
The Slave's Adventure

NOTICE: *UPDATE EVERY FRIDAY/SATURDAY* A world where the weak can become strong has been created. The Power is the system that makes the weaker gets stronger, but will they get a happy ending in that world, or will the weak continue to be oppressed by those with higher status? Kanatsumi Tendou's story is proof that this world exists. But unfortunately, his world remains unchanged when he is made a slave by the person who summoned him to a different realm from earth. At this rate, Tendou would only be able to resign himself to this heartbreaking life. But... Who is he and what is his purpose to summon Tendou? What will happen to Tendou?

cilll_fantasy · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 4: New Place

With Tendou and Kyosuke now in the possession of Meika, the leader of the Veda Kingdom, the ritual had officially ended.

Some of the bodyguards and subordinates of the king had been allowed to return to their respective places as well.

Some of them returned to their apartments, some to their homes with their families, and some stayed in the castle provided by the king himself because they had a very high rank in the kingdom.

The king left the room where Meika had summoned them to this world, followed by Tendou and Kyosuke. They were originally in the underground room of the castle, and it was time for them to leave the room and be brought to the dwelling Meika had prepared.

And after the exit from the room, what Tendou saw was not wrong, even though it was just a glimpse of the outside world through the glass of the room.

'Glass... No...' Tendou thought.

Meika asked him, "Ruda wa zva la madani suariska?", seeing Tendou's confusion.

Hearing the king's question, Tendou remained confused and after a while, he turned to Kyosuke with a frown on his face.

"Ah. That's right, our languages are different, huh? We already left the magic circle where you can understand my language," Meika realized when he didn't hear the answer from Tendou.

Tendou replied nervously, "Yes, now I understand your words, Your Highness."

Tendou was not used to his current role of being a slave to his master. He also had to address someone as 'Your Majesty', which was something that very few people in the world he lived in were addressed as such.

But the king himself was being odd. He seemed to smile contentedly when he saw Tendou and Kyosuke behind him, which made Tendou wonder what was the reason for his mood.

"Actually, I learned your language before I called you here, that's why I can speak your language."

Of course, it had been on Tendou's mind for some time, but he had not expected that the king would actually bring it up.

It was not that Tendou did not care about these things. It was just that there were still many secrets that had not been revealed to him. For example, how the king could knock someone down and hurt them without touching them, what magic the king had used, and many other things.

And once again, the king was aware of the curiosity of Tendou.

"It seems you have a lot to ask, slave 1".

Without denying it, Tendou answered. "I would be lying to you if I didn't take an interest in the burning questions in my head. Of course I want to get those answers, but I think... I have no reason to be in a hurry and will surely have the answers in the course of time".

Hearing this, the king turned around and continued on his way. "You've got enough guts for a slave, huh?"

From the boy's words, the king could guess that Tendou was expecting to live a long life

He forgets that a slave is usually a victim of the owner. For example, if the owner was in debt, he might be sold to a new owner who might be even more cruel than the previous owner.

Tendou let this happen, but not for the person at his side, Slave 2, Kyosuke.

"Tch," he clicked his tongue, "...stop talking nonsense if you don't want to die at my hands."

Of course, hearing this did not frighten Meika, the king of the Veda Kingdom. A nobody trying to frighten a king, it looked like a cat trying to frighten a tiger.

Instead, Meika took it as a joke as he chuckled, "I'm just kidding. Anything you want to ask, just ask. I'll answer as best I can."

Tendou was a little hesitant to ask about very sacred matters. Perhaps it would be better for the time being if he would just ask something as light as this,

"This building is made of something that looks like glass in our world. In short, glass is an inorganic material formed by the fusion of several basic materials, which are then cooled to a solid phase without crystallization. One of the main ingredients is silica sand. And it looks exactly like the glass in our world when you look at the materials of the floor, the walls, and even the decorations on the walls in this castle."

Tendou knew much about such details because since the death of his brother in his former life, he tried to spend his time with various activities such as reading articles, playing games, and other things that made him forget about his brother's death.

But in the end, he couldn't forget it.

But there was something strange about Meika's reaction.

When he heard the question, the monstrous-looking king laughed so hard that his mouth opened wide and his eyes became watery. Even some of the servants and guards of the palace were confused because they had never seen the king laugh like that before.

Instead, Tendou was the one who was disturbed that some people looked at him so strangely.

"So that's what you wanted to ask when you first arrived in a world so different from yours? That really hurt my stomach because I have not laughed so much in a long time," Meika said.

Then he wiped his tears with his index finger and stood up straight, "Quantan obsidian stone. It is the hardest mineral in this world, it looks transparent and yet it can be very thick, not that non-crystallized stuff like what you called glass in your world" He then tapped on the wall made of the same material, producing a short sound that indicated that it was very solid.

Tendou could not believe what he had just heard.

With this proof, he knew even more about the difference between Tendou's and Meika's strength, considering how easily he had cracked the most powerful mineral in this world when he had defeated Kyosuke.

"So, does that answer all your questions?"

Calmly, Tendou replied, "For now, that's probably all I want to ask."

As they chatted a bit, a woman suddenly interrupted them. "Your Highness Meika."

The woman with the navy blue hair and the round glasses was carrying several documents in her arms and was holding them tightly so that they would not fall down, calling the king with their language.

Since her body was smaller than Meika's, she looked up to see Meika in his eyes. Although she looked cute in everyone's eyes, the woman was actually quite fierce and stern.

