
The Slave's Diary

The diary of Maige Loveless... The story of an African American slave from the 1800s. Read more to learn about her life as a slave and how she escaped to live a better life. ( Includes abuse, death, etc)

Jaxwrites · History
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3 Chs

April 5, 1861

Dear diary...

Today, I slept well compared to the nights before. I was moved into a small cabin, with many beds as thin as a sheet of paper. Doctor Laurence continued to check on me along with a few other patients. I knew I would be leaving almost as soon I was healed. But, I needed to keep myself busy for the time that I wasn't working.

I looked around curiously but my focus shifted once a certain patient caught my eye. A young man, bruised and in pain. I recognized him from the fields but I never had the chance to meet him.

"You know.. it's rude to stare" His voice was scratchy, yet soft. He glanced at me and a weak smile formed on his face.

"My apologies. I didn't realize" I told him. He was smiling. Why was he smiling? Did it humor him? He was in so much pain, and yet he just smiled at me.

He chuckled a little, only to cough afterwards. "It's quite alright, miss. I'm just messing with you. Maige, right? Maige Loveless" He said.

"Indeed. How did you-"

"Your father. He's a good man" He stated adjusting himself on the bed. My father. It wasn't a surprise that they knew each other. My father's quite the chatterbox.

I nodded in understanding. "And you are?" I questioned curiously.

"Elliot" He murmured, coughing again. I nodded once more, staying quiet. We looked at each other and like before, he smiled. A weak, hopeful smile.

"You seem.. happy. Why is it that it seems so easy for you to smile at a time like this?" I asked desperately. I was so desperate to feel that happiness. I wanted to smile the way he smiled. I wanted to laugh the way he laughed. I admired his hope but I also envied it. I wanted it so badly...

"Well, I would rather smile instead of cry. If I pretend to be happy long enough, maybe one day it won't be fake anymore. Without hope, I have nothing left and I don't want to live hopelessly" He explained.

I could see a small amount of light in his eyes. His beautiful, light brown eyes. His features were soft, yet he still had a strong, muscular build. I cleared my throat realizing that I was staring, once again.

He chuckled until a moment later, he was silent. We heard the door open as three men walked in. It was two strong men, along with Mister Black. He stood at the end of Elliot's bed and glanced at the two large men.

"He's the one I need" He told them.

My brows furrowed slightly confused at first. He looked back at Elliot who remained calm.

"But I suppose he's still unstable" He mumbled looking at him carefully. "We'll let you rest one more night but expect us first thing in the morning" He told him.

My eyes widened slightly, realizing exactly what he meant. Elliot was being sold to Christopher Black! But why? He seemed so young and healthy. Why would Mister Prescott want to sell someone who could be of use to him? Someone so durable and strong...

Once the three men left, I looked over at him. "Are you going to be okay?" I asked.

"Yes, I'll be okay" He murmured.

I could feel my chest tighten at his words. Somehow, I didn't believe him. I remembered always hearing rumors about those who worked for Mister Black. Some say, he can be a kind, generous man. But many disagree. Others say he's cruel and pure evil. In that moment, I wasn't sure what to believe.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Indeed. Please try not to worry about me so much, Maige. Try to take care of yourself and your family" He said softly.

A small frown formed on my face as I nodded.

For a few hours after that, we continued to talk. We told stories of when we were children. We talked about our dreams, our interests, and even our similarities. In many ways, we shared our common traits, despite the ways we were different. For the first time, in a long time, I felt genuine happiness...