
The Slave's Adventure

NOTICE: *UPDATE EVERY FRIDAY/SATURDAY* A world where the weak can become strong has been created. The Power is the system that makes the weaker gets stronger, but will they get a happy ending in that world, or will the weak continue to be oppressed by those with higher status? Kanatsumi Tendou's story is proof that this world exists. But unfortunately, his world remains unchanged when he is made a slave by the person who summoned him to a different realm from earth. At this rate, Tendou would only be able to resign himself to this heartbreaking life. But... Who is he and what is his purpose to summon Tendou? What will happen to Tendou?

cilll_fantasy · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 6: Hellish Life

The use of the body, the senses, and the forces of the environment to manipulate power techniques was the core of phase power training, but still, Tendou and Kyosuke had no idea how to do it and they just tried to attack Jun blindly.

Of course, Jun was able to dodge all of Tendou and Kyosuke's attacks effortlessly, probably because Tendou and Kyosuke did not know what they were doing and they lacked any experience in fighting like this. Their attacks even had no regular pattern or direction, which made them look easy to read

Jun, who was tired of constantly dodging their attacks, turned the tables on them by hitting them directly in the stomach so fast, in fact so fast that Tendou and Kyosuke could not see Jun's movements and it was as if they saw him disappear from their sight.

Being hit so hard in the abdomen sent them flying towards the wall in the center of the palace where many royal guards and servants were still wandering around.

Some of them were even confused as to why they did not do the training in the backyard of the palace, but instead did the training in the center room.

"S-Sir Jun, how about practicing in the field so as not to damage the facilities inside the palace?" one of the royal servants said in Pionese, the language of this world.

Jun did not even look at the royal servants and continued walking towards Tendou and Kyosuke, who were groaning in pain after being thrown to the wall, "Do you think they are the kind of people who would listen well to requests? They are not even willing to train and they are wasting their time. There should be some kind of discipline taught to them."

Although he sounded cruel and was known as a psychopath, Jun had many admirers and his fans were immediately intoxicated when they heard his graceful words.

Discipline was exactly what Jun had always wanted to instill in his people, his servants, and his royal guards, because it would build a strong nation so that they would not be spoiled and would be independent in every way.

And that was also one of Jun's goals for now. He wanted the two slaves to understand and apply the idea of discipline.

"Next time, wake up early and be ready for training. This world is not your place to have fun," Jun said as he stopped walking and stood exactly where he had thrown Tendou and Kyosuke.

However, the dust caused by the shards and debris of the wall obscured Jun's vision for a moment so that he was unaware of Kyosuke's presence and only found Tendou lying on the ground.

And suddenly, Kyosuke came from beside Jun, pointing his fist at Jun.

"Interesting~," But Jun must have anticipated that already though he did not expect that from a mere slave.

He then pulled his head away from Kyosuke's fist and after successfully dodging Kyosuke's punch, Jun used his knee to kick Kyosuke's body that was still half floating in the air.

Kyosuke let out a groan as he was hit again by Jun's direct attack.

Tendou still looked very weak, unable to stand up and fight Jun like Kyosuke. He just kept daydreaming, annoyed, because Tendou could not believe that a healer could be that strong.

In video games, most healers only had the duty to heal other characters who were wounded, not someone who could fight at the front.

After all, what if the healer got killed first in battle? That would result in a crushing defeat.

But then again, this concept was different from what Jun had in mind.

"If you think I'm just an ordinary healer who can't fight, you're wrong. I am the right hand of His Majesty Meika. I am the fighter-healer of this land. I won't let anyone get past me and touch His Majesty."

He looked so strong in Tendou's eyes, and just by looking at him, Tendou knew the difference in their strength. But what should he do? Keep quiet and let Jun torment him? That was the worst option.

Then, Jun stopped and let the two of them catch their breath for a moment.

"I told you, use your body, your senses, and the surrounding forces. At least, that is the first thing you should know and do." Jun said again.