"Do you have any idea that the meeting with the other countries is just around the corner?" The woman was angry with Meika.

"Don't be so grumpy, Kirara. You don't have a cute face with that kind of attitude."

"I don't care about being cute, hurry back to the room, the meeting will start soon. Don't tell me you forgot the meeting."

"I definitely remembered, I just wanted to take the slave I just got to their place." All of a sudden an idea popped into Meika's head.

He patted the woman's shoulder and said, "Good idea, how about I go to the meeting room and you take them to where they live. Take them to Mitte."

Mitte was one of the places the king provided for them. But the difference was that the room was very special because it was right in the center of the castle. Yes, it was. It was right in the middle. On the middle floor and also centered, as if it was the castle's core.

Kirara then looked behind Meika where Tendou and Kyosuke were, "Ah. So they are your new slaves? I heard that you just summoned someone from Earth."

"Yes, you are right. Well, I will leave them to you then, okay?"

"You always give me unnecessary tasks," Kirara replied with a long sigh. "All right, leave it to me. The most important thing is that you don't be late for the meeting, you know how the leaders act when they get upset."

Before he left them all, Meika chuckled, "You're right. They are very handful. But don't say such unkind things about them. After all, they are the chosen ones in this world."

On the other hand, there were many new things that Tendou wanted to know, but if he rushed to find out the information that was not necessarily important, it could put his life in danger.

And after that, the king left them all alone. And the woman took care of them.

And since both Meika and Kirara talked in their language, both Tendou and Kyosuke left all confused without knowing what they talked about.

But of course, Kirara knew where they came from and approached them with their language.

"So, your names? Is talking with this language alright?" Kirara asked Tendou and Kyosuke.

But both were silent and did not give her an answer. The sight of this situation made Kirara angry "Are you all statues? Why don't you answer me?"

It was obvious that Kyosuke was not an easy person to communicate with, so he did not want to answer Kirara.

But with Tendou, it was a different story. He might not be easy to communicate with either, but that did not mean that he did not want to answer her. It was just that he had no idea what to do in front of people who were probably much higher in rank than he was.

"Slave 1, Tendou. And this person is slave 2, Kyosuke. Yeah, Japanese is alright."

"Hey! Who told you that you are allowed to introduce me to her, damn it!" Kyosuke laid a hand on Tendou's collar.

And it could be seen that the two of them did not get along with each other on the very first day they met. That made Tendou even more worried about how they would get along in the future.

"Follow me, and just call me Kirara," Kirara said as she turned her body and walked away.

Kirara Zuvarist Ilion was her name and she was the secretary Meika relied on.

Her cold demeanor made her inaccessible to those outside the realm, but her sweet appearance attracted the attention of some of the king's guards.

Because she did not like to talk about trivial matters, she was also famous among the guards for being cold. She had a preference for people who were straight to the point.

Suddenly a long sigh came from Kirara on their way.

Tendou, who originally wanted to ignore Kirara, felt bad if the atmosphere between them was a bit uncomfortable.

"Uh, sorry if we bothered you."

With these words, Tendou hoped to calm Kirara down and even allow her to take out her frustration on them.

Isn't that what slaves are for? So that the owner can use them however he wants, one of them being to take out his frustration on the slave.

But something caught Tendou's attention.

"Huh? I'm not complaining about you, really. It's just that the clumsy king always makes me go the extra mile. Just because he's handsome, wise and strong doesn't mean he can make me do everything he says."

Immediately, she realized that she was saying such trivial things to people she had just met. Kirara regretted it and looked back, "I... It's not that I like His Highness Meika, huh! It's just that we've been together for a while, so I know what he's like and likes to do!"

Her face was flushed, but she did not dare to show it to Tendou and Kyosuke.

Unfortunately, Tendou and Kyosuke had already seen her blushing face.

Kyosuke, who liked to speak openly, tried to say something: "Huh? You like him, I can even see..."

But luckily, Tendou covered Kyosuke's mouth and whispered to him instead, "Hey. You know that the people here are a lot stronger than us. If you anger them, you know what they'll do to you, right?"

"Huh? I don't care about-"

"Calm down, Your Majesty Kirara. We have neither heard nor seen anything." Tendou said.

Kirara also came over to them with a very frightening expression clearly written on her face, "Take it easy, if any rumor starts to spread, I know who is to blame. And yes, I will take you to the basement and make you all suffer there."

Thus, she turned around once more and walked to an adjacent door, while taking the key she had in her robe with her.

"Take it easy, but the king won't let that happen, I'm just kidding."

Tendou let out a long sigh of relief when he heard that. He thought his life would be over the moment he lived in this world.

"Alright, now the rooms you will stay in. Slave 1, Tendou, you will occupy room 101 and Slave 2, Kyosuke will occupy the room next to it, 102."

The door was huge, probably twice or even three times higher and larger than her body. Their jaws dropped and their mouths opened wide when the door opened and saw an amazingly beautiful and spacious room behind the door.

The bed itself was a king's size bed, and the frame was even decorated with glittering jewels. Lamps shone brightly in the room, and the floor and walls were made from the same materials as the castle - Quantan obsidian stone

Their minds were in a state of confusion.

Weren't they just slaves? Why were they given such a beautiful and large place when their position was the lowest status?

The look on Kirara's face, however, showed seriousness,

"Here you stay, rest well and we apologize if the facilities are insufficient." Kirara said.