, and able to eat the gruel. I hadn't expected them to take the advice seriously. But the results were good. And I was pleased.

"What is it, Dirthin? Is there some musing you wish to share?" James asked.

"No, Brother. I will be keeping this bit of knowledge to myself." Dirthin replied.

"So, you wish to try and torment me? Fine, I will wait." James said.

I blinked and looked at Dirthin, tilting my head in a semi curious expression, before turning my attention to Sky, who was openly curious bout it. He was staring intently at Dirthin. He simply leaned back in his chair and smiled, showing he was telling no one.

I ruffled Sky's fur and said, "Don't worry bout it, Sky. I'll tell you if I figure it out."

James looked at everyone, then back to Dirthin. "If you do not explain yourself to me, that's one thing. But you should at least tell her."

This surprised me a little, but Dirthin replied, "Oh, I will. Well before I tell you."

"I don't mind." I said. "There are other things I'm curious about anyways."

"What might you be curious about?" Dirthin asked.

"Currently? Sarial's plans. She's looking awfully cheerful today, which is a good change from the recent days. Still, I think her priorities are a touch off, and I suspect her plans reflect that." I replied.

"Oh, they are definitely off. But I'm still gonna follow through." Sarial said.

Dirthin laughed and said, "That sounds about right."

"Unfortunately," Sarial said, "All my plans hinge on others at this moment. The most difficult one would be to speak to Adelaide."

James took note of that and asked, "Do you have a plan to reach her?"

"I've learned some things from my time with Tyra down there. I understood already, in a way, that minds are multifaceted, but Tyra's way of working with the mind is... leveled?" Sarial frowned slightly, "It's like an inverted multi-floored tower in a way. Since Adelaide's mind is flooded with rage, my understanding from the memory-dumping Vakri does, I simply need to work towards the center where the inner thoughts may lay. I have a broad range, too, which helps."

"Hmm.. at least you have a working idea. That will indeed help. When did you wish to leave?" James asked her.

"I've got a few small things to do, but I'd like to head that way after lunch time." Sarial said. "I'm going to visit Haril briefly."

"Are you trying to recruit him?" James asked.

"Idly. Dean's doing a fantastic job, so I don't plan to antagonize him much." Sarial answered, "It's a little strange to hear so much praise towards him, but he seems to have taken to his role well."

"It seems everyone you put into a role has taken well to them." James commented.

"A habit learned from our family." Sarial said dismissively.

"You can try to learn how to place people to make them shine, but I can guarantee you that in your case, it's a natural talent." I said, flicking an ear back, "Attributing everything to James, Snow Den and Dirthin raising is a touch self depreciating. You can't learn natural talent."

"I agree, you are able to do these things because you took your learning seriously and applied yourself to the knowledge you sought." James said.

"Ah. Dad and Tyra tag teaming is scary." Sarial said. "Alright, I'll adjust my speech patterns."

"Besides, I don't think James gave you the idea and willpower to make a town and begin to turn that town into a city." I said. "And I did see those schematics you came up with, do you realize you're under half the age of people who study religiously to draw schematics up correctly?"

"Hadn't really ever quantified it before, no." Sarial said.

"Consider it. You're only 'less than' if you allow yourself to think you are." I told her.

"I just realized I didn't figure out those puzzles." Sarial said, looking quite amused.

With collective amusement from everyone, breakfast was coming to an end. Dirthin told Jasper that they'd resume training today. With a kiss and and affectionate hug, he went with Jasper to his training room; his office. James went to work, leaving Snow Den, the twins, Sky and I to head to the library. Vincent went with Sarial and Mills, after Sarial asked him to. It wasn't odd to anyone, so I let it go.

I decided tonread books with Sky, he was working on learning additional languages. I feared the natural intelligence of a metallic dragon may lead me to be short with my own cub. But after considering it for a bit, I knew that wouldn't be the case at all. My cub could be weak, dumb and wicked like Arena, I'd still love them. I'd just try and teach them better.

That was the biggest difference, wasn't it? Unlike my clan, who valued what an individual could do for the many, I was starting a family with Dirthin who valued the individual. I wasn't sure where his limits towards such things were, but I'd learn. He's my mate for life, after all. He'd agreed to be. A thought crossed my mind as I read about some ancient legend, Sarial's baby would be younger than my own.

Unlike a Leonins six month gestation, humans carry their young for nine months. It'd been just over a month that she's been pregnant, hasn't it? That would leave her delivery almost two months after mine. She's gonna be an anxious wreck. Unless she decides to use the belt to have her child faster. Then again, I could use the belt of Speedy Gestation. That would cause me to birth our cub in twenty-ish days.

I'd need to discuss with Dirthin, if that's something he wants. What would we name our cub? What if there was more than a single cub? Though it was uncommon for our species, it was common in both his family and my clan. Would they be a son, or a daughter? I didn't need to worry about either being disregarded because of their gender with the Hearthry's. This was already made clear to me, by Dirthin. I had nothing to fear.

Sky was getting a little restless, so rather yhan continue reading with him, I took him outside for a walk. We visited the pegasus, Goldy, briefly. I learned Goldy and Sky could talk to each other. Sky told me that Goldy would prefer a different name. It suggested Aurelia or Goldina. We decided we'd let Sarial know.

