
The Slave's Adventure

NOTICE: *UPDATE EVERY FRIDAY/SATURDAY* A world where the weak can become strong has been created. The Power is the system that makes the weaker gets stronger, but will they get a happy ending in that world, or will the weak continue to be oppressed by those with higher status? Kanatsumi Tendou's story is proof that this world exists. But unfortunately, his world remains unchanged when he is made a slave by the person who summoned him to a different realm from earth. At this rate, Tendou would only be able to resign himself to this heartbreaking life. But... Who is he and what is his purpose to summon Tendou? What will happen to Tendou?

cilll_fantasy · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 5: Phase Power

"The two of you will be introduced to the whole country in a week, at least that's what His Majesty Meika planned from the beginning, and before that, you have to build up your body and muscles so that you look better than your current pitiful state." Kirara explained.

Kyosukse wrinkled his face when he heard the 'insult' from the secretary of the nation and tried to reach out and touch her collar. But with only a 'cold' look in her eyes, Kyosuke's body was frozen in place, unable to move at all.

"Please do not use force unless it is necessary. Trying to fight me is a rather despicable decision and it is better to think twice. It is a waste of time."

This is what happened when they tried to challenge someone stronger. Those who try, instead of looking intimidating, look embarrassing and underwhelming.

Kyosuke was quite upset because he really wanted to beat the secretary up, but Kirara was quite calm and did not feel threatened by the weak human in front of her.

Unlike Kyosuke, Tendou did not care and turned around to hurry back to his room. After all, he had no desire to fight with the people there and just wanted to live quietly.

Quietly? Was he entitled to a quiet life? Just by being there, he could cause trouble for others if he thought about it. A person who didn't deserve to live in any world he lived in.

But did he deserve to die? His heart and mind were still filled with remorse, and Tendou wondered what would happen if he met his brother when he died. What would he say to Tendou?

Would he be angry for saving Tendou to such an extent that he lost his life? Would he send Tendou to hell so that he wouldn't be able to enter heaven because he wasn't worthy?

Or would he? Would his father drag him to hell?

All these regrets would definitely haunt him for the rest of his life.

Still, he tried to hide those regrets because no one in this new world even knew about that incident.

Then he attempted to close the door but he could not, since it was almost twice as large as he was. He wasn't in that level of strength yet.

Tendou was a little surprised because he had thought that the door would be easy to move since Kirara had opened it easily before.

Before she left, Kirara opened the door with a flat expression and a small sigh.

"Thank you very much," Tendou said.

"I don't see the point. The most important thing is to rest. Tomorrow is your first training day."

Then Kirara left them and let them rest in peace. And after Kirara had disappeared from Kyosuke's sight, he could move his body again.

But of course, Kyosuke was still angry. He wanted to beat Kirara mercilessly for insulting him. Besides, it didn't matter to him if Kirara was a woman or not, one day, he would definitely have a go at her.

And when he entered his room, Kyosuke was even more annoyed when he realized that he could not close the door with his shamefully small body.

Then he clicked his tongue, "I really will teach her a lesson one day" Then Kyosuke entered the room by leaving the door open so that several servants and royal guards could see the room from outside like an aquarium.

But he was unaware of that.

On the other hand, Kirara went to the room and knocked on the door before entering the room where Meika was. It is 'The Hoch Room'

The Hoch Room was on the top floor, or you could say the 5th floor, because the palace had 5 floors, so it was not too far, where Mitte was on the 3rd floor of the palace.

Moments later, Meika's voice could be heard inviting Kirara to enter the room and she was not at all surprised to find Meika still standing there, trying to straighten his tie. And indeed, her tie was still untidy.

Kirara approached Meika and put her hand on his tie, trying to straighten it so that Meika would look neater.

"You fool. Aren't you the king of this land? A king should at least know such things." Kirara said.

Giggling, Meika replied, "Sorry, sorry. I knew I could count on you~ You are the best and you can definitely be a good wife - UEEEGH" Meika let out a groan when the tie suddenly strangled her neck after Kirara had tightened it.

Kirara's face turned red after hearing that, so she hid her face to avoid looking at Meika. But she knew that was not what the king meant. Kirara knew that Meika did not mean that she would be a good wife for Meika, but for others.

Although Kirara finally replied, "I won't marry, didn't I say that already?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to insult you. It's just that I've always wondered why a sweet woman like you doesn't want to get married? Even some of the royal guards have asked for my help to get close to you."