Tendou surely understood what he was trying to say since he spoke the same language as Tendou, but Tendou was just an ordinary human who had just been summoned to this world, the concept of power was still vague to him.

A long sigh was heard from Jun when he saw that they did not pay any attention to his words. Suddenly, another waiter interrupted their training, "S-Sorry, Sir Jun, but breakfast will start in a few moments.

A brilliant idea immediately flashed through Jun's mind just by hearing those words.

Jun went over to Tendou and Kyosuke who were lying on the ground and carried them both on his shoulders, "Tell His Highness Meika that I will be late.

The defeated Tendou and Kyosuke were finally taken away by Jun outside the palace after Jun had taken the two swords available at the training ground.

Both of them could not defend themselves because their bodies were still limp, they just remained silent on Jun's shoulders as he quickly ran away from the palace and through a densely wooded area that was quite far from the palace.

As soon as Jun had arrived in the middle of nowhere, he dropped them off in the forest and threw the two swords that he was wearing around his waist in front of them.

"You won't get any breakfast in the palace and don't forget that you are slaves. To survive with the knowledge I have given you is your only task for now. Use your minds to understand the power of the Phase Power. If you can master it, it will be easier for you to live in this world." Jun turned around and was about to leave, but before he did, he said something else.

"And your breakfast... It is your duty to find it on your own. Good luck." And right away, Tendou and Kyosuke were left in the middle of a thick, dark forest. They didn't even know the way out and couldn't even see the path of the forest.

Of course, they wanted to escape, at least that's what Kyosuke said when he got up from the ground after resting for a while. "Hey, I'm going to leave this place and find a countryside where I can live peacefully".

"Huh, Are you crazy? Didn't you know that we have a contract with them? They'll definitely come looking for us," Tendou said calmly.

"I don't care, are you coming with me? Or are you going to let them torture us even more?"

Of course, Tendou was unwilling. To be tortured like that was the last thing he wanted. Even in his past life, Tendou's desire was for a painless death, since he hated the idea of a painful death.

So he decided to escape from the forest with him, but what they got instead was a winding path that went deeper and deeper into the forest.

No matter how long they traveled through the forest, they had yet to find a way out.

Then, after a while, they saw a light beyond them. Excitedly, they ran towards it, but what they found was a very large beast with very sharp fangs.

It was similar to a tiger, but completely different.

Haiger, was its name. Its color was deep red, its fur looked like a blazing fire, its nails were very long, and its fangs protruded from its mouth and touched the ground due to their length.

It was even twice the size of an adult human, making Tendou and Kyosuke's skin crawl and their legs tremble as they stared at the beast.

And despite its size, the Haiger roared so loudly that Tendou and Kyosuke covered their ears, their eardrums ringing like crazy from the Haiger's roar.

Tendou took a stance and aimed his sword at the Haiger, although he thought that his weapon alone wouldn't be enough to defeat the beast.

But instead, his sword broke when he tried to slash the beast, and it turned the tables by clawing at Tendou's hand, leaving a very deep wound. To the point that Tendou's hand was almost separated from his body.

Tendou's pupils dilated when he saw his dangling hand and he screamed loudly for help.

On the other hand, Kyosuke fled in fear when he saw Tendou's terrible condition. But still, the Haiger did not let Kyosuke go and chased after him.

And sure enough, the Haiger was much faster. In the end, he clawed at Kyosuke's back from behind and even bit Kyosuke's neck as if he wanted to devour him.

In just a moment, Tendou and Kyosuke's lives were almost gone.

And their plight was carefully watched by someone who sat on the tree and calmly observed their progress, and it was Jun.

"Sigh~ I left them for a while just to have breakfast, and they almost lost their lives already. It's only been 2 hours and they tried to escape from this forest and ran into a Haiger instead. What a useless slave. Your Highness Meika, you sure cannot summon them to this world just because you want to. That will only traumatize them more than you think."

From afar, Jun suddenly used his power to heal them again, "Heal."