I showed Sky around the city. Sky was quite interested in the area in the slums that was shifting and moving about constantly. While we were looking at it, a kid told us it was called the 'Unknown'. They told us that it wasn't safe to enter, no one that enters comes out. It was interesting, but we decided to not explore it today.

While we wondered, we came across an incredibly dark skinned man that had black hair and black eyes. He turned those black eyes onto Sky and approached us. I barred my teeth at him, a silent threat, stepping before the man- no, I could feel it now. This was a dragon, too. Anxiously, I picked up Sky and held him close.

The dragon ignored me, eying Sky. "What are you doing here?" He asked. Sky looked at me, which led the dragon to look at me, too. "Ah, you've woke up. And been busy, I see."

"You're the.. one.. who helped us down there? What did you want from that?" I asked him.

"I didn't want anything from the girl, rather, I'd like something from you." The dragon said.

"Which is?" I asked slowly.

"There is a lot of interesting things occuring here." He said, not answering me, "I like the food as well. I wonder where that gold bastard is. Haven't seen him."

"Do you mean James?" I asked.

"James? Ah, the little lion man. No. One of our kind. A dragon. He's older than I am. He'd drive me off immediately." The dragon said. "Ah, my name is Perrundrussi. Perrun is fine."

"Well, Perrun. Thank you for your help, but what do you want? I can't give it to you if you don't say." I pointed out.

"I would like to train your psionics further. In the mean time, I will protect you from the backlash of keeping that one. But I will need to inform them of where their son is." Perrun said.

"Very well. I appreciate that. Please impress upon them that he's been kept safe." I said.

He held out his hand with a small ball in it. "Take it. Keep it." He insisted. "I will give the girl my shedded scales. It will be most handy."

Surprised, I accepted. "Are you sure about that? Your scales are quite sought after."

"I am quite sure. I will bring them after I talk to that ones parents." Perrun said.

I inclined my head, "Thank you. Though I don't see what you gain with these acts."

"I will gain it by doing these things." He said, then vanished.

"Well, that was a thing, huh?" I asked, looking at Sky.

"I hope they won't come." Sky said. "They smothered me."

"I can't relate. Parents are supposed to protect you, worry over you and sometimes it's overbearing. But it's often based in love." I told him.

"I guess. But you aren't like that." Sky said.

"No, I'm very protective and will die for those I protect. And my cubs, you included." I said.

"I'm not a cub, though." Sky said.

"Does that mean you don't want to be my cubs sibling?" I teased him.

"Huh? You...?" Sky looked confused.

"It's a secret for now, but I'm pregnant like Sarial is. Dirthin is of course the father." I told him, petting his head. I was making sure no one would hear me.

He looked super surprised. "Wow! That's amazing. Are you happy? I'll keep it secret."

"Yes, I am. It's ok. Dirthin will tell his family at lunch time." I said. "Probably anyways. He said he wouldn't be able to keep it a secret long, even to bully James with."

The boy laughed. I got him and the rest of the kids some cookies and sweets before returning to the house. Sky was in a much better mood, having gotten some energy out. I offered to train him combat wise. He decided he'd rather just continue studying for the next few years. I firmly told him I'd support him.

Sky was very happy to be the first to know. He didn't show any signs of knowing about the pregnancy. Of course, he was just a child and it doesn't affect his life at this point. So it wouldn't bother him yet. Perhaps there would be some sort of effect on him once my cub is born. I'd try to not have that be so.

At least, unlike most women, I don't need to sleep and can be available for my cub while Dirthin sleeps. I'm so excited to see him as a father. I'm excited to be a mother, something I never foresaw being in my future. Then again, I never saw myself having a mate, either.

Once back in the house, we went back to the library where the cubs, and Snow Den were. Vincent had joined them. Sky went about reading as per usual. I didn't tell the kids about the treats yet. Rather, I passed them to Snow Den.

"You know, considering your relationship with my brother in law, you really should just call me Snow." Snow Den said.

"Are you sure? I wasn't sure if we were that close." I replied.

"I'm sure. We've spent a lot of time together, and I like you just fine. You're a fine addition to the family. Dirthin actually has excellent taste." Snow Den told me.

"Oh.. Alright. I will call you Snow, then." I said. I considered telling her to use my name, too, like I'd asked Dirthin, but he hadn't told anyone about my name. I suspected he was using my name as a personal treasure to keep. I'd ask him first.

She smiled and said "Let's see some things you've got in your bag. I've been dying of curiosity."

I laughed heartily, seeing the attention the request garnered. I began taking things out of my bag. Not any of the cursed things, of course. The kids had crowded around and I explained each thing. Snow and the kids were fixated on learning about each item. They even liked the non magic things. I let the girls have a few items, and oddly, Vincent asked me what I intended to do with these things.

I explained to him I had no intentions towards the items at all. I just kept them because I found them. I could see thoughts racing behind his eyes. So, I told him, if you have use of the items, I'll give them to him. He accepted, but explained he'd set up a contract situation. When Snow questioned him, he explained that he was going to be a merchant in Sarial's town.

An odd choice, but he was excited. I could see it in his eyes, and so did Snow. Amused, I offered him a handshake, telling him I looked forward to his success and would hold onto his stock for him until his shop was set up. He thanked me for the consideration. He talked numbers and percentages with me, and I countered his offer. Keeping the negotiation going. He realized what I was doing pretty quickly and grinned. We agreed on the numbers after a few more back and forths. We shook hands on it again, to confirm it. He said he'd write it all up. His eyes were bright.