
The Sleep Experiment

Chloe_Adams_5886 · Movies
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7 Chs

The Prisoners

World War 2 prisoners were used as the test subject for the sleep experiment.

Many prisoners were tested and the results weren't very well.

At last three prisoners were selected for the experiment ,

Name Age

Jeff. 18

Mike. 35

Daniel. 58

These three subjects were then sent to a gas chamber , on the reinforcement that if they cooperate and survive they will be set free.

Ofcourse their freedom was more important then this creepy experiment.

The details of experiment was shared with them , only the part Russians thought they need to know was just what was the experiment and not it's consiquences.

The experiment was to see that if a human is kept stay awake for 30 days will he survive and for how long he survives, without sleep.