"Sigh, I just don't want to," Kirara said. But after this line, Kirara let out a further whisper "No, if it's not with you."

Meika was confused at the sight of Kirara, who was only silent due to the fact that she hid her face. But Kirara scolded him that he should have gotten ready earlier since the meeting would literally start in a few seconds.

Kirara was perplexed. How could the king, who looked so fierce, strong and charismatic in front of the people, be so careless in front of her? He even used to tell Kirara not to call him 'Your Majesty' when they were alone, because they were really close since they started living in this world.

But after that, Kirara actually smiled a little when she realized that she was the only one who knew his careless nature. 'Fufu, I won't let others find out,' Kirara thought.

Meika then sat down and shortly after, a holographic screen appeared in front of them, telling them to wait for the meeting to begin.

"Ah," while they were waiting, something went through Kirara's mind. "Your Highness Meika."

"Didn't I say that when it's just the two of you, you don't need to be so formal?" Meika replied.

"Ah, the meeting will start soon, so I have to be formal in case the call is suddenly connected to all the other kings"

"Hm~ If that's what you want~ What is it, Kirara?" He replied playfully.

"Tomorrow, who will train the two new people? Slave 1 and Slave 2? I suggest Lia, so they can absorb all the information about the power in this world. Lia has already proven to be the most experienced teacher in terms of 'Phase Power' - so..."

"No need to worry... I've prepared everything... And... The one who will train them is Jun."

Hearing Meika's answer, Kirara's pupils widened, "J-JUN? Meika. Are you crazy? You know how crazy that guy is, right? He is a psychopath."

With a little smile revealed on his face, he replied coldly. "That's exactly it."

Their conversation was interrupted after the call was connected and several other screens appeared in front of the king, Meika's face. Kirara stood up straight beside the seated Meika.

"Is everything already here? I think so. Well, I, as the moderator, declare that the assembly is in session with the topic... war".

Back to Tendou. He was just in a state of rest while he had visions of his future in this world.

It was a wonderful place. Even though he was a slave of a king, they still treated him like a guest.

Not a bad life for someone who was hurt in the previous world.

But he did not know what the future would bring. Tendou thought it would be okay, so he wanted to close his eyes and sleep. Until...

"Where are the rooms of Slave 1 and Slave 2?" someone asked with Pionese Language.

Pionese language was the language everyone used in that world, a language that arguably made it easier for them to communicate with other countries because it was the international language in that world.

"Ah, I heard they were occupying Mitte."

The servants and royal guards also saw the person, and their bodies trembled endlessly. The presence of this person was extremely frightening in the kingdom because he was known as "The Psycopatic Doctor"

Jun Zuvarist Ilion, or the right hand of the king next to Kirara, was going to Tendou's room to summon both Slave 1 and 2 for training.

It was only 4 a.m. when the biggest star that worked like the sun named Gavius had not even risen yet.

Jun was shocked when he arrived and opened the door to find Tendou still sleeping, not yet ready for training.

When he entered, he stood on Tendou's bed.

"Japanese it is, so this will be easier", Jun said.

Without further ado, he put his hands around Tendou's neck and strangled him so tightly that he had no breathing room. Trying to look at the person who had suddenly strangled him, Tendou's eyes popped open.

"Y-You..." Tendou recognized him. Still, he did not know the reason why he had strangled him. Tendou wondered if he had done something to unintentionally insult Jun.

Tendou then hit Jun's hand, but Jun's hand was much more muscular and hard than Tendou's.

"What... did I do... to you..." Tendou could barely speak.

"It's time to train, so get up!" Jun then threw Tendou's body away until it hit the wall outside his room, making a noise that startled some of the servants there.

His fragile body was smashed so hard that Tendou suffocated from the immense force, and several parts of his body were torn and even broken. Not only that, but his mouth was drooling as he had trouble breathing.

He continued to stare upwards while trying to catch his breath.

Tendou tried to move his body, but it was too hard for him because moving would hurt the injured parts of his body. Nevertheless, he wanted to move his body in case Jun would attack him again.

However, when his eyes focused on the room where Jun was, he did not find him there. Instead, he saw that the wall in his room had suddenly been shattered, and pieces of it were scattered all over the room.

And why did he smash the wall?

It was because he wanted to do the same to his neighbor, Kyosuke.

Within seconds, he also saw Kyosuke being thrown towards him and finally, Kyosuke's body slammed into him.

As the two tried to endure the pain and catch their breath, Tendou and Kyosuke found Jun already standing in front of them.

"Weren't you told that today is the first day of training?"

Of course, they had been told by Kirara, but Kirara had not told them when and where they would practice. Besides, they did not think that they would be practicing where the sun had not even risen yet.

Kyosuke looked at Jun angrily. How could he not? He just wanted to rest in peace for a while but instead, he got beaten up just because he was woken up to practice.

Kyosuke stood up and shouted loudly, "If you want to kill me, just kill me! I wanted to finish my life in the previous world anyway!"

Jun narrowed his eyes. His hand was slowly raised and aimed at Kyosuke, thinking that he was about to be beaten by Jun once again.

But no, Tendou saw the same scene from the previous day where Jun was covered with a green aura and the particles of the aura were directed at Kyosuke and he knew what he was about to do.

"Phase 2: Heal," Jun said.

And in an instant, Kyosuke's body was healed and unharmed. But why did Jun do that?

"Die? Don't expect it." Jun quickly ran towards Kyosuke with his fist, "Phase 1: Body Shield". His hand became much harder and more muscular. By using his power, his body can become harder than metal, allowing him to use his body as a shield to defend and even attack.

Just like what he did this time.

Jun's hard hands smashed into Kyosuke's ribs until some of the bones shattered. His life flashed before his eyes and he thought he was dead until he heard again. "Phase 2: Heal."

Yes, Tendou realized what he was up to. He would not let them die. Inevitably, they would be trained even if their bodies were destroyed. With such ease, Jun would heal their bodies and force them to train again.

Jun also looked at Tendou, who was silent because his body could not be moved.

And of course... Tendou's body was healed by Jun with his power, but shortly after that, Jun walked up to Tendou and strangled him. Due to the fact that Jun himself was up to 20 centimeters taller than Tendou, Tendou's body was easily lifted until it floated above the ground.

"There's no time to enjoy yourself. The moment you were summoned to this world, you had no choice but to obey the orders of His Highness Meika when he used his power to give you a contract."

Tendou did not understand what he meant. When did they get the contract and what was it for? Was it when Meika called them Slave 1 and Slave 2?

"Power in this world can be acquired through various obstacles, training, and tests. However, there is another case where you will gain power through a contract directly from the king."

What kind of power was he talking about? Was it the power where the king, Meika, hit Kyosuke without touching him? And where Jun healed the wounds on Kyosuke's body?

If that was the case, Tendou's questions would indeed be answered one by one as time passed. But was it time to relax, knowing that his questions would be answered? When he didn't even know if he would survive the training of this psychopathic doctor, Jun?

"I won't let you live a life of leisure while receiving special treatment from Her Highness Meika. I will show you a terrible life where you will not live in peace."

With ease, Jun threw the tendou that was still in his hand to the side of Kyosuke, who still sat immobile due to the trauma of the fatal attack that had hit his body.

"I'll do this explanation just once. In this world, we have a power called Phase Power. This Phase Power has three phases where you will use your body to release the energy. Phase 1: Outer Body. This is where you focus your energy on your limbs, such as your muscles, eyes, and so on. Phase 2: Inner Energy. By unleashing your inner energy and transforming the power with your technique, the power can be used as needed. And Phase 3: Core. When you combine your outer power with your inner energy, you will be able to create a very rare power," Jun explained. Jun explained.

Just because its a dialogue, doesnt mean you shouldnt space it out correctly. Also, double `jun explained`

"I'll do this explanation just once. In this world, we have a power called Phase Power. This Phase Power has three phases where you will use your body to release the energy.

Phase 1: Outer Body. This is where you focus your energy on your limbs, such as your muscles, eyes, and so on.

Phase 2: Inner Energy. By unleashing your inner energy and transforming the power with your technique, the power can be used as needed.

And Phase 3: Core. When you combine your outer power with your inner energy, you will be able to create a very rare power," Jun explained. Jun explained.

Of course, just listening to the theory would not make people who were new to the concept of such a power understand it and Jun could tell by their expressions that Kyosuke, who was suffering from the trauma, and Tendou, who could not process it and just stared blankly, did not understand it.

"Of course, you won't understand it unless you practice." Jun folded his long sleeves. "On your feet, I will do the training for you, so that you won't be a burden to this country."

And at that moment, Tendou realized. That this life was his hell life, no different from the previous